
Chapter four The prosperous life of a fisherman

He bought a big land and built a big house within a short time.it was a very beautiful house, furnished with gold, silver and other expensive decorations. He had a room where he kept all his treasures.

A lot of these friends who came around him were happy for Timi because of his new- found prosperity. But others were jealous and envious of him. They wanted to find out how he really came about such riches suddenly.

" Timi, the man!" they would praise him conceitedly. "You're very kind and generous! may the gods continue to favour you."

"Thank you, my friends,"Kojo would respond, smiling as he gulped down his fill of wine."what are friends for? I'm sure you'll do the same for me if you had money too." of course,we will,"they answered, laughing.

"Eh,Kojo" said one of his friends named Aziken, with an uneasy smile,"but we're not really happy with you."

"Of course, You've been generous to us," they agreed. "But how better it would be if you told us how to make great wealth,like you!."

"Oh,my good friends would not hear that.

"Tell us, all the same. If you tell is how you came by such wealth, then we wouldn't need to bother you for daily bread anymore. Tell us the secret of your riches."

Kojo sighed and shook his head.

"Enough, and do not ask that of me anymore, my friend. I cannot tell you what you seek to know."

So his friends stopped asking him to tell them he came by his new-friend wealth. They left him alone quietly,but they were not happy with him from that time on, even though he was still kind and generous to them.

When Kojo was not around, they spent a long time about him. they said that he was greedy and selfish Because he wouldn't tell them how he became so rich.

"I suspect that Kojo is into something diabolical," one of Kojo's friends said one days,when they were all sitting idly.

"Perhaps," said another. "See how rich he's become suddenly!"

"Or, maybe he has joined a band of pirates!"

And what pains me is the fact that he wouldn't share his secret with anyone!"

"He wants us to always feed off his hands, Perhaps", said one.

He's so selfish and wicked!"

"But we have to discover how he became rich," they all agreed.

"But how?"

"Yes, how?"

These friends thought about what to do concerning Kojo's source of wealth for a long time, until one of them came up with an idea."I know how we can find out the truth from Kojo himself," he said, excited.

"let's hear it, then!" said the others,as they gathered around eagerly.

When they had all conspired on what to do they got up and went to pay Kojo a visit. They put on smiling faces and pretended to be happy,so that Kojo would not suspect that anything was amiss.

" My good friends," said Kono, excited."I was just thinking about coming to meet with you about usual spot."

"Oh, there's no need for that anymore, since we're all here," they said, laughing."We can as well have a great time here with you".

"Why not,"said Kojo,smiling widely," Let's have a drink then.I have enough enough wine for everyone here."

" Good,good! But what's a good drink without first a good meal?

" Oh,sure ,sure!"

" Yes,so we're all going to eat and drink to out fill!"

" And since Dedeji is a good cook,why doesn't he prepare for us a fine pot of porridge?" they told Kojo.

" That sounds great," said Kojo." I can't wait to eat,I'm salivating already!".

They all laughed loudly.Then Dedeji got the cooking ingredients and went into the kitchen to prepare the meal,While the others sat down cracking jokes in the living room.The meal was quite spicy the way Kojo liked his food.The aroma was strong and irresistible.

When Dedeji finished cooking,he served out the meal in little silver dishes.Then he poured a cup of wine each for everyone there.The cups were all made of pure gold.

" Wow!" they said ," great looking meal!"

" There's still more in the kitchen," said Dedeji. " You can all have another bowl each if you want."

" Ah,Dedeji,so you want us to eat and not be able to walk back to our houses,,right?" someone asked playfully,and the others laughed.

They began to eat and drink,telling and laughing at the same time.It was a lively company.And when Kojo had finished eating, he felt high and his tongue felt loose He smiled and looked at his friends around him. Then he sat back and rested his head on his big chair.

" Give me another cup of wine ,"he said quietly." I need more drink".

They quickly poured him another fill of palm wine He drank it and smiled.Then he felt like talking,And he began to talk.....

.... Because the meal served to him had secretly been laced with a special concoction of spices.The spices were served to him in order to make him lose control of his senses so that he would not be conscious of what he was doing or saying for some hours.

So after Kojo finished eating,he just kept talking.He was half-awake and half asleep,responding to his friend's questions about the source of his riches.He would pause and smile at intervals,and then he would go on talking again.He said everything . He answered all their questions.He told them things the he had been warned not to reveal to anyone.

Afterward,when the night was farspent and Kojo had fallen deeply alseep,his friends left him alone and left for their houses one by one.