

Lurking in the depths of the palace and being under the king's watch was tiresome.

Jane could never throw away her disguise and caution to the wind.

Hanna had sacrificed her life and her family to make a protective barrier round her. The world knew her as her daughter not the queen's.

"Milady loves you dearly."-Those were her parting words. Yes, it was true that she did but till the end she cared about the welfare of the kingdom more than her own daughter and she hated her for it. Catherine's mother Rian suffered the same fate as Aelia and amongst a bunch of power hungry princes she was the only motherless victim.

All queens who had given birth to daughters had died tragically with their daughters and Catherine was only left to act as leverage if the supposedly alive daughter of Aelia returned to turn the tables on him.

Catherine knew this fact by heart because Rian and Aelia were cousins.

Like Jane she too successfully became one with her necklace.

Rian had warned. "Find your sister and help her get the throne."

"NEVER trust your father no matter what." She had said.

The sense of hatred, betrayal, pain, anguish, depression were mutated from what was once love and promise of everlasting bliss.

Catherine felt it all and her heart was in pain yet she could not risk revealing her emotions.

She had to live to find her sister. As if in answer to her resolve Jane stood before her with a tea set one evening. She spent the entire night assisting Catherine to successfully assimilate her necklace. A warm glow had erupted from the necklace as she witnessed the strength of the sisterly bond that compelled her mother to sacrifice herself.

Catherine did not know if the crime of abandoning her daughter was greater than the sacrifice for her sister.

Then onwards the two sisters have always supported each other and prepared dexterously for the day of revenge.