
Chapter Nine The Melodious king

When the storyteller,Elder Mike Okunsi had finished telling the story  of the two strangers, the children all cheered and clapped loudly.They had really enjoyed the story. Some of the children thought it was very interesting while others thought it was just story. "Nothing like that could have happened in real life," they said, wondering.


      The old storyteller only laughed quietly, watching as the children debated quietly on the matter of the two strangers.

He had entertained them and given them something to talk about, he thought to himself quietly.But to his amazement,the children turned to look at him.

       "Please sir," they said, "One more story,please!"

   "You want more story!"

  " Yes, sir! There's still a little time,and we will surely enjoy one more folktale tonight."

    "Really?" asked Cheif Dagogo.

    " Yes, sir!" The children chorused.

"One more folktale,please!"

      "Very well, then. I will tell you just one more story tonight,and no more."

    " Thank you very much,sir !!!" Shouted the children happily.

      "But before then,can someone please go inside and fetch me a glass of water. I must quench my thirst if I must tell another tale," said Elder Mike Okunsi.

Several children got up quickly , but only one girl with a cup of water for the old man. When Elder Mike Okunsi had gulped down the water,he looked up and began his story, fixing his eyes on the children around him.

It was about a certain king who ruled Dariki many,many years ago.

His name was Daku Makins. He was old cheerful and kind to the people of the land. The people all loved him very much. His reign had brought peace and prosperity to the land. King Daku was so humble that he often mingled with the ordinary people of Dariki.

King Daku was not like the kings of today, who hide behind high fences and fear to associate with those they rule, no. King Daku Makins often toured the land with his advisers and ministers to see anyone who had complaints, and he tried to solve the problems that he could solve.

King Daku Makins was also a very happy king. More than anything,he loved music very much. Most times, you would find the king humming the words of a song or smiling and nodding as the band of royal musicians played for him in the palace.

But the king did not only listen to people singing for him; he also sang a lot. In fact. he had a deep, rich voice that boomed pleasantly whenever he sang. Many people loved to hear king Daku sing. He could also play several musical instrument. He could beat the talking drum and play the Konga. He could also play the organ and blow the trumpet.But, best of all, King Daku Makins loved to play the flute. It was his favorite musical instrument of all. He was the best flute player in the land. He had a special golden flute that he often played most evenings under the big palm tree in his compound or on his high balcony.

Everyone loved to hear him play. His wife and children would sometimes sit around, listening and smiling proudly. The servants would pause in their chores to listen, too. Even passers- by from across the road would stop to enjoy the beautiful tune coming from the palace.

"It's the king again," they would say with admiration. " What a fine melody this evening!"

"Oh, it Makes one wants to go to sleep and dream sweet dreams!"

So everyone loved king Daku Makins, and everyone loved to hear him play the flute.watching him dance was also quite a delight, for he was quite an excellent Dancer as well. He could wiggle his legs back and forth,slide from side to side and do the 'boogie'dance.

In the history of the old kings of Dariki, there never was a king who loved music as much as king Daku. When he was younger, he danced and played the flute all the time. But now that he was an old man,he didn't dance as often. However,he still played his favourite instrument,the golden flute. He was always with it. He even slept with the flute on the bed beside him.

Daku Makins became king of Dariki a long time ago.He was only a boy at the time. After having his first meeting with his advisers and chiefs,the young king looked at their faces carefully and he grinned.

"You're much too serious for my liking,good men. Please lighten up a little," he said. " let's have some music!"

And from that time on in Dariki land,there was music everywhere.

One day, king Daku and his entourage were walking through a poor neighborhood in his usual tour land of the land , when they came by a small farm house. The poor farmer who owned the cottage, his wife and their little boy all stood out in front of their wooden fence to greet the king. It was the custom in those days, for everyone to come out whenever the king was passing through.But the farmer and his family were not looking very cheerful. They all wore long, sorrowful faces.

When the king got to the farmer's gate, he stopped and said aloud, "I'd say, this lot doesn't look happy to see their king! Royal musicians, please play some music to cheer them up."

The royal drummers stepped forward and started beating the drum with vigour.Those who played the flutes and the trumpets and shekere joined in, while the singers sang beautifully. The mood became one of merriment. Everyone was dancing and cheering with excitement. Even the king joined in the dancing,swinging from side to side gracefully.