
The Many Lives of an Esper

Join Ami’s adventures throughout her many lives.

DoomedDevil · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Time skip to U.A. Entrance Exams

It's been 10 months since Izuku started training, and he finally got his quirk. Ami was concerned by the possible effects of a new quirk on a fully developed human body; so to distract herself from worrying, Ami went to the Entrance Exams early.

After a while, the exams started; and Ami was lucky enough to be able sit next to Izuku during the written exams. Then the pro hero Present Mic came out onto the stage and it was like a switch had been flipped in Izuku. He just started spouting all this information and his theories about the pro hero. And midway through the explanation for the practicals, some rude kid stood up to scold the pro hero! Ami couldn't believe the nerve of this guy!

"Excuse me, may I ask a question!?" Then the rude kid continued, without giving Present Mic time to answer. "On the handout, there are clearly four types of villains! Such an error would be embarrassing for a top tier institute for U.A.'s caliber! We came here to be molded into model pro heroes!" He then turned his attention to Izuku. "Moreover, what's with you? Yeah, curly-haired kid!" The rude kid started glaring. "Can't you be quiet for a second? You're distracting everyone here! If you think U.A. is some pleasure jaunt, then leave this place at once!"

Izuku then hid his face in his hands as examinees started snickering. Ami was going to have words with the rude kid later.

Present Mic then explained that the fourth villain cost zero points. Ami was then released onto mock-city H.


"Aunt Ami, guess what! I spoke to a girl!" Izuku proudly announced.

"Izuku, am I chopped liver?"