
The Majestic Ancient Tales.

it is a story about a man of valour who was chased from his palace to live a poverty stricken life along side his mother. one fateful Day, he sets out on a journey to seek vengeance for all the sufferings he had to endure through out his life.

Aditi_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Emperor Evan


Hi I am Evan and I would like to narrate my story. My story began when the kingdom of Great Zimbabwe which was surrounded by 7 seas, the sea of weeds,the sea of the dead, the sea of destruction,the sea of the fallen rulers,the sea of the beginning,the sea of gold and the sea of love was invaded by a famous ruler of Persia.

My mother was a Queen and a mighty women of valour. Everyone respected her because she was courageous and also fierce.

She was like a lioness and many kings used to fear her.

She won many battles and got married to Sam a mighty king. My mother Samantha was loved by the king and this upset the Queen and she plotted to assassinate her. Mary planned to build an army to kill my mother.