
The Man Who owned a million dimensions

Debasmit1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

CH 1

In the hospital of a country was born a strong baby. At his birth instead of crying, he was just quiet. The doctors first thought that the baby had died but they went to do a test and it proved, that the baby had not died and he was fine. Doctors thought did the baby had Congenital insensitivity to pain or in short form CIP. The doctor went to do that test too but it proved that the baby did not have CIP. The last thing doctors were left to do was check if the baby has any unnatural power and it was right a normal baby's strength is about 5 to 10. A normal person at the age of 24 a human's strength is 50 to 60 and a wrestler's strength is 80 to 90. No more than that but this baby had the strength of about 230. The doctor told the baby's mother :

Doctor: Ma'am your baby is not an ordinary baby. He is very more powerful than a normal Baby

Baby's mother: Oh, really no problem, I am happy with him and I am not scared of anything

Doctor: But, Ma'am if this Baby go out of control he can destroy everything

Baby's mother: He will never do that, He will be always in my control and that's a promise. I am gonna name him Power

Doctor: Ok Ma'am but I prefer for his future you should keep him away from other kids of his age

At the age of 3, Power started going to school. As his mother instructed, he never used his power so no one can understand that he is different. He always acted as a weakling and never fought back. All the other kids will make memes of him and then they will make him angry. Soon the Kristi event took place, Power was in class 7 and Power wanted to take part in the Drawing contest so he asked his mother:

Power: Mom there is Kristi Event going on in school, Can I take part in the drawing competition please, please?

Mother: Power I told you 100 times nooo.

Power: But mom, my all friends are taking part why can't I and art refreshes my mind it will not let me fight.

Mother: Ahhh ok, I will let you participate in it and I also help you with it.

Soon, the day of Kristi event came, all kids and teachers looked happy except the Principal and Vice-Principal. Power's mom saw that, and she asked the Vice-Principal and Principal Teacher :

Power's mother: Ma'am, why do you both look sad.

Principal: Today is a race from all schools, the students have to pass many dangers to win but our best racer of class 7 not came only.

Vice-Principal: Now we can never win

Principal: True, and no one wants to take part in that race

Power's mother: Ma'am, don't be sad, my son will take part in it and will win too.

Vice-Principal: But Power is weak, he never fights with anyone and always gets beaten.

Power's mother: That's because I told him not to fight, or maybe he will have badly injured many kids till now. Ma'am you both don't worry, just let the time for race come

Then she sighed and went to Power. She told him :

Mother: Power, Get ready, you have to win a big race

Power: Mom, I am always ready for a fight and a race, and then he went to the dress-up room

Power came out in a dress for runners, he stood in the line and waited for the announcer to say go. The students of the school had no hope for winning as they now too thought that Power was a weak kid but they were when the announcer shouted Go. Power started running like a horse, he was at the front of all the kids. He swam like, he was a fish. He climbed the walls like a monkey and passed the dark tunnel-like he was a cat and he can see everything, inside the tunnel. He reached the finishing line in just 7 minutes and 31 seconds and the others reached the finish line after 25 minutes. The students who thought before that Power would lose were now shocked and jealous of him. Power's school won the trophy and Power won a medal and 50000 $. His all friends came to Power and told:

Aiden: Power you were amazing

Julica: Ya, Power how did you run as fast as a horse

Max: and swim like fish

Joe: and climb like a monkey and see in the darkness like a cat

Power: I don't know guys. I just did it and it seemed like I was having the best race in my life and with that, he slipped away and went to his mother.

His mother asked him:

Mother: Power did you said anything to them about your powers

Power: Absolutely no mom, I am not allowed to tell, I just told that I was in shock too when I won the race

Mother: My very good boy, Never-

Power: Mom I know you are gonna tell that "Never tell anyone about your powers"

With that, his mother went back with him after giving his drawing in the art competition.