
The Man Who owned a million dimensions

Debasmit1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

CH 6

They went out and saw a woman with the snakes as hair. She was drinking the blood of a child of at least 5 years, then she started eating his body. Power couldn't see that so he closed his eyes. The mysterious girl said him taunting:

You're scared huh? Oh if you can't see this I guess you are just a noob and never saw people die ( laughs)

If you think I am a noob then ok, I am but I can't see it

Hey, talk girl!!!

Power opened his eyes to see why she was not talking and was shocked to see a statue that looked exactly like her. The monster had gone too, Power first thought that the girl is again mocking him and let Power think that she is the statue. The chief and the villagers came and explained to him that how anyone will turn into a stone statue if he sees in that monster's eyes. Power became sad and started blaming himself as he was the one who should protect the girl. Power asked the chief and villagers that is there any way to make the girl living again. The chief looked uncomfortable for a while and then he spoke up that, if anyone wants to make the stone statue again living he or she has to kill the monster and the living beings she had turned to the statue will again turn back to living beings. Power sighed and thanked the chief for the information and he started to go towards the forest where the monster lives. The chief asked where Power was going? Power replied to the chief that he was going to kill the monster and he sighed. The chief told that if Power wanted to go even if he was a kid, the chief will not stop him and he suggested not to look at the monster"s eyes or Power would turn into a statue. Power again thanked him and made his way to the forest. The forest seemed quiet and beautiful place to him and he thought he could live there forever until it was night. Till night he kept finding the monster but the monster was nowhere to be found it. At last, Power gave up and sat under a tree to take some rest, suddenly he felt an exploding power that was coming near to him and he thought it was his chance as it was night Power couldn't see the monster eyes so he can defeat the monster easily. The power was coming close and close and Power noticed the monster, the monster too noticed Power. They both started fighting. There were soo fast that anyone can hardly see them with an advanced microscope. Power was getting tired and it was hard for him to see in the night but he kept on fighting. The monster was way too experienced in fighting than Power, she knocked him off and he fell to the ground groaning in pain. The monster just laughed and told that many had tried to defeat her but she was ashamed that a kid had fought with her for soo long. She should have finished the kid in just one powerful punch. Power groaned in pain but he remembered how the girl became a statue, Power became angry and he started flying he said:

I am not done yet!!! Here's my final move try to survive this if you can!!!!!

Ka Me Ha Me Haaaaaaa!!!!!

With that P[ower used his special power and this damaged the monster very much. The monster was now angry so she shouted ah !! How can you do soo much damage to me!!!! Heck, how!!!!! Power laughed and told that it was nothing and he had more and then he again started gathering power and shouted:

thunder strike!!!!!!

with that, a big thunder struck the monster, she was injured so not got time to defend herself and almost died. Power laughed and released his last power, he shouted:

Electric cutters!!!!!!!!

The monster died with that attack but a few seconds after she died a very strange thing happened, the body of the dead monster was lighting and from inside of the cut came out a beautiful woman with wings at her back. She told Power she was safe, she is a fairy and had a curse on her but now Power freed her. She explained that once she was a very bad fairy and never helped anyone instead of helping she always made it more trouble. One time she was near a house of a monk and the monk's house started burning, she tried to decrease the fire but instead, she had increased the fire. Monk's house and his whole family were burned up. When he came back home, he gave the fairy a curse of being a very bad monster, the fairy begged for mercy and he forgave the fairy after an hour, he told the fairy that he could not take the curse back but he told the fairy that if the fairy get killed by anyone, the fairy will be again transformed into a fairy. Then she told him today she is a fairy again because of Power she told him Thank you and then vanished.

Power ran back to the village in thinking that the mysterious girl might be cured. He went there and saw she was chatting with some other boys and girls, he felt very happy, when the girl saw Power she was not delighted, she was angry with him. She spoke up:

Why does it take soo much time to make me living again? !!

Sorry defeating the monster was not easy

I expected you to be more strong but you are just a noob and beginner

Why you should be rude always!!!

I expected you to be a good and friendly girl but you seemed to be rude

You can't complain I saved you from UNTI or you can be never here

You don't have the right to control me I have the right to complain, I am a human!!!!

They started arguing and started fighting in chats but at last, they both laughed and said

Power: Lol, it's funny arguing

Girl: Right, It makes more good friends like you Power

Power: Thanks, and you too a good friend, you saved me from UNTI and you're right you own my life

they both laughed and chatted and chatted at last night came and they both went to bed after telling the story of how Power fought with the monster and defeated her in front of all the villagers and the chief. While laying in the bed, Power started thinking that everyday on that island is a challenge and he and that girl should face them properly or they could die. Power also tried to think why god gave Power only such kind of enormous powers and who is that girl is that any spy from SPI after thinking soo much he slept.