
The man who saves me

Jenna Beyers, a thirty two year old orphan attempts to escape a toxic marriage but she ends up in a. contact marriage with billionaire CEO Kai Xiao

symplynoa · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter one: Off the cliff

     My life has always been hell. My parents died when I was five. I was alone , I secretly wished to die like my parents. That was until I met Nigel. He was like a rain in my desert. He changed my life completely. I was always happy. We became best friends and thirteen years later we got married. My life was perfect, that was until...  Nigel changed. He became a different person, he was violent and abusive. I felt what agony my mom was in, being constantly abused by dad. Dad hated mom and always hit her. For some reason, he was always nice to me.

          Nigel was just like my dad. He could be nice this minute and behave like a lunatic the next. He needed no alcohol to misbehave. My body is always filled with bruises, whether it was from baseball bats, curling iron, hot coffee or just getting my head bashed. The most painful thing is that I wasn't even allowed to cry. 

       Can't I get a divorce? I tried but it's impossible. I can't get away from him.  Jenna remembered the night she went to Nigel and told him she wanted a divorce.


      "Stay away", Jenna said as she backed away from Nigel, who was wielding a baseball bat.  "You want a divorce?" Nigel asked as he waved the baseball bat. "I heard it wrong right?", he asked again as he moved closer to Jenna who backed away slowly.

     "You're not allowed a divorce Jenna," He moved closer till  their faces were few inches apart. "No one's gonna save you from me, I will always find you. Even if you hide underground, I will find you", he said with venom laced in his tone.

       "You  have such a wild imagination, I would like to know who would dare to take you away from me." Nigel said and walked away laughing like a maniac.

                    End of flashback

       Jenna sat on the floor and wept uncontrollably. How did everything go wrong? why did her life suck so much. She only wanted to be happy. Was that too much to ask for?.  She had only gotten married to Nigel two years ago. He was always there for her and she thought who better to get married to if not my best friend. She didn't realize the costly mistake she made. He was right, there was no one to save her from him.


         I don't want to be saved, I'll save myself. She thought as she grabbed her car keys and left the house. She got into her car and drove off  like a lunatic, she was speeding down the highway. She knew she couldn't escape from Nigel, he would find her. But, he could only find her in this world not the hereafter. She pulled the car to a stop when she got to the edge of a cliff. She got out of her car and stood at the edge of the cliff.

     "Mom, dad, I hope you're awake, your daughter's on her way", she said as she jumped off the cliff into the ocean. Her memories flashed in front of her eyes. Before her parents passed, her meeting Nigel, their friendship,their marriage and back to this moment. She closed her eyes and succumbed to the torrents of the sea.

           Kai's Pov

      I was feeling stuffy and I decided to go out for some fresh air. This was my favorite place. It's the top of a mountain, the mountain had a cliff at the side.

       "What will we do now?", Liam, my assistant asked. "You have to get married as soon as possible", he added.

       I sighed as I stared at the ocean. I looked around and I saw a lady coming out of her car.

       "Don't tell me she's gonna jump in?", I laughed and said out loud. Few seconds later, the woman jumped off the cliff. Liam also saw her jump off the cliff.

       "What now?", he asked as I took of my jacket.  "You're gonna jump?", he added as I laughed and dove into the ocean.

         Few minutes later, I found her sinking. She looked so scared. Is it possible for you to be scared of dying and you committed suicide?.

        Liam brought the car around. "Take her home, call Aidan immediately", I said as I sneezed. Liam drove off and few minutes later a car came to pick me up.


          Two months later

      It's been eight weeks and she's still not awake. Aidan said she'll wake up soon. I was about to climb the stairs when I saw Kun.  I sighed because I knew I was in trouble. Kun's my little brother. He's thirty three and still behaves like he's twenty.

       "How may I help you?", I asked but he didn't respond. He had a stupid grin plastered on his face. "Hey Prince charming", Kun said and laughed. "You're drunk at nine a.m?", I asked frustrated.

       "How's our damsel?", Kun asked. "I found out. Well, Aidan told me", he added.

      I knew he would find out. It's hard to keep secrets when you have a brother like Kun. "Is she awake?", He asked and I replied, "No, but she should wake up soon, Aidan's with her."


     Meanwhile, Jenna woke up feeling lifeless. Her head was foggy and she couldn't see properly. She saw a man in a white coat, probably a doctor. She wanted to stand up but was too tired , her body felt heavy like she gained a thousand pounds. She couldn't even die in peace. God help her if she finds out about the identity of the person who saved her, they are gonna get it.

       "Hey", she whispered. "Can you please help me up? she asked as the doctor moved closer to her. She could see his face clearly, "wow", she said. "How can a doctor be so handsome?", she said out loud. Why am I bothered by what the doctor looks like? I have way bigger problems. I hope Nigel doesn't find me. If I was found by Nigel, I would probably be chained to the bed. Someone else probably found me.

     "Thanks", the doctor said as he helped her up. "What?", She asked as she was lost in thoughts.

            "You said I was handsome", the doctor said.  "It is true", she said. She stopped when someone entered , he was a man in his late twenties.

     "She's awake, congratulations", the doctor said as he walked out.

   Jenna was afraid, her heart started beating fast as if it would come out of her chest. "How are you feeling?", The man asked. "I'm fine", Jenna replied. "Who are you?", She added.  "I'm Liam", he replied.

     Liam took out his phone and called someone. "She's awake ", he said an the receiver hung up.

    "Who were you talking to?", Jenna asked as she was starting to get scared. "Is it Nigel?", She added. "I don't know who Nigel is", Liam replied. "I was talking to my boss", He added. "Your boss?", Jenna asked as she tried to stand up. "Don't force yourself up", Liam said. "I'll let him introduce himself." Liam said as he pulled the blinds.


     Living room

     "Is she awake?", Kun asked as I ended the call. "Apparently, I replied. I saw Aidan coming down the stairs. "Congratulations", Aidan said and left. I sighed and climbed the stairs.

         "Will your boss hurt me?", Jenna asked. "No", Liam replied. "Will you hurt me?", Jenna asked. "I dare not", Liam replied wondering why she was asking weird questions. The door opened and two men in black tuxedos  entered followed by a man that looked like he was in his early twenties , he had a shoulder long white hair. His body was adorned with tattoos and his face was void of any expression. Liam bowed immediately he saw him.

    "Liam, is he your boss?", Jenna asked confused.  "You don't think I'm his boss?", Kai asked. "You look like you're twenty one", Jenna replied. Kai grabbed a chair and sat next to Jenna. "It's cute that you think I'm twenty one. But, I'm actually four years older than you are. I'm thirty six." Kai said.

   "In that case.... "Jenna said as she moved closer to him and grabbed his hair. "Why did you save me?", "I clearly remember jumping off the cliff. You couldn't even let me die peacefully", Jenna ranted.

    "Get her off me", Kai yelled and his guards pulled Jenna off him. "Is that how to thank your saviour?",Kai asked angrily.  " I didn't ask to be saved, did I?", Jenna retorted. "You sure are ungrateful. Do you know I came down with a flu after jumping into the sea to save you?", Kai asked. "Don't you think you were an ass? How could you interrupt my suicide?", Jenna asked angrily. "I interrupted you?", Kai asked. "Yes, you could have minded your business", Jenna replied. They both continued arguing and Liam sighed.

   "You know what, when I get back I'll make sure to throw you back into the sea", Kai said and stormed out, his guards including Liam followed him.