

a short ugly boy walked through his highschool every one in

his high school always bullys him and make fun of him .Every

time he tried to talk back to them he would always end up in the hospital. the boys name is jong lee he was 5"1 and had really bad eye sight and could bearly even read a book that was close to hin and his own family left him when he was

young he worked hard to even have a simple loaf of bread the only reson why he even goes to this trash school is beacause that is all he can pay for. The school was Public shcool that was full of gansters

he always hoped he could one day just end it all he thought. he one day was actully close to doing that he went to the highest floor of a hotel and he really wanted to end his painful existence and didnt want to suffer any more he had been enduring it all becauss he thought one day he would finish school and get a good job and could live a happy life but that was not the case .back to him at the roof he was really close to the edge of the roof and could easily trip and fall to his death he was not scared tho he wanted to die he jumped off of the roof and instantly died the ambullance came and tried to bring him back to life after his death people at his school started to act like they were his friends and they all acted sad . right after he died he saw a small screen pop up out of nowhere it said .Would you like to be one of the demonking of a new world and live a good life or would you like to remain as a dead body do you want revenge if so then chose YES OR NO . at firat he thought he was imaging some random shit but he just decided for the fun of it to say yes . he didnt realise yet but that choise of his just changed the world