
The Male Lead's Childhood Friend

I have love one man since I was a young girl. I promised myself that I would be the one to be his wife that will live with him to the end of our days. But I never thought thar I would die young. The man I have ever loved, my childhood friend fell in love with a woman he just met in college. With my wealth and power and my rival just an ordinary woman, I tried to steal him back. But all is for naught, because the man that I loved shunned me out because of the bad thing I have done to his one true love. "Starting now I don't want to ever see you again!" His words had broken my heart. I was heart broken and planned to take escape to another country and bury my love for him. How could I have known that I would die in a plane crash that day. "Have a safe flight... to the afterlife hahaha!!!" The voice of the woman that stole my love from me said on the phone. And then things turns for the worse. Manu things came rushing inside my mind while the plane was falling from the sky at a fast speed. "How I wish that I have lived my life differently. I would have done any means possible to avoid this outcome. I should have lived my life more differently." Regret washed over me and then I felt my body go numb all over. The surroundings became dark. It was like I was floating in the center of nothingness. "Do you regret everything you have done?" A male voice said. "Yes." I whispered a reply. "Would you like another chance to live and live your life more differently?" The voice asked. "I would do everything to have another chance to live my life. I will definitely choose a different path." I answered. "Then I will grant your wish." The male voice said. "But once you go back, you need to do things for me as payment for bringing you back." And so I opened my eyes once more. I was alive again and has gone back to the past. "This time I will do things differently." I promised myself. Who ever that voice came, I am grateful to him. And so I have a restart of my life. And one day a beautiful man with black hair and crimson eyes came before me. "Who are you?" I asked with a serious look. "Have you forgotten me already." The man smirked. "I have given you a second chance and now I am here to collect payment. You have to do the tasks I give you." And so my rebirth and second chance of life started and my life debt has to be repaid.

Les01 · Urban
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35 Chs

Moving On (2)

"Mom, dad, it is not Jeremy's fault that he has fallen in love with another woman. Because in the first place what we have was only sibling love." I explained. "It was only my wishful thinking that it can be more. I was only one sided love in my part."

"Hmph, if he didn't want this engagement then he shouldn't have accepted it in the first place." My dad said with a temper. "He could have refused in the past."

"Maybe because he only seen it to be a suitable marriage dear." Mom said calmly. "I know that based on experience and you know that as well."

My mom and dad were also in an arranged marriage. At the old times, the families from the upper class society only wants to tie their children in marriage with the family's children in the same upper class as them.

"We only met each other when we were engaged. And we were fortunate that we fell in love with each other after marriage." Mom had a sweet smile on her face.

Mom has always told me her love story with dad. That she was furious to be engaged with someone she didn't know. That she only met dad for the first time when they were engaged and how after a few months they were married. It was really fortunate that they have fallen in love after marriage because if the both of them loved some other while married, then they would have been separated a long time ago.

"Yes, I am very fortunate to have you and Anastasia in my life." Dad smiled.

"I don't want our Ana to be in a marriage that doesn't have mutual love." Mom said with a sad tone. "I want our daughter to be happy and to marry the one she loves and also loives her back, someone that will take care of her until they grow old. Like us honey."

My dad sighed once again. "I understand. Then I will set a meeting with the Copper couple and talk about the breakup of the children's engagement."

My eyes started to tear up once more. "Thanks dad, mom." I both hugged them in my arms.

"Hush now. Dad will deal with this." Dad said.

"But what are you planning after, dear?" Mom asked me. "You are currently enrolled in the same university as Jeremy. Can you handle seeing him every day?"

I had a bitter feeling after remembering this. Jeremy and I have always been together since we were young. We attended the same school since we started schooling. He always picks me up every morning going to school and waits for me to go home together.

My whole life, Jeremy was there with me. But the last few years in my past life, Jeremy and I drifted apart because of Angelika. I can try and live without Jeremy from now on. I will start moving on.

"I am planning in taking the exchange program in our department. That is, if it is okay with you mom, dad." I looked at them firmly.

"Exchange program? Is that the exchange program in Paris?" Dad asked and I nodded.

I was taking a course in the College of Arts with the plan to take a major in Fashion Modeling. With my current looks, slim figure and height. I had what it takes to be a top model. But of course I have to start from the bottom.

"But that will take two years outside the country." Mom was shocked. "You will be away from us for two years.

"I know I can do it mom. And I need this." I looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Honey, I guess our daughter needs the distance. And we can always visit her there." Dad patted mom's hands while she had a sad face.

"Okay, I understand." Mom said sadly. "But you need to go home on the holidays okay, Christmas and New Year."

"Or you can go and visit me there on holidays." I smiled.

Mom sighed. "Then I will respect your decision."

"Thank you very much. I love you both." I hugged them once more.

I planned to live a new life from now on. I want to live for myself and for my parents that loves me dearly.