
The Man Road to Heavenly (Re-write)

It all begins when the gates of another world open on Earth, and the current state of society changes rapidly, with the most noticeable change being the fall of male superiority due to the peach, which only gives power to women. Jin Takeru, a convenience store clerk was caught up in the Mato disaster during the first year of chaos. A tragic life story where the man turns into a special type of Shuuki, traveling in a barren world with all Shuuki (Monster) inhabitants. Years passed until a century, Jin Takeru suddenly became himself when he was a human a century ago. And how will that man live his life in the present time. The rules and social order have changed dramatically. ... Notes. The world is based on the popular fanservice manga Slave of the Magic Capital's Elite Troops.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Collaboration III

After dominating the fight with Himari, I sighed in relief. However, the relaxed atmosphere didn't last long. Kyouka, who had been observing quietly, stepped forward with a look of interest. "It seems you have extraordinary talent, Jin," she said in a calm yet firm voice.

Tenka, standing not far from us, chimed in with a teasing tone, "By the way, this guy is more agile than I expected. Impressive, Chief Ren, for making her your 'dog'." A mischievous smile played on her lips.

Hearing this praise, Ren puffed out her chest with pride. "Of course! There's nothing in this world that I can't make submit!" Her words were accompanied by an aura of overwhelming confidence.

Hearing her, I could only sigh inwardly. I felt an urge to smack Ren for her arrogance. Damn it, I've held back enough, and now I have to face Kyouka Uzen, the leader of Unit 7. Although her ability isn't as unique as the other unit leaders, she's a formidable fighter who prefers using a katana over relying on her supernatural power.

Kyouka drew her katana with a graceful movement and pointed its tip at me. "Jin, show me what you can do against a sword master," she challenged.

I nodded, assuming a fighting stance. "Alright, Kyouka. I'll do my best."

Kyouka stepped forward, and in an instant, she was in front of me with astonishing speed. Her katana sliced towards me with deadly force and precision. I dodged swiftly, jumping back and using Application Of Speed to move faster than usual. But this time, I couldn't hold back too much.

Kyouka didn't give me a moment to breathe. She continued her assault with a series of slashes and thrusts that forced me to keep moving. Each strike was accompanied by an aura of energy emanating from her katana, showcasing her mastery over the weapon.

I leapt high into the air, trying to find an opening in her defense. Kyouka lifted her gaze, following my movements with sharp eyes. "Don't think you can dodge forever, Jin," she said with a tone full of confidence.

Landing smoothly, I spun around and attacked at full speed. My punches and kicks came in rapid succession, aimed at breaking her defense. However, Kyouka effortlessly parried each strike, demonstrating her exceptional skill.

In the midst of the fight, I decided to increase the intensity of my attacks. Using Application Of Speed more maximally, my movements became faster and harder to follow with the naked eye. Yet, Kyouka remained unfazed. She activated her special ability, Slave, which allowed her to unleash the full potential of those she had enslaved. Even so, she didn't use it fully, only enough to boost her speed and strength.

The battle grew fiercer. Supernatural energy and swordsmanship blended in every attack and defense. I felt adrenaline coursing through me, making every move sharper and faster. Kyouka, with her calm demeanor and military expertise, kept pressing me.

At one point in the fight, I found an opening. With incredible speed, I sidestepped and launched a swift counterattack. A solid punch landed on Kyouka, pushing her back a few steps. 'Oops, that might have been too much,' I thought, a bit panicked because I had hit her liver. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked with a worried tone.

From her dark expression, I could tell how painful it was. However, Kyouka's reaction didn't meet my expectations. She exhaled deeply, as if she knew a technique to ease the pain from the vital point. "Yes, that was really hard, but I'm fine," she said while adjusting her posture.

I watched as she calmed herself, her stance once again showing remarkable discipline. "By the way, Jin, you're very fast. Even faster than when you fought Himari earlier."

I scratched the back of my head and smiled sheepishly, trying to hide my nervousness. "Um, I guess I'm known to be fast," I replied modestly, trying to conceal my true abilities.

Ren, who had been watching from a distance, looked on with a proud gaze. "See? I told you he could be relied on," She said with a wide grin.

Kyouka, still slightly out of breath, chuckled softly. "I understand now why you're so proud of him, Ren. Jin, you truly are surprising."

I felt relieved to be able to show my skills without fully revealing my secret. "Thank you, Kyouka. You're amazing too. This training really provides valuable lessons."

Tenka, standing not far from us, also laughed. "Maybe we all need to be more careful around this 'dog'," she said, winking at me.

With that, our training ended. Though my body felt tired, I felt satisfied. The collaboration between units not only improved our fighting abilities but also strengthened the bonds and trust among us. As I walked back with Ren and the others, I sensed that despite Ren often irritating me with his arrogance, he genuinely valued my efforts more than he showed.

<Third Person POV>

In Jin's peace, a major problem he would face loomed. From the depths of hell, the remnants of the Darkness Lord emerged, a black fluid writhing like a leech. The fluid moved with a disturbing strangeness, creeping and sliding on the gloomy valley floor as if surveying its surroundings and seeking signs of life.

Suddenly, light footsteps approached the fluid. The figure of a woman with long black hair flowing gracefully down her back appeared, wearing a dark kimono contrasting with her pale skin. Her eyes glittered with cruel curiosity.

"Ara~ I thought I wouldn't find anything else from this dreary place, but who would've thought," she murmured in a soft yet dangerously edged voice. She squatted gracefully near the black fluid, observing it with sharp, calculating eyes.

Without hesitation, the woman pulled a small vial from her kimono sleeve and quickly trapped the writhing black fluid inside. The fluid hissed, trying to escape, but failed. Trapped in the small vial, the fluid swirled angrily.

"This is going to get interesting," the woman said, her expression shifting to a menacing smile that radiated madness and ambition. Her eyes shone with a dangerous gleam, revealing that she had grand plans for her new find.

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There are 10 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.