
The Man on the Balete Tree

A horror Folklore in the Philippines

Arklainne · Book&Literature
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A Man in the Balete Tree

A Short Story. (My Original but my GF Revised it)

Once upon in a certain Modern time-

There was a middle aged man, living on a rural side of the City with his House near on a huge Balete tree.

With How Remotely his Village was, He is now Planning to go in Public to buy some foods and Stuffs.

Yes, he went outside his village, Going To the Markets and Buys some stuff.

He spent 30% of the budget in Food, and save the remaining 70% percent for emergencies.

Now happy and Satisfied, he was trying to went back to his home this time-

And Through Walking a few distance in the Forest-


He's lost.

Unnoticed and Surprisingly

He's lost on a Huge Remote Forest which was supposedly a Road to this Old Man's house-

With unknown reasons how.

Living in a Legend, he subconsciously believe it was a Work of a Spirit, or a Tikbalang.

Knowing of this, he immediately turned his Shirt Inversely,

This was a Counter measures if you're Lost in a Forest.

Upon doing so, With A Flash of Lights, An Unparalleled Mirror broke upon the Image, Smashing into pieces, Slowly Showing the Real sight of the Forest.

Countered the Spirits, he continue to walk past to his house calmly.

And on the sight of the Balete tree, which is said to be Home by not just Kapre, but Dangerous Spirits that dwells upon.

He saw a robed Old man in Gray, Standing with the support of a Wooden Staff.

Ans Upon seeing the Old man-, In a Blink-

As if he had teleported, The Old Man Appeared in front of the Man.

Looking Menacingly-

Passing him a Book, coloured in Red, and a Hand imprinted with 4 Fingers on it-

Jumped At Surprised.

The Old Man said to him-

"Young Man, You're bothered by the spirits am I right?, I'll Gave you This Book Then"

Though Suspicious, the Man kinda Believed what the Old man said about being bothered by the spirits.

He Thought this man is an Elder Enchanto.

So, Regarding that Issue, he Ask, as he appraised the Book Passed by the Old Man.

He Concluded.

"Is this a Book about How to Counter Spirits?"

With what the Man had said, the Old Man laugh.

"Ha! Ha!, Young Man"

"I'm In 40's"

"You're Truly is a Genius one!, Though, there's a Huge Spirit Dwelling on this Night!, I'll gave you this Book, It Tells Everything!, But First!, Pay me 1000 pesos!"

This Old man is suspicious!, is what the Man had thought, but-

Looking at how the man looked and skinny is he-, he thought that the Man wants to help me in exchange for money so he can eat-

He's an Echanto After all-,

Calculating his budget, The 70% Remaining Money that he Have is Only 6k left and Subtracted by 1000 would be 5k.

The Man Balanced his thought about The Money, His Safety, and His Suspicious.

Regarding with how the Man has told him, The Man Imagined the Warning the Old Man Gave.

On This Huge Balete Tree, A Spirit Will Dwells Tonight, Probably Feeding on Someone's souls, And if he didn't take care of that-

The Man had then decided-

"I'll take the book Old Man!"

Passing the Bill in exchange for the Book-,

The old man have said.

"You chose the Right Path my Child, Though, I must warn you something"

A Warning, Upon Bringing up a warning-

The Man feel Chill of Suspense, making his Skin Trembles in Fear.

As If something Danger will happen.

The Old man Continue-

"Young Man!, I Warn you, The Last Part of the Book, The Back Cover of the Book, Don't read it, or I'll tell you, You'll Regret it!"

With how the Old Man has Stated it-

A Huge Blow of Chill in the Spine, making his Skin went upwards immediately, makes him tremble.

Remembered on What it Said-

What did he Mean?, The Last Part of the Book?.

The Man is Now Confused.

Thought, looking at the book-, Opening it, It Surely is Huge and it tells the secrets upon the Countermeasure against Spirits, though-

Curious as why, The Man ask

"Why is tha-"

Upon asking, The Man Had Vanish.

Looking Left, Looking Right, He's nowhere to be seen-

Upon Knowing that-

Suspencing everything, Chill blowing, Sun setting.

The Guy Chooses to Bring the Book Inside-

With his Skin Chilling in Fear.

Looking at the Books, he reads all of it, The Details of the Monster and all the counter measures against this Spirits and Surprisingly-

Experimenting it-

It worked.

Making him peaceful for the night through night

And 3 Days Afterwards.

In 12pm in the Evening, With a Huge Unfateful events.

Anxious hits the Man, Making him curious at the Last part of the Book.

But the Old man had stated, that if you Read the Last Part of the Book, you'll regret it-

So stuck as how curious is he, he tries to re-read the book again, avoiding the last part page-

As if a Pandora's Last Page, A Lightning strikes the Balete Tree.

Surprised, He Jumped

And in an instant that he noticed-

He accidentally opened the Last Part of the Page-

Yes, He Accidentally Opened The Last Page of the Book

The Forbidden Last Page, The Pandora-

Whom what the Old Man Said that if you read it-

You'll regret it-

That's right, the Man receive a Devastating truth,

A Truth he would never expect-

The Last Part of the Page Was-



(National Book Store-, 40php book)

As so, he saw-

He was wondering, how? Or why has this shown but-

Looking at it closely-


He saw the Truth, A Devastating Truth

Yes, he saw the Truth, The Truth the Old Man had said-

'You'll regret it'

The Book Cost him 1000php, meanwhile looking at the Brand.


He regretted it.


Moral of the Story, If someone tells you Don't!, Don't Do it

(Special Thanks for Angel Alter for Revising)

Hello, I'm AngelAlter, I'm the one who Revised this Folklore,

Thanks for Reading

The Man lives in a house near a Balete Tree

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