
Chapter 21

As everyone gathered in the meeting room, the faces of the Camp 7 members, including Kyouka as their leader, revealed a sense of nervousness and tension.

Due to the tense atmosphere, Tenka decided to start the conversation. "So, we need to prepare ourselves for the upcoming major battle. According to our intel, this time Shukki should be Aoba Wakura, the missing older sister of Yuuki Wakura. And some others missing due to the Mato disaster have now become Shukki, whom we should be wary of."

As Tenka explained, the sound of rubber gloves clenching tightly echoed, coming from Kyouka, the Camp 7 leader. Toji noticed how angry and sad Kyouka appeared. "It seems she is both angry and sad. That's understandable."

Toji understood Kyouka's feelings and realized that her anger was not directed towards the enemy, but towards herself for feeling incapable of protecting her team members. "What kind of leader is she!?" thought Toji.

"Wait..." Kyouka's voice cut through Tenka's words, drawing everyone's attention. "What's wrong, Kyouka?"

"I can see that they are not like regular Shuuki or the Shuuki we faced last time. They seem different and can control a special type of Shuuki... And that horn..." Kyouka restrained her anger, muttering a name that made her seem obsessed. Her face was filled with dark lines, and veins bulged on her forehead.

Tenka sighed in resignation, observing Kyouka's determination. "Alright, if that's what you think, we shouldn't wait any longer. We need to surprise them..."

After Tenka's statement, a cold smile appeared on his face. "Uh... I should think twice before messing with her," Toji shivered.

Ding~!! Suddenly, Toji's pocket vibrated, indicating that his phone was ringing. Tenka took notice. "Who's that?"

"It's... my Grandpa." Toji answered and got permission to step away for a moment from the meeting room.

"Yeah, what is it?" Toji asked with a cold tone.

[What is this? Aren't you too cold to your own grandfather?] Izaki's voice sounded over the phone.

"Fine... What's the matter, old man~"

[Ugh... Hearing you say that with such a heavy tone makes me sick.]

Toji became infuriated hearing this. "Just say it already! You old geezer!!"

[What's with this, young people nowadays are really impolite. Well, I'll just say it. I'm currently in Africa, and the reason I called you is to give you a sacred item I found here. Can you take it?]

"What is it?..." Toji glanced at Tenka, who was still strategizing. "I'm in an important meeting right now. We're about to siege the enemy's headquarters, a significant breakthrough for humans to understand Shuuki."

[Hah?... Isn't that good? You should have your weapon too, where people around you have their supernatural powers. So, stop making excuses and just take this item! Also, you need more than just Nunchaku!!]


"Tch, what's the fuss? Even with just my PlayCloud, I'm still superior to the others," Toji complained after forcibly ending the call. However, remembering his fight with Ren, he shook his head, trying to erase that memory from his mind.

"Is that so..."

"Whoa!" Tenka suddenly said right next to Toji's ear, who was grumbling. "Wait, it's not good to eavesdrop on someone's conversation, Tenka-san."

"Ufufufu~ it's okay." Tenka glanced at the empty meeting table, signaling the end of the strategy meeting. "So, what are we waiting for? We don't have much time. Let me take you to Izaki's grandfather... He's in Africa, right? Tell him to send us the coordinates."

Tenka said so while pulling Toji, who seemed powerless. With that, Toji and Tenka went to Africa to retrieve the item prepared by Izaki. Upon arrival, they saw Izaki enjoying a festival with the local community, blending in well. Toji was stunned to see his energetic grandfather, considering his advanced age.

"Really, for some reason, I feel embarrassed seeing that old geezer so energetic. Even seeing him dance with the villagers," complained Toji while trying to suppress the nausea in his stomach due to the strange sight that just happened. Earlier, Izaki shamelessly danced naked as part of a local tradition, leaving Tenka and Toji impressed and shocked.

"We're near the border!!"

"Yuukey, where are you!!"

"If you shout like that, the enemies will know we're here..."

Wakura, Shushu, and Yachiho chatted as they arrived at the border, close to Kyouka's last trace.

Meanwhile, Toji heard the commotion outside, making him irritated, until he was approached by the curious Tenka with the box in back.

"So, what did Grandpa Izaki give you?"


Tenka asked with sparkling and curious eyes, while Toji felt reluctant to tell her. The item Toji brought wasn't new; he had played with it as a child. However, there was a specific reason why this item had to be taken from Africa.

"A Katana..."

"Huh?... A Katana? What makes it special?"

The woman was confused as to why the katana was special and had to be brought from Africa, thousands of kilometers away from Japan.


"We've arrived."

For a moment, Toji hesitated to tell her, and Kyouka, as the guide, stopped, drawing everyone's attention.

"There, my foot points to those rocks..." Since the slave contract was still intact, Kyouka could sense and know Yuuki's location through her ability.

"A cave?"

"So, the entrance is camouflaged like that..."

Yachiho and Himari said in turn. And everyone was ready; they were close to the enemy's headquarters.

"Get ready; we're going to break in," Tenka said while cracking his fingers.

As this group entered the cave towards the enemy's headquarters, the atmosphere became increasingly tense.

<<===================================================== >>

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