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Persona. It has many definitions. For some, it is a noun, for others and idiom and still for others it refers to the personalities of a person or person's can have either through their own need for something as basic as their safety. A simple need to understand an idea or thought. A need to fit among others 'as if a piece of a puzzle' on order to likable or even loved.

Oxford languages defines 'Persona' as a noun. Referring to 'the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.' Oxford suggests that the word 'Persona' was recorded as early as the 20th century. In Latin the term 'Persona' literally means "mask, character played by an actor."

Cambridge Dictionary defines 'Persona' as a person seems to have and that is often different from their real or private character. 'Persona' is also defined as a voice in which an author writes a story poem. A 'Persona' can also be said as a singer's ability to communicate their thoughts and feelings with their listeners.

Other terms or words used for persona;

1. Self

2. Psyche

3. Personality

4. Essence

5. Anima

6. Pneuma

7. Animus

8. Consciousness

9. Substance

10. Nature

Dion Les'trange. A child between an Earl and a prostitute. Was born into slavery and lived in it for 7 full years. Was given a name on his 7th birthday. Before had answered to 'little nix.' Was adopted back under his father's wife. Murdered 2 maids at 14 years old. Was given to a "family friend for a year."At 16 attracted and was engaged to the 2nd princess of the empire. At 17 married said princess and went to war.

At 19 got so many 'Military Achievements' and was named Duke. At 23 lost his wife and children. In the same year became the Prince Regent after the death of the Emperor. 'Become a devoted slave the 12 year old Crown princess.'

At 31 was "the most eligible bachelor in the country." In the 2 years that followed was chased down by his 'younger sister-in-law' the Empress. At 33 was considered the most suitable man to marry the queen. His qualifications included being The Hero of the nation, The Duke of Promise and Uncrowned Emperor. Married the Empress later that very same year.

At 38 meets "someone interesting and She sparked his curiosity." At 43 the interest turns to Infatuation a year later I guess into Obsession. At 45 claims "little fox" as a lover. At 51 murders the Empress and is only survived by his "Son" once again entering depression.

At 53 "after much consideration by the people and aids in and around the Emperor" the name of the royal family and the country changed. At 61 he married "his wives most trusted maid". A maiden that didn't marry in order to raise the Empress' son as her own.

Amelia Milton. Daughter of General Milton and a maid. Named Lily by her mother but had the name changed to Amelia a week later by her father. At 9 attempted to murder her 'twin sister.' The same year meet "a strange man that saw her so easily and didn't leave her alone." At 13 lost said twin and got engaged to her sisters ex-fiancée who "died" months later. Became a head Maid of the Empress at 15.

Was claimed as "little fox" by the Emperor and begin an affair with him. At 18 became the Empress' best friend and "listening ear." At 23 have birth to the Emperor's son. In the same month murdered the Empress' daughter while "her man got rid of the Empress." Stayed in the palace to raise her son and later married him at 33 and was Crowned Empress.

Murder scenes, torture and child abuse via mental and physical means will be explored to get to the happy ending that our characters made for themselves.
