
The Male Lead's Childhood Friend

I have love one man since I was a young girl. I promised myself that I would be the one to be his wife that will live with him to the end of our days. But I never thought thar I would die young. The man I have ever loved, my childhood friend fell in love with a woman he just met in college. With my wealth and power and my rival just an ordinary woman, I tried to steal him back. But all is for naught, because the man that I loved shunned me out because of the bad thing I have done to his one true love. "Starting now I don't want to ever see you again!" His words had broken my heart. I was heart broken and planned to take escape to another country and bury my love for him. How could I have known that I would die in a plane crash that day. "Have a safe flight... to the afterlife hahaha!!!" The voice of the woman that stole my love from me said on the phone. And then things turns for the worse. Manu things came rushing inside my mind while the plane was falling from the sky at a fast speed. "How I wish that I have lived my life differently. I would have done any means possible to avoid this outcome. I should have lived my life more differently." Regret washed over me and then I felt my body go numb all over. The surroundings became dark. It was like I was floating in the center of nothingness. "Do you regret everything you have done?" A male voice said. "Yes." I whispered a reply. "Would you like another chance to live and live your life more differently?" The voice asked. "I would do everything to have another chance to live my life. I will definitely choose a different path." I answered. "Then I will grant your wish." The male voice said. "But once you go back, you need to do things for me as payment for bringing you back." And so I opened my eyes once more. I was alive again and has gone back to the past. "This time I will do things differently." I promised myself. Who ever that voice came, I am grateful to him. And so I have a restart of my life. And one day a beautiful man with black hair and crimson eyes came before me. "Who are you?" I asked with a serious look. "Have you forgotten me already." The man smirked. "I have given you a second chance and now I am here to collect payment. You have to do the tasks I give you." And so my rebirth and second chance of life started and my life debt has to be repaid.

Les01 · Urban
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35 Chs

Saying Goodbyes (1)

My flight to Paris was just a few hours away. I was sitting at the lounge area in the airport. I had said goodbyes to my parents back at the villa. I told them I don't need for them to see me off, that I will just cry if I see them with a sad face while I am departing.

These past few days, Jeremy tried to contact me in any means possible. By call, text, email, and even come to my house. But the maids have always chased him away, thanks to my father's orders.

Jeremy and my parents have met recently and talked about the cancelation of our engagement. The Coopers tried so hard to save the engagement but to no avail. My father was vehemently against the engagement and is dead set on canceling it after knowing of Jeremy's feelings for another woman.

After the cancelation, father made a total ban for Jeremy. He cannot make contact with me for the time being. After learning that Jeremy has been trying to reach me by phone and text, he immediately changed my cellphone number email address.

'I think dad is being a little bit over the board. But I am sure this is all for my sake.' I thought to myself.

And I don't think I have the courage to see Jeremy. I think my heart won't take it. It still hurts, it really does.

'What I need is time away from him and to search for myself first.' I thought.

Maybe by then I will be able to stand before him once again and smile at him as a friend.

While sitting and waiting for my flight, I caught some familiar faces.

"ANA!" Geraldine, one of my few close friends shouted and was waving at me. With her was Krista, another close friend of mine. Since then, we three have become best of friends. In my past life they were also helping me in showing Angelika her right place as a commoner. And because of that they were also called bullies.

I wouldn't want them to have such an image in this life time. They only stood by me because they understand and love me.

The three of us met each other in junior high school. Like me, they come from prominent families here in our city. Krista was the daughter of a politician while Geraldine was the daughter of a real estate emperor.

"Why haven't you told us you are going away now huh?!" Geraldine scolded me. Tears started to fall from her eyes. "Yes you informed us that you will be taking an exchange program in some country but you never told us the details."

"I'm sorry Din." I always call Geraldine by her nickname. "I wasn't planning not to tell you. I mean, I plan to call you once I get there and tell you the details. I am just afraid that I can't help myself from crying if we say goodbye face to face." Tears started to fall from my eyes as well.

"We understand Ana. But at least give us the chance to say goodbye to you." Krista said with tears falling as well.

The three of us had a group hug. The feelings deep within me just came out after that.

"How did you get in here?" I asked. As I know only passenger can enter up to here.

Hello everyone, I'm back. Happy New Year 2020!!!

Hope everyone had a happy holidays. I was on vacation for two weeks but I was still busy with house work, visitations of relatives etc. so sorry for not updating.

Here is the fist update for this year, enjoy!!!

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