
The Marked: Leaking of Realms

A Woman by the name of Sephrina is attacked in her home by some sort of supernatural creatures however it is not a surprise to her that they exists. When she is chased from her home she is beaten with an inch of her life and taken away by a small group of people who are more than they seems to be. Sephrina, though reluctant can't help but unconsciously open up to the group, one member in particular, Darren, as they help her and she helps them. Trouble never seems far from this group of six, whether it be major or minor incidents and Darren seems to be sneaking off quite often to go and talk to someone or thing in the woods. Disclaimer: Cover is temporary until I make my own.

Frost_Fox_2500 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 1: Attacked

A tall woman about six feet tall has one green eye and one blue eye, her right eye green, left eye blue has her long red hair in a high pony tail reaching to the small of her back is dressed in a bright red tank top that has an open back with spaghetti straps and bright pink shorts that reach to her knees is running down a back road with her sister who has long blonde hair in a low pony tail, is just as tall as her and is dressed in a long yellow short sleeve shirt and navy blue shorts. As they run they talk about things going on in their life. "Why would he say that to you Mina?" The red head asked the blonde, Mina.

"I don't know Sephrina." Mina said to the ginger, Sephrina.

As they ran they passed a trail into the woods making Sephrina stop and turn back. "Mina, hold on!"

Mina jogged in place for a moment before making her way back to Sephrina. "What's up?"

Sephrina looked back to Mina with playful eyes. "Wanna go on an adventure?"

Mina groaned in annoyance but couldn't help the smile that was growing on her face as she followed Sephrina into the wooded trail off the back road as the sun hung low in the sky. As they ran they had to make their way down a a steep hill, Sephrina running sideways to help her stay upright and Mina slowing her pace. Once at the bottom of the strep hill they came to a clearing that stretched far across a flat field, weeds growing up to their waist. At first they just stared at the beautiful site, rose bushes seemed to be growing on the edge of the clearing, taking it in and catching their breath. An idea suddenly came to Sephrina's head and only considered it for a moment before smacking Mina's arm and shouted "Tag your it!" Giving Mina no time to respond she runs into the field.

Not sure if Mina was chasing her or not she looks behind her and saw that Mina is hot on her tail. The two ran around the field playing tag until night started approaching swiftly and when they realized that it was getting a little too hard to see they looked around for the trail and only just realized that there were multiple trails leading away from the clearing. They started looking for something that they may have recognized when they had gone into the clearing but couldn't find anything. They weren't being expected back at their house until maybe an hour or so later because they liked running really late in the day as it wasn't so hot. When it became apparent that they had no idea where they had come from Mina pulled out her phone and tried calling for their mom, Sephrina did the same but their phones didn't get any cell service.

The full moon started shining bright and Sephrina stopped and closed her eyes, listening intently to the noise around her. The bushes to her right seemed as though something was moving them around agitatedly, the sound of a car driving by in the distance came from her left but when she felt the strong gaze of eyes on her she froze. She opened her eyes and slowly turned her head to the left to see a pair of bright green eyes glowing through the bushes, had they not been the color of emeralds they would have blended in. Fear did not fill Sephrina's body completely it did however start to bloom like a flower in Her chest. "Mina" she said quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

Mina looked up from her phone a little agitated first looking to her then looking to where she was looking. "What?" She asked, not seeing what she saw.

"Run up the trail that's on my left side and don't stop." Sephrina said not taking her eyes off the eyes that stared back at her.

"How do you know that's the right trail?"

Sephrina slowly stepped back from the creature in the bushes turning her front towards it and as she did the creature got closer to her. A massive black as night wolf slowly emerged from the bushes but it wasn't growling, or even snarling, it was fixated on Sephrina and she found this giant beast majestic, it's fur looked soft to the touch, it's eyes glinted in the moon light, had it not been for it's size, Sephrina doubted she'd fear it at all. Mina's eyes widened so much they looked like they were going to pop right out of her head. "Go!" Sephrina yelled worry for her sister overtaking her fear completely, she turned away from the majestic beast and took off, her sister doing the same.

They barely got into the tree line when the wolf closed the distance between them, it's teeth biting down around her right thigh, letting out a cry of pain she tried to turn to face her death but at how the wolf's jaws had closed around her thigh it gave her little room to turn about however it didn't feel like the bite was too far into her thigh. Mina stopped and turned staring at her sister not knowing what to do, how she could possibly help in this situation as the wolf started dragging her back not taking it's eyes off of her. They had just got back to the clearing when the wolf suddenly lets go of her and she turns to see another pair of wolves, not as massive as the black one facing off against it. Sephrina used this chance to get up and run; or rather try to run. Her leg gushed blood and it poured down to the ground however she pushed herself to get up the hill, not realizing how steep the hill actually is. Adrenaline starts pumping it's way through her body barely allowing her to get up the hill and to the end of the road.

When she gets there she is covered in sweat and blood, she looks up to see Mina on the phone running towards her. "How did you escape!?" Mina asked almost in disbelief.

"More wolves came and started attacking... Each other." The adrenaline is still strong for the moment.

She knows that she has to stay strong for he sister and stay awake after the adrenaline wears off. "Mom is on her way just hold on okay."

Sephrina takes off her shirt leaving her in her shorts and blue floral patterned sports bra, she pulls a pocket knife that was clipped to the inside of her bra and opens it not wasting any time to cut up the once nice tank top and tie it tight on the upper part of her thigh. She takes the other half of her tank top and wraps it around her wounds. Before anything else she grabs a small stick from the ground and bites onto it before pulling the cloth tight, biting harder on the stick as she does so and breaking it. She spits it out as nd the pieces that broke off and they had just barely finished that when their mom pulls up and helps them into the car, driving off to the hospital.

As the days passed her thigh healed remarkably fast and she was running with her sister again in just a week, her sister felt awful for not doing more to help but Sephrina assured her that she did the right thing, they don't run on the back road anymore though, now they run on sidewalk in the city.

They are both laughing as they make jokes about their family light heartedly as they run on the dark sidewalk only getting lit up by the street lights. They were joking around with each other and rounded a corner not paying attention to their surroundings when Sephrina smacks right into someone's solid mass knocking her back sending her towards the road as a semi truck is driving towards them. Sephrina closes her eyes waiting for the inevitable to happen when she feels a pair of strong arms grab her and pull just before she collides with a firm chest. Sephrina hears the truck pass and feels a firm hand on the back of her head. She looks up to the person that she had ran into- quite literally- and is met with a pair of green eyes looking back at her. "Are you hurt?" The man asks in deep voice with a lock of black hair falling over his face.

Sephrina loses herself in his voice for a moment and not being able to help but get lost in his eyes as well while she looks into them. They seem familiar somehow. A clearing of the throat from Mina pulls her back to the ground and she backs away from the man that saved her and clears her own throat. "Yes, thank you. I'm sorry for running into you, we should pay more attention to where we are going."

Sephrina looks down and then to her sister who has a pointed look on her face. The mysterious man looks to Mina then back to Sephrina. "Be more careful next time." He replies turning his back to them and walking away.

Sephrina watches his back as it gets farther from her for only a second before turning to Mina who has a 'someone has a crush' look on her face. "What?" Sephrina asks trying to play coy.

"You like him." Mina says dragging out her words making herself sound like a child.

Sephrina rolls her eyes relaxing her hand's into her pockets reaching for her phone but when her left hand hits something that crinkles she stops and pulls the foreign object out of her pocket. A piece of paper had found it's way into her hand and she can't stop herself from looking to where she last saw the man standing but is met with an empty sidewalk that stretched on for at least a mile that she could see. She had noticed that her eye's have gotten better at seeing distances where as before it was a little fuzzy.

Over the next week Sephrina went to work as if nothing in her life had changed, noticing her eye's sight getting better she summed it up to the optometrists office, she was constantly making her eye's work harder, her sense of smell also seemed to change a bit but she waved it off, all of her senses had already been good they were just getting a little better or she was just noticing how good all her senses were. She kept having the same dream of when she was staring into the eye's of that wolf and they looked at her pleadingly.

Sephrina was putting in new patient information into the database when someone walked in. "Hello." She responds automatically as she heard the ring of the bell. "How can we help you?" She asked peering out from behind her computer.

She see's a man that is a little shorter than her, his eye's looking red, irritated and strained with short red hair on top of pale skin. Hello, I am here for my appointment." The man said shyly.

The man that stands before her is one she has never seen before, someone who held a lot of beauty and confident despite his voice sounding timid. "What's the name?" Sephrina asks turning her attention to the computer to avoid from starring.

"Richard." He said almost to quiet for her to hear.

She saw his name as the next person on the schedule and she turns back to him trying her hardest not to check him out. His white shirt a little see through. "If you have a seat we will be with you in just a bit."

He smiled and his lips moved to say something, it seemed to go on longer than a normal thank you but she couldn't hear what the man was saying however before she could ask he left his spot from in front of her computer. She just shrugged and finished on the paperwork she was doing before standing to call him to get the pretesting done. She tried making light conversation to keep the pretesting interesting and frankly a little more relaxing for her but the man didn't really respond to her questions with answers, just questions about her. She talked a little bit about herself but found it kind of odd and didn't feel comfortable with sharing much. She could also swear that she kept hearing him whispering when he wasn't talking, she couldn't tell if she was just hearing things or maybe it was in her imagination. When she was done with the pretesting she was about to walk out of the exam room and let the doctor know that her patient's ready for her when he stopped her. "Could I get your number?" He asked.

She looked at him and without hesitation responded with confidence. "No, I'm not really looking for anyone." With that she walks out of the room and informs the doctor about her patient before continuing with her work.

The only other thing that happened of note that day was when the man tried to get her number again before he left but when she denied again his eye's seemed to have changed, he whispered one more thing before disappearing out the door and she couldn't tell what was different about his eye's but thought it best not to dwell. That was her Thursday, as after she went home and cleaned up some before making dinner for herself and going to bed ready to repeat the day she just had the next day. On Friday morning not long after she clocked in someone called asking to come in that morning for a scratched eye as soon as possible. She made them an appointment and when they came in, the man that was there was the man she had run into, his green eyes reflecting the light making them shine and she couldn't help but to stare at the man for a minute, studying his features as he was the most beautiful and handsome man she had ever seen, a chiseled jaw line with a well kept beard, a firm body under a leather jacket and green shirt, black jeans, fingerless gloves, and medium length black hair that lays flat against his head. She looks back to his eyes and feel butterflies explode from her chest.

"Hi, Are you the one that had the scratched eye?" She asked trying to keep a blush under control.

"Yeah." He said in his deep voice sending a shudder down her back as she remembers what happened Saturday night last week.

"Okay and do you have insurance?"

"No I am paying cash."

"Okay." She stands feeling his eyes follow her and she tries to push whatever embarrassing feeling that is making itself known to the very bottom but it isn't working very well. "If you'll follow me, we can get you back and get started." He followed her as she started down the hall. "So what did you do to your eye exactly?"

"A friend and I were wrestling and his hand caught my eye. I can see you clearly though."

At this comment she felt her checks explode in a red color to show her embarrassment yet she couldn't make sense as to why. "Well, we can see how well your seeing in just a second." She cleans off the equipment with rubbing alcohol and can't help but to scrunch up her nose at the smell, taking notice that she could see the man in the patient's chair do the same.

After sitting down she logs into the computer and pulls up is patient profile. 'His name is Darren.' she notes to herself and begins typing up what happened to his eye before pulling up some letters on a screen that is on the opposite side of the room. "Can you see those letters up there?" She asks trying to draw his eyes off of her.

He looks to the screen and reads the letter off flawlessly. She tests each individual eye typing in that he had seen all the letters properly. She rolls the chair she is sitting on in front of his and looks at his eye and ignores the blush she can feel growing across her cheeks. "Which scratch is the eye on?" He looks at her confused and she lets out a helplessly nervous laugh. "I meant which eye is the scratch on?"

"My left."

"On the inside part of your eye or the outside?"


"Okay, can you turn your eyes to the wall." She asks looking for a scratch but doesn'tsee anything, there doesn't even seem to be any irritation. "Okay, I will let the doctor know that you are ready for her."

With that she got up from her chair and was about to leave the room but allowed herself to take one last look back at the stranger, Darren, she reminded herself. She informed the doctor and sat back down. Only a few minutes after the doctor went to look at his eye they came back out. "Miss Sephrina would you mind checking Darren out please. He is self pay."

Sephrina reads the amount off to him and he hands her an amount in bills. Before she can count it all he walks out of the office and takes off in a black SUV. As she counts the money something small falls from it, on reflex she picks it up, places it on the counter, and continues counting the money before putting the exact amount that was owed into the money drawer and turning to the note, she opens it up and with recognition crossing her face she pulls the other note that she had received from last week out of her purse, the nice printed script matched, the first note reads, "I need to speak to you alone. Meet me in front of the church next to the trail." The second note read "You are in danger, I need to speak with you urgently, tonight. please meet me by the church."

She folds both papers up and shoves them into her purse. The rest of the day was filled with thoughts about the stranger and she debated on what she should do, whether she should meet him or stay home. These thoughts filled her head even after she got home from work that night until she realized that jus thinking about what to do for so long has been draining her. She decides that she will be staying home tonight and if he really needed to speak to her so bad then he could wait until the next day and changes into her pajama's. Sephrina goes to her room and gets on the computer, debating on playing some games or working on a book she was wanting to start. Before she could decide there was a knock at her door. She left her room in her soft black and grey leopard print pajamas on and went to her front door but before she could open it however a wave of fear washed over her when she realized it was just about the middle of the night on a Friday practically in the middle of nowhere, the only neighbors she had was a few people who were close like her mom across the road and whoever lived next to her and the nice neighbors on her left who she had known all her life.

None of them would be here on a Friday night. The knock sounded again only more forceful and she grabbed her silver throwing knife from it's place on the coffee table. She cautiously opened the white door and saw a man that looked familiar, she looked him up and down before realizing that he was at her work not long ago, his red hair gave him away. "What are you doing here?" She asked hiding behind the door.

"Your scent is amazing. I couldn't help but to follow you." She tried slamming the door but it was forced open sending her back and onto her butt. "Don't act like that darling, you know, we are all very hungry and you were just too good to leave alone." Two others came in behind the red haired man, both had brown hair, all three had eyes that started glinting red. "I tried asking nicely when I asked for your number but you kept telling me no." Fear blossomed in Sephrina's chest like the rays of sun during dawn and she could feel herself pale as her blood felt like it was draining.

She was halfway through her living room and got up to bolt to her back door when she was suddenly directly in the face of one of the other people, they had to have been moving at an inhuman speed to be able to get past her that fast and finally it dawned on her. "Vampires." She said turning about to look at each and every one of them.

They had closed and locked the door. She felt her hands being grabbed and pinned behind her back. "Don't worry darling, we can make this feel as good as you want it too or we can make it hurt." the brown hared vampire said softly into her ear.

She stomped on his foot and reared her head back smashing it into his nose, her heart beating rapidly as fear and adrenaline started to take over her body, she tried focusing on just the adrenaline as she wiped around and slashed the knife across the vampires throat and ran out of her living room and to her back door she felt as though she may be able to make it if she could keep a fast pace. All too suddenly she felt a strong hand on the back of her neck and the next thing she knew her feat was off the floor and she was sent right into the wall across the room. Pain sparked like fireworks down her back and she couldn't catch her breath as she slammed into the floor. "So you're not surprised that vampires are real, that must mean that you aren't a normal human. Are you a hunter?" The red haired one asks.

She fights her collapsing lungs and goes to strike the man but he catches her arm without an issue. She throws her free hands fist but again it's caught. He squeezes' her left hand until she drops the blade then picks her up be her neck sliding her against the wall and she can feel her hair pulling her head back as it gets trapped behind her. She tries fighting his grip with her hands but he only exposed the left side of her neck ignoring her fight as if she was a mouse and he was a lion who had her under its paw. His fangs make themselves known and he leans in closer to her exposed neck. Just as his sharp fangs grace her neck she kicks him hard where the sun doesn't shine and again she slams onto the floor. She grabs her knife and stands turning and running towards the back door and outside into the back woods, her lungs threatening to collapse. She makes it to a creek before tripping and falling. She lays there for a minute trying to catch her breath before attempting to get up. When she finally does she stays in a sitting position and keeps her eyes closed as she tries to slow her racing heart. When she opens her eye's she is met with another's face. Pain fills the right side of her face and feels as tough she had just been hit with a rock.