

"Hmmm. Right."

"This way we won't have to lose too many people."

A woman raised her hand. Her name was Julia.

"The last survivor will be the most powerful one. Even though he would be battered and exhausted it would not be a good idea to clash with him head on."

"You are right. But then tell me have you ever had a clash head on?"

"You mean we should launch a sneak attack?"

"The Duchy of Lacraise. The County of Despesse and the Duchy of Elias-one of these three will emerge as the winner if external help is not provided."

"If external help is provided then we will wait till they have withdrawn from the empire then there is no guarantee."

"It is best if we make them think that all is well and then overthrow them."

"Also, the other squads are not deployed. You will be on your own."


"Then let's go."

It was a night of great joy and fervor.

The king was in the midst of merriment. He occasionally glanced towards the door in anticipation. The king has yet to show up. Word has it that the king hates such revelries-seems that it was true.

The princess Catherine was beautifully decked and adorned. She wore an off shoulder gown that highlighted her collar bones and neck-line. It also complimented her curves.

She looked mature and alluring. Catherine could feel all those leering gazes on her as she gazed at her father who did not seem to notice them. Even some of her brothers gave her those glances.

Catherine was extremely uncomfortable and kept refusing requests for dances.

"Milady, may I have this dance?"

Catherine was exasperated.

"Please…!" she began and stopped in her tracks.

"Yo…-"she hurriedly shut her mouth.

Jane grinned at her sister.

"Milady the dance?"

"What…Yes, yes."

The music started as the next batch of dancers took the stage.

"Milady is beautiful today."

"How did you come here?"

"I am Marquis Estevann's second son and I came in the Marquis's carriage."



Jane interrupted her.

"I hope we get to know it other so well that we could read each other's minds."

'What blatant flirting' Catherine thought. She took the hint though.

'Now tell me what you are doing here.' she transmitted as she looked up at the 'man'.

'I have to make my entrance you see'


'My men are all stationed here. At your signal they will attack.'

'My signal?'

'You are the commander. Remember?'

The dance ended and the two separated.