
The man in the black hat

A new S. C. P has been found but what will the foundation do about this one for it has proven to be the most dangerous S. C. P. that they have ever seen. the man in the black hat, who works along side the scarlet king, is trying destroy human kind. Please inform yourself on the dangers of S. C. P 0209.

Jai_Alex_Wood · Urban
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5 Chs


S. C. P 0209

Class- Euclid

Containment procedures-N/A


This anomaly is known for recruiting other

S. C. P. s and is in league with the scarlet king (S. C. P 001). The only way to attempt Containment is to keep tabs on all that is associated with this creature. Now you may be thinking, those orphans who went missing earlier, what happened to them? Well, they died, like every other victim of the man in the black hat.