
The Mark of the Dragon

Growing up as a worthless slave in Crane's kingdom, Athena met the arrogant and ill-mannered prince Xavier. She assumed her life to be simpler with the prince with whom she fell in love eventually. However, fate played dirty, and everything dear to Athena gets snatched. Setting out on the bloody path of revenge, she realizes that destiny couldn't be changed. Driven by rage soon she finds herself unable to harm the prince, whose heart was probably already beating for her. The cocky and flirty prince Xavier becomes her prime attention.

Liam_Virgoking · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter 2



It was sundown and after some work at the farm,the family went back to their home,the kids ate and went to freshen up and was tucked into bed by their mother.

Margeret sang them the same old lullaby about Dragons and Royalty, something that was like an Anthem back in the Dragon Empire,this time they did a sing-a-long before the kids eventually got tired and fell asleep halfway in the song.She went back to her room after switching off the lamp and also met her husband sound asleep,she laid beside him and laid her head on his chest.

The next day a loud commotion woke little Athens up,she rushed outside and saw tons of scary looking soldiers and guards holding her father down and two guards held her mother struggling to take Rose away from her mother while she cried.

"Mummy what's happening why are these men here"Athena asked worriedly.

"Athena run!!"Margeret yelled and before the little girl could take a step a guard dropped right next to her and grabbed her.She struggled out of his grip and ran to the man holding her mother,she kicked him in the groin and when he bent down to wince in pain she bit his ear.

"Let my mummy go!!"She yelled.

The guards weren't only taking Athena and Rose but also other kids from the neighborhood.Slavery has reached the Crane Empire that was once peaceful.

A huge fight broke out between the guards and the town folks.

" Mummy I don't want to go "Rose cried out.

"Let go of my daughters,

scumbags!!"Jeremiah yelled,he had actually put up a great fight but was outnumbered.

The guards succeeded in carrying the children to the palace and lined boys and girls up in a row.The palace was big and huge with a large land.it was also very beautiful.The gate was tall and made of strong black Iron with golden designs in the shape of a bird.There was two long flags placed on the wall of each sides of the gate it was black with a golden design of a tall bird with long legs,neck and long bills.They went in and the little children gasped in astonishment the inside looked like paradise the castle looked like a huge temple,there was plenty of trees and flowers and fruits grew on each trees.The floor was cemented and long stairs were leading to every entrance in the palace.

King Aaron who was the emperor of Crane Empire,was a straight forward man,he was a man who cared for his empire and would do anything to be in the highest position.He came out wearing a black robe,his hands were behind his back and he stood there majestically.

"How many children are they?"Emperor Aaron asked,his black and grey hair spread across his face and it was dishellved.

"Three hundred children,two hundred boys and one hundred girls Your majesty"The general answered with a bow.

"They are still not enough."Emperor Aaron said.

"What should we do Sir?"The general asked again.

'Have all the hundred girls working as maids and in the supplies of cheap labors and boys training to be soldiers."

The king said sternly.

"What do we do about the food supplies your majesty?"A guard asked.

"I'll take care of that"King Aaron said and walked back in.

"Come on, let's go"The general said and the children followed.The girls were given a huge hall with several bunk beds and the boys were also given the same but farther away from the girls hall.There were older teens present also so they couldn't take any chances.

"What are we doing here?"Athena asked looking at the strange place.

" You are slaves now and your loyalty is to the emperor,you will work here til your last breath until maybe you are sold or when the land of Alfie is safe again, otherwise..."

"Julius,Would you stop scaring the poor kids?"the general said.

"General K,it's nothing but the truth sir"

Julius said.

"Some truths are not meant to be revealed"General K replied.

"Slaves?"Rose asked and broke into tears again,Athena consoled her little sister.

"Does this means we won't see Mummy and Daddy again?"Rose asked.

"I promise you we will, Rose nothing would stop us from reuniting with our family,not even slavery and this people"Athena said holding the general's gaze bravely,the determination in her eyes were seen by even the guards present in the large hall.

"She's to brave for a ten years old girl,she never shed a tear even when we were bringing them here"A guard whispered to another, loud enough for General K to hear.

"I must say her beauty is incomparable,does she perhaps have an elder sister?"The guard replied and received a knock on the head by the soldier who whispered into his ear earlier.

General K turned and walked away with his men trailing behind him,as they were living some older women were coming in the hall in a single file,they were sent to take care of the children and provide for their needs.

The girls were given mini maids uniform to wear,the age limit was from eight upwards,they were also provided with food and other stuffs that will be useful.

They settled in for the day and got enough rest.Night came and Rose stared sobbing again,Athena whose bed was up climbed down to meet her sister,she laid next to her sister and consoled her again.

"I miss mummy and daddy,I want to go home,I don't want to be a slave"Rose cried out.

"Shhhh,don't cry Rose,I miss mummy and Daddy too,but remember what grandma Nana said Slaves should be Respectful in their duties and we will be free one day"Athena said in a very smart way and that eased Rose's uneasyness.She started singing their Mother's lullaby to Rose who fell asleep as soon as the words left her lips and Athena also fell asleep cuddling her little sister.

A lady came in the room with a bell in her hand,she rung it and the kids immediately jumped from sleep with a loud groan.

"Girls please follow me to the shower room and give me your names afterwards"The lady said adjusting her glasses.They followed her to the shower room and upon arriving they were all shocked at the big space in the empty room.

They freshened up and changed into their maids attire,the maids and guards Present instantly fell in love with Athena's beauty and how cute she looked in those tiny maid outfit.

After they freshened up they all wrote their names on a listing paper.The children were well-fed and they all listened to the rules in the palace.

Days turned into weeks and Athena had won the heart of all the servants in the palace,she was doing good and she was very humble in her duties and on the other hand she made new friends and two best friends Alex and Sarah

Athena was seen carrying a bucket of water to the senior maids ,she gown was drenched and her tiny structure lifting the pail bucket was cute.

"Thank you dear"The senior maid said with a smile, ruffling Athena's long wavy red hair.

"Athena sweetie can you come help me?"Another maid called and Athena ran over carrying the trays.

"What a Strong girl."The head maid who just walked in said.she was the eldest among all the maids and had also taken a liking to Athena.

"Where's Rose?"The head maid asked.

"She's washing the vegetables Madam Lisa."Athena answered.

"Hmmm ok,When you two are done you can join the other children in the servants dining hall to eat okay?"Mrs Lisa Said.

"Okay"Athena said and resumed her work .

"What a gorgeous girl,I wish I had a daughter like her."Another maid said in admiration.

Athena set the trays down,her legs were hurting like hell and she was exhausted but she was very good at enduring.She always follows her father to work in the farm and that gave her enough strength to endure.She got up and walked to the palace garden where the beautiful flowers and vegetables were,there was also a small shimmering lake right behind the palace.

"Leave it,I'll help you with that"Athena said pushing Rose aside,Rose just sat there looking at Athena as She struggled with the Veggies,Athena didn't stop until the basket was filled with Vegetables like Cabbages, cucumbers.

Rose helped to carry it into the kitchen and when they were done they went to have dinner in the servants dining hall.

Athena,Rose,Alex and Sarah sat on a row on a large round table,they were friends but so different Alex was fat and chubby and loved food,Sarah was the talkative type and the girl with the pigtails.she was fair with black short hair always in pigtails tied with ribbons and she had squinted eyes with brown pupils just like Rose's.

"Where have you been we were about to say grace"Sarah asked in a scolding tone.

"I was working"Athena defended.

"Oh come on Athena,you are just a kid,kids shouldn't work that hard."Sarah said.

"You are also a kid,you and Alex might be two years older than I am but that doesn't give you any right to call me a kid!"Fiesty Athena spat out with smokes coming out of her ear,she hated it when she was called a kid and she was always bold and brave to show that she hated the word kids.

"Let's say grace"Madam Lisa said and all the children present said their Prayers.They ate until their bellies were filled and then everyone went back to work.

The quad friends were seen walking together and talking about their families, Rose wasn't much of a talker so she just listened to their conversations.

"I never thought I would end up as a slave,I had better plans for my future.i want to become the best designer in Crane Empire"Sarah said as she outstretched her arms.

"Haha,yea right,keep dreaming "Alex said in a mocking tone and she poked him on his head.

"it is possible guys ,you just have to have faith "Athena said.

They suddenly saw maids running around and guards lining up in rows.

"What happening?"Rose asked and a guy who was also caught as a slave stopped,he was about thirteen to fourteen years old.He was panting hard and hyperventilating.

The king's fifth Son,the youngest is on his way,The general would soon arrived along with the Prince."The boy said and then another Guard carrying those big swords came.

"Get back to work,run-a-long."He said and the kids immediately scrammed.

The Head maid finally found them after searching for them, she hurriedly ushered them to a line made my maids and guards they joined in and the Gates suddenly flew open a horse came in with the General seated majestically on top.

A carriage followed and then Armies holding guns and swords were seen Marching behind the Carriage.

Athena took a peek from her bowing position and saw the General opening the carriage,a boy stepped out draped in blue and as soon as Athena set her eyes on him her eyes widen.