
The Many Burdens of a Hero

In a world on the path to destruction, a nameless orphan seeks his own future in a brutal world of magic and myth. After he is sought out to be adopted by a cursed Witch and reincarnated Kitsune, he is soon chosen to wield a Relic; magic weaponry of unbelievable power who chose their masters. Touji Himura must learn how to use this newfound strength and bear the burdens of what it means to become a hero. In this story everyone has their own past that shapes their present and future, from sole surviving Oni to an immortal mage that forgets all who die except those who perish by her hands. Authers Note: Early chapters from chapter 2 up to Interlude: Fatebreaker, are under rewrite for quality and length. Prologue and Chapter 1 rewrites are complete. Further Updated and refined versions of each chapter are those which include italics. These refinements are based on what I’ve learned over the past year. This is the very first thing I have ever written, and I strive to improve wherever I can. This story contains adult themes.

Aardartem · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 1: Introductions Of The Informal Kind

It took us about a minute to cross the bridge into the 'non-human' section of Tyrants Rest. While the residents' hatred towards other locals faded and grew into a tight-knit community, that attitude could not be applied to outsiders who lived outside of poverty.

The Witch got plenty of stares as we walked, she lowered her hat in response, embarrassed more than anything. Her height and looks would make you think that she was used to it, some habits die hard I guess.

"So the Guild Hall huh? So like only one?"

"Yeah? Is that not normal?"

"Most cities separate by guild, and groups within each can form a house. In smaller towns, it's easier to run each of their responsibilities-"

"C'mon Enda, I'm trying to start up a conversation with the kid"

"I'm sixteen"

"Most boys around that age would be taller than me, are you eating well?"

"I have enou-" *grumble"

That's what I get for not grabbing some of the leftover stale bread to eat this morning. Growing up in a crowded house with zero privacy gave rise to my tolerance of getting embarrassed with many things, this wasn't one of them and now my face had begun to flush red in response.

"Hey don't worry about it, I'll cook us something ok?"

"If you burn it again I'll ban you from the kitchen for a week"

"Aw come on! I've got the hang of it now... I think"

"You think? *sigh*"

"Hmmm? Are we forgetting something?"

"At least you're getting better at this"


The tall witch flicked another coin to Arisu, and not a pitiful amount either.

Marks is the currency we use around here, a combination of cast metal and a dragon scale stamped together in a circular coin, with more expensive materials used in each tier separated by weight and color, indicating both quality and strength.

It was built around the idea of a practical and tradable tender.

No type of metal is the same, so only the lowest coin is equal to its weight in grams, one hundred to be precise, and from that point on its value in direct comparison to that coin.

The Beast-kin clad in white was flicked a shiny yellow coin worth ten thousand marks, enough to feed a group of six adults for a week around here, and not the sort of meal consisting of stale bread either.

These two, or at least the Witch, must be rich if she can throw that sort of money around on a whim.

After passing a few different run down houses we arrived, the building itself looked more like a longhouse than a hall, with an upside-down ship hull looking aesthetic matching many of the older houses in town.

"Wow, wonder if they have horned helmets around here too?"

"Didn't you say that was a myth-"

"Yeaaaah... But hey, it'd fit the style you know?"

"No, I don't. Now imagine if someone else was present who didn't even understand half of what you're saying"

"Oh uh, hmmm. I'm not from around here ok? So, uh, just ignore that half of what I say sometimes alright?"

I'm getting a headache, it's too early for this.


As we entered through a large open archway, Arisu immediately wandered over to the strangely unmanned reception desk while Enda led me over to a small out of the way table.

"So why do-"

"-Give me a second"

Enda pulled out a wand from her sleeve, an odd choice to use it instead of the questionable staff she carried. Weapon equipment types have their uses, wands are excellent at precision and a variety of casting methods, while staffs can provide a much larger range and area of effect.

There are plenty of other types of equipment that can be used with typical mana-type magic, or crafted with that purpose in mind like special shields or maces, but apart from the sword on her hip, it didn't look like she was carrying any other weapons.

I could be wrong of course, the quiver-like pocket things she wore might hold other things in it.

While she silently casted some sort of advanced spell I guessed was for privacy's sake, I noticed a glow emanate from her back, underneath her cloak.

It was her grimoire, so not only was she wealthy, but talented.

Those magical tomes don't grow on trees and the best mages make their own. Creating the parchment itself was a long and timely process, not to mention expensive. Normal paper can be summoned by praying at an altar to the goddess of knowledge, Athena.

While easy to obtain, that paper itself cannot be used for any mana-based magic. 'Faiths Delma' is what people call it, although if you ask anyone in the nearby Holy Boree Kingdom, it's a reason to say mana is frowned upon by the gods themselves.

"Sorry about that, the less eyes and ears, the better"

Eyes? I've heard of magic that can create a barrier to keep in sound, but to make us invisible seemed practically impossible, not that I could exactly tell from the inside.

"Oh, uh, why do you want to adopt me?"

Sliding her wand into its holding brace in her sleeve, letting go of her staff as she sat down I stared in amazement as it didn't fall over in any direction.

Whatever that thing is, it hurts just looking at it too long.

"A few days ago I received a letter, one that talked about you and included payment. Do you know anyone who would send such a thing"


"I see, are you blessed by any chance?"


"Well, that's certainly interesting. Let me tell you this; I don't do anything on a whim. When I make an important decision, there are always three or more reasons behind it. For you I have six"

"That doesn't really, uh, tell me much?"

Arisu brought over a set of clay cups and a jug of water, pouring each of us a drink before talking in a very dejected tone.

"The receptionist said they don't have tofu"

"Anything else?"

"That girl said I could use the kitchen if I set up the place, two people haven't shown up yet apparently and she has her hands full, so give me a five ok? I'll make you something from where I'm from hehe!"

She bounced back rather fast, but looking at how she was running around at ludicrous speed it seemed like she did everything at that pace. Grabbing notices and requests, then sticking them onto the wall with nails... somehow without a hammer, she just used her hand as it buzzed and slid each in perfectly.

"Once upon a time, I found and trained individuals who had the potential for greatness. I can't promise much as of now, but I can say this. You might not realize it, but you have the possibility she had almost a year ago"

"So she was like me?"

"Not nearly as skinny, but yes. I don't need to be a magus to see your aura brimming with energy"

"Wait, hold on, aura?"

"All creatures, be it human, monster or other species produce it. If you've trained with magic and weapons before, and I suspect you have, it grows. Think of it like a second invisible skin of pure energy"

I don't know who this woman was, but if she's willing to call herself a magus... Well, that's a title reserved for those who are the best at a class of magic. Be it one of the primary elements like fire or water, or a type similar to healing or arcane.

"Just who are you?"

"Some call me the Phoenix Witch, others the Grand Illusionist-"

So the Magus of illusion magic, I think I read a book once about a witch like that.

"She's just Enda. Oh don't let her looks fool you ok? She's at least thre- ow! ow! I get it, I get it!"

"This cheeky one is Arisu, a pain in my ass and my adopted daughter"

"Aren't you a bit young? She looks almost twenty and you- hmmmm"

Arisu, to my best guess, looked just under twenty.

Some of the Sisters are around that age when they chose to join our house. Each had their own reason and some are orphans returning after they found a family. It just didn't always work out unfortunately.

"Fufu, good guess. I got this body as clo- Ow! What did I do wrong this time?!"

"I'll explain. You cook"


As Arisu wandered away she leaned in close, taking extra caution in telling me information that I doubt I should have known in the first place.

"She's a Kitsune not of this world. And despite what that may entail, when her body gets tired, she cares little for the secrets she must hold dear"

"Why tell me this?"

"Have you heard the Tale of Kuzunoha?"

* *Extra; Short Story: A Pond Between Worlds* *

On a small hidden island off the south-east coast of Brazil, lies a mysterious pond that connects two worlds together. This strange pool of water not only functioned as a portal, but one of few singularities connecting one side of earth, to the other.

Within this strange body of water, a Goddess resides. Once a Yokai, she left her home in search of a purpose, after ensuring her family's safety and long life.

On this pilgrimage she met a man, one of a great destiny who failed to keep the land he loved from fading into legend. Even after mastering time magic itself, he could not return his kingdom to the glory it once witnessed.

"Is he well?"

"You open with that question, and not for the woman you fell in love with?"

"I've consulted the Angles and even they don't know what caused the rift. It didn't originate from our world"

"So Father Earth then?"

"Yes, sending him might of been a mistake"

"From what I've seen, he's adjusting well Master Mage, fufu"

"Please don't use my title, you know I've left that behind"

"Hmmm, ok my dear Merlin. You'll be happy to hear he hasn't been wasting his time as my official Kitsune"

"Just what have you done to him, Kuzunoha?"

* *

Kuzunoha is a real folklore story, like Merlin, but I realize not everyone knows about this. She is the direct inspiration for the 'Goddess of Reflection'. I leave hints throughout this series of major myths and folklore from all over the world, sometimes I put a twist on things but the origin point is always something from history. Perhaps you've spotted some?

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