
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Overconfidence is not good

In the blink of an eye, the foreign military force was defeated in a humiliating manner. They all lay sprawled on the ground in a pitiable state, some unable to move. The ground around them trembled from the immense power unleashed by Ren. Her ring of light still shone brightly, showcasing the undeniable strength of Vairocana.

The red-haired woman struggled to stand, her face full of anger and resentment. "Damn you, Ren Yamashiro! If you think we'll give up so easily, you're wrong!" she shouted, activating a button in her hand. That button was the trigger for the nuclear code they carried in the truck.

'Damn!' I panicked slightly. Even though Ren was the strongest, I wasn't sure she could handle a direct nuclear bomb. As for me, there was nothing to worry about. I could adapt on my own, whereas Ren, still human, would be incinerated by the heat wave. However, I did not see panic on Ren's face. Instead, she smirked as if finding it amusing and activated her power.

"Vairocana: Barrier of Immortality," Ren said calmly. The mandala in her pupils spun rapidly, and her ring of light shone even brighter. A giant protective field formed around her, emitting a soothing golden aura. This field was not just a shield but a layer of energy capable of nullifying all forms of attacks, including nuclear explosions.

The red-haired woman pressed the button in desperation, and the next moment, a rumbling sound shook the air. The truck in the distance exploded, releasing a destructive wave of energy. The massive nuclear explosion spread, creating a giant fireball that engulfed everything in its path.

But Ren stood firm amidst the chaos, her protective field shielding all within it. "Vairocana: Absorption of Divine Energy," Ren continued, and the destructive nuclear fireball began to shrink, sucked in by Ren's protective field. Within seconds, the deadly nuclear energy vanished, absorbed and negated by the power of Vairocana.

The red-haired woman stared in disbelief at what had just happened. "This is impossible…," she muttered, her body trembling. "How can you…?"

Ren stepped forward, her golden aura still shining brightly. "The power of Vairocana not only protects but also absorbs and nullifies all forms of destructive energy," she said calmly. "So, your nuclear attack is utterly meaningless."

Watching from a distance, I felt a mix of awe and relief. Although I had adaptive abilities, witnessing Ren's power firsthand was an extraordinary experience and gave me a slight understanding of the application of the peach's power they possessed.

After bringing the enemy forces to the headquarters for further interrogation about their true intentions in attacking and carrying a nuclear bomb, I felt somewhat relieved. The conflict was over, and it was time to return to Unit 10's headquarters.

However, as I started to walk away, a soft yet firm voice stopped me. "Wait… Jin-san, don't you have something to say to me?" Ren suddenly appeared behind me, her voice so close it startled me.

What? Impossible! Even special Shuuki levels couldn't detect my presence in this condition! I turned, eyes wide, to see Ren standing calmly yet alert. How did she know I was here? Since when did she know?

A moment of panic flashed through my mind. Had she been aware of my presence from the start? How could that be? I had perfectly used Application of Silent and Application of Invisible. No one had ever detected me, especially not in this state.

Ren's confident eyes met mine directly. "Alright, I concede," I said casually, though my heart was still pounding. I raised my hands in surrender, trying to remain calm despite feeling completely cornered.

Ren nodded slightly, her smile thin yet meaningful. "Good, Jin-san. You're very good at hiding, but remember, the power of Vairocana gives me the ability to sense spiritual energy very clearly. That's why I could find you."

Vairocana: Barrier of Perception. A unique ability possessed by Ren, allowing her to sense and track spiritual energy within a certain radius with great accuracy. This was one of the aspects of Vairocana's power that made her nearly unbeatable in terms of detection and surveillance.

I gave a wry smile, realising there was nothing I could hide from Ren. "You truly are remarkable, Ren. I have to admit that," I said sincerely, trying to conceal my nervousness behind a forced smile.

Ren chuckled softly, but there was a sharp glint in her eyes that made me uncomfortable. "Don't worry too much, Jin-san. I know you're not here to cause trouble, and I never imagined a man could possess the Peach Blessing. Isn't that strange?" she said, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.

I felt the coldness of Ren's gaze like a knife down my spine. My heart raced as her suspicion became evident in her soft tone. "Ah, yes... I myself don't know how I came to possess this ability," I replied, trying to sound as calm as possible. But I could feel that Ren wasn't easily convinced by my words.

Ren folded her arms across her chest, her gaze growing more intense. "You know, Jin-san, the Peach Blessing should only be received by women. The fact that you have this ability is truly extraordinary… and suspicious."

Cold sweat began to form on my forehead. Ren seemed to be turning thoughts over in her mind, and that wasn't a good sign for me. "So, how do you explain this? Or perhaps… is there something you're hiding?" she asked, her voice turning colder and more pressing.

Before I could answer, Ren moved swiftly like lightning. She raised her hand, and a ring of light appeared around her. I felt an overwhelming pressure from the wave of energy she released. "Vairocana: Wave of Truth!" she cried, releasing a shockwave directly at me.

I barely had time to react. My body moved instinctively, leaping back to avoid the attack. But the shockwave was too fast. My body was jolted back by its force, and I fell hard to the ground.

I coughed, trying to catch my breath. "What the hell, Ren?!" I shouted, feeling both angry and scared. But I knew this was her test. She wouldn't stop until she got the answers she wanted.

Ren stepped closer, her aura of power becoming more dominant. "Jin-san, you have to prove yourself now. If you truly possess the Peach Blessing, show me. Or perhaps… you have another power you haven't revealed?" she said, her eyes watching my every move intently.

I knew I had no other choice. If I didn't show my abilities, Ren would continue to attack me. Taking a deep breath, I focused the energy within my body and activated my power. "Application of Speed!" I shouted, my body moving swiftly towards Ren.

However, before I could reach her, Ren was ready. She raised her hand again, and a large mandala appeared before her eyes. "Vairocana: Shield of Reflection!" she cried. An energy shield appeared before her, reflecting my attack back at me. I was thrown back again, feeling a stinging pain in my body.