
The Magnolia Beauty

Suyin, a modern pediatrician known for her unyielding sense of justice, finds herself catapulted into the past when a lightning strike hits her during a storm. She awakens in the body of Han Suyin, the only daughter of a noble family responsible for educating the royal family of the Long clan (This is inferred she is in her ancestor's past body). Trapped in a society where women, especially female doctors, are looked down upon, Suyin faces severe oppression and control from her parents, who prioritize their fame and fortune above her well-being. Determined to escape her stifling life, Suyin flees to the territory controlled by the Qin clan, who are embroiled in a fierce war with the Long clan. Crossing the border, she encounters Qin Fuhua, the feared Prince of Qin, notorious as the "Devil of Misfortune." After saving his younger sister with her advanced medical knowledge, Suyin is taken hostage by Qin Fuhua, who is both intrigued and suspicious of her unusual skills and knowledge. Within the Qin clan's stronghold, Suyin's resolve and medical expertise begin to challenge the clan's ruthless and merciless reputation. Despite the absence of modern technology and the freedom she once knew, Suyin adapts, using her compassion and intelligence to navigate her precarious situation. A mysterious riddle involving magnolia flowers and a prophecy ties Suyin to Qin Fuhua, drawing him to her despite his initial reservations: "Flowers of magnolia will guide for a better future." The scent of magnolia flowers that seems to follow Suyin hints at a destiny intertwined with the fate of both the Long and Qin clans. As she strives to survive and make a difference in this ancient world, Suyin's presence becomes a beacon of change, challenging old beliefs and forging new paths. Author's note: Please excuse any grammar, historical, any sorts of error in this novel. I've personally enjoyed reading Chinese novels and wanted to have a try at it. This is pure FICTIONAL, so please do keep in mind that this is written with FICTIONAL traditions, taboos, and etc (although some may be coincidentally true). Any characters, storyline, and historical remarks are fictional in this novel and thank you for reading! Here is the STORY TRAILER for this novel that I made on my own time! ^^ LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft-5MYk7YWA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR27to2S-h_poYKpM8-61QtvDROpwJNWmPCrG6Hq6GZAgw8dQu3jzilm6vY

Aeriesu · History
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111 Chs

Duty Calls

As the sun set over the grand courtyard of the Palace, a sense of anticipation hung thick in the air. The assembled crowd of examinees, each adorned in their finest attire, stood in silent reverence at the center of the vast expanse.

Rows of light-brown wooden tables stretched out before them, meticulously arranged amidst a sea of black and gold silk carpets.

Thirty separate tables, each bearing the weight of dreams and aspirations, lined the pathway leading towards the imposing edifice that housed the King and Queen.

Amongst the throng of hopefuls, a man of distinguished bearing emerged, his age etched into the lines of his weathered face, a testament to a lifetime of experience and wisdom.

Clad in a navy-blue silk robe adorned with intricate patterns, and crowned with a turquoise hat that marked his authority, he commanded the attention of all who beheld him. Without a word, his mere presence invoked a mixture of respect and apprehension among the examinees.

With a collective hush falling over the crowd, the examinees bowed in deference as the teacher made his solemn procession down the aisle.

Each gesture, each movement, spoke volumes of the gravity of the moment, of the significance of the trials that lay ahead.

At the back of the assembled crowd, Suyin too bowed her head in silent reverence, her heart pounding with anticipation as she prepared to embark on this journey of discovery and destiny.


As the examination commenced, Han Suyin found herself amidst a flurry of activity, her senses heightened as she absorbed every detail of the intricate proceedings unfolding before her.

The esteemed medical teacher, a figure shrouded in whispers of legend and reverence, cast a commanding presence as he oversaw the commencement of the tests.

Rumors swirled among the examinees, tales of his miraculous healing prowess echoing through the halls of the Palace, whispered in hushed tones of awe and admiration.

Seated at their designated stations, each examinee prepared themselves for the first trial—a written examination set against the backdrop of a picturesque cherry blossom tree, its delicate blooms a symbol of fleeting beauty amidst the rigors of academia.

Servants glided gracefully among the rows of chairs, their movements choreographed with precision as they placed a selection of items before each examinee.

Suyin's heart quickened with anticipation as she observed the array of ingredients laid out before her—a trio of Codonopsis root, Astragalus root, and dried flowers nestled within a pristine white porcelain bowl.

With the rules permitting tactile examination but forbidding consumption, Suyin carefully lifted the bowl, her fingers tracing the delicate curves of the porcelain vessel as she contemplated the significance of each component.

Though the dried flowers bore a striking resemblance to daisies at first glance, a closer inspection revealed their true nature—a subtle clue that sparked recognition within Suyin's keen mind.

With a surge of excitement, Suyin swiftly penned her answer, her hand moving with practiced precision as she deciphered the intricate puzzle laid before her.

With a confident stroke of her pen, she unveiled the solution—a combination devised to aid in pregnancy, a testament to her astute observation and deduction skills.


As Suyin glanced around the room, her keen gaze swept over the various combinations of ingredients laid out before her fellow examinees.

Some of the ingredients were familiar, their purposes and properties ingrained in her memory thanks to the guidance of Wansun and Zhenlan. Yet, others were more obscure, their significance veiled in mystery, beckoning her curiosity to unravel their secrets.

Roots, dried flowers, animal parts—each compartment held a unique assortment of elements, carefully arranged to test the knowledge and discernment of the examinees.

Suyin noted the diverse reactions among her peers; some exuded an air of calm confidence, their expressions betraying years of study and preparation, while others wore their nerves like a cloak, their apprehension palpable in the furrow of brows and the nervous twitch of fingers.

Undeterred by the tension that hung in the air, Suyin focused her attention on her own task, deciphering the clues presented before her. With each observation, each deduction, she pieced together the puzzle laid out on her desk, drawing upon the wealth of knowledge she had acquired under the knowledge of her mentors.

Finally satisfied with her answers, Suyin carefully rolled up her scroll, her movements deliberate and precise. Raising her hand, she caught the attention of a nearby servant, who hurried over to collect her submission and deliver it to the teacher who had assigned her the task.

As the servant scurried away with her scroll in tow, Suyin's pulse quickened with anticipation, her mind already racing ahead to the next challenge that awaited her.


Despite the tension that hung in the air following the elimination of ten examinees for their incorrect answers, most of those remaining appeared calm and composed, their demeanor a testament to their preparation and readiness for this stage of the examination.

It was evident that they had anticipated the challenges that lay ahead and had equipped themselves accordingly.

As for Zheng An's incident, it seemed to have caused little commotion within the Palace walls.

While rumors may have circulated superficially in the Palace, the true extent of the repercussions remained veiled from the public.

For Suyin, however, the priority lay in focusing on the task at hand—the rigorous examination process that stood as the gateway to her aspirations.

Indeed, the opportunity to train under the emperor's esteemed medical practitioner held immense appeal for Suyin. To gain access to the inner workings of royal medicine, to learn the intricacies of treatments and remedies reserved exclusively for the elite, was an opportunity that could not be understated.

It represented not only a chance to expand her knowledge and skills but also to gain invaluable insights into the workings of the royal court—an experience that few outside its confines could ever hope to attain.

With determination fueling her resolve, Suyin directed her focus towards the next stage of the examination, her mind already racing with anticipation for the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

For her, this was not just a test of academic prowess, but a stepping stone towards her ultimate goal—a chance to carve out her place within the hallowed halls of the Palace, and to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within its walls.



As Qin Fuhua strolled along the corridors of his courtyard, memories of his childhood flooded his mind, a bittersweet tapestry woven with threads of loneliness and isolation.

Unlike the warm embrace of cherished moments, his recollections were tinged with the sting of abandonment and rejection, his existence within the Palace marked by a pervasive sense of estrangement.

Inheriting the title of "Prince of Qin" instead of ascending to the coveted position of crown Prince had only served to deepen the chasm that separated Qin Fuhua from his half-siblings.

Bullied and ostracized, he had grown accustomed to the cold indifference that greeted his presence, a silent testament to the familial discord that festered within the royal household.

"Your Highness," a soft voice broke through the haze of reminiscence, drawing Qin Fuhua's attention to the figure of Weizhe kneeling before him on the grassy expanse of the courtyard.

Turning to face his loyal servant, Qin Fuhua listened intently as Weizhe relayed rumors of the King's intentions to forge an alliance with another kingdom, a scheme that would likely involve the engagement of Princess Chuhua.

Qin Fuhua's jaw clenched with barely contained anger, his suspicions confirmed by the machinations of his father's political maneuvering. It was a stark reminder of the power struggles that defined life within the Palace walls, a reality that he had long sought to escape.

"Where is he?" Qin Fuhua's voice trembled with restrained fury, his gaze narrowing as he contemplated his next course of action.

Before Weizhe could respond, a faint voice interrupted their conversation, its familiar timbre sending a jolt of recognition coursing through Qin Fuhua's veins.

"No. Young Princess, you must not--!"

With a sudden burst of energy, Princess Chuhua darted into the courtyard, her vibrant hanfu a beacon of joy amidst the muted tones of the surroundings.

Her eyes sparkled with innocence and excitement, oblivious to the complexities of the world that surrounded her.

For a fleeting moment, Qin Fuhua's heart softened at the sight of his sister's unbridled happiness, a reminder of the precious moments of connection that still lingered amidst the shadows of the Palace.

As Princess Chuhua rushed into his arms, calling out


with an exuberance that melted Qin Fuhua's heart, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth spread across his features.

Returning her embrace with a tender smile, he enveloped her in a gentle hug, his hand instinctively finding its place atop her head as he cherished this rare moment of familial connection.

But as quickly as the joy had come, it faded from Chuhua's eyes, replaced by a hint of concern as she searched the courtyard for another familiar face.

"Where's Suyin?" she queried, her voice tinged with curiosity and longing.

Qin Fuhua's expression softened, a pang of regret tugging at his heart as he hesitated to respond. Instead, he leaned down to meet his sister's gaze, his eyes probing hers with a mixture of solemnity and compassion.

"Do you know why you came back home?" he asked, his voice gentle yet firm.

Chuhua nodded timidly, her lips pressed together in a nervous gesture as she averted her gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the weight of their familial obligations.

"And do you want to do this?" Qin Fuhua pressed, his tone tinged with concern as he broached the topic of her impending engagement.

Despite her uncertainty, Princess Chuhua nodded bravely, her resolve shining through her apprehension. "Although I might not live long due to my illness, it is my duty as a Princess to serve the Kingdom," she confessed, her words laced with resignation and determination.

Qin Fuhua's frown deepened at her words, his heart heavy with the burden of responsibility that weighed upon his sister's shoulders. Gently grasping her shoulders, he met her gaze with unwavering determination.

"Hey, what did I say about you speaking like that?" he chided softly, his voice tinged with affection as he sought to dispel her fears.

"No matter what happens, I will always protect you, no matter what happens to you in the future," he promised, his words a solemn vow to shield his precious younger sister from harm, no matter the cost.


[Han Suyin]

As Suyin made her way with the group of students toward the next examination venue, her attention was momentarily diverted by a familiar figure in the distance.

Squinting against the sunlight, she caught a glimpse of Areum's unmistakable silhouette, causing her to pause mid-step.

A flicker of disbelief crossed Suyin's features as she watched Areum's hasty departure from the Palace grounds, her mind struggling to reconcile the unexpected sight before her.

Could it truly be Areum, here in the heart of the Palace, amidst the chaos of the examination day?

But as quickly as the thought had crossed her mind, Suyin dismissed it with a rueful shake of her head. "I'm probably just imagining things," she muttered to herself, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "There's no way that she's here."

With a determined exhale, Suyin refocused her attention on the task at hand, pushing aside the distraction of Areum's fleeting presence as she prepared to face the next challenge that awaited her.

Stepping forward with renewed resolve, she joined her fellow examinees as they ventured beyond the confines of the Palace, ready to confront whatever trials lay ahead with courage.


[The Sick Courtyard]

The "sick" courtyard, as it was well-known, served as a hub for those afflicted with various ailments within the Palace walls. Functioning similar to a nurses' department, it was a place where the sickly workers sought solace and aid for their illnesses, ranging from minor illnesses like headaches to more severe conditions that necessitated isolation to prevent further spread.

For Han Suyin and her fellow examinees, the timing of their examination in this environment seemed almost fateful, as a mysterious illness had recently begun to ravage the ranks of the Palace workers.

Fear and apprehension hung heavy in the air, with many workers hesitant to approach the afflicted for fear of contracting the sickness themselves.

As the teacher announced the next test—curing the patients—Suyin and the others were provided with light cloths to cover their faces, a meager attempt at protection against the spreading illness.

While some examinees faltered in the face of this daunting challenge, succumbing to their fears of contamination, Suyin remained calm.

With a keen understanding of the importance of maintaining a barrier between herself and the patients, Suyin wasted no time in preparing herself for the task at hand.

Snatching up a clean cloth to serve as a makeshift glove, she braced herself for the task ahead, her mind focused on the well-being of the afflicted individuals she was about to encounter.

It was in this moment of preparation that Suyin found herself greeted by the encouraging words of a fellow examinee, whose infectious enthusiasm lifted her spirits despite the gravity of the situation.

With a shared smile, they forged a silent pact to face the challenge together, their determination bolstered by the strength of their newfound alliance.

"It was Ren Feng... wasn't it?" the man remarked, his voice muffled behind the cloth covering his face. Suyin nodded in affirmation, her grin evident even behind the thin mask.

"My name is Yuan Fu," he introduced himself, extending a hand of camaraderie. "Let's work together, shall we?"

With a nod of agreement, Suyin clasped Yuan Fu's hand in solidarity, their shared resolve serving as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that enveloped the "sick" courtyard.


[Qin Fuhua]

As Qin Fuhua guided Princess Chuhua through the winding paths of the palace grounds, their journey took them past the Sick Courtyard, a place fraught with the echoes of suffering and sickness.

Despite the distance separating Princess Chuhua's residence from this somber courtyard, it was a necessary precaution to ensure proximity to medical aid in case of emergencies, given her delicate health.

However, as they passed by the Sick Courtyard, Qin Fuhua's steps faltered, a sense of unease creeping over him.

The air suddenly seemed heavy with the fragrance of Magnolia flowers, an unexpected and incongruous presence amidst the sterile surroundings of the sickly quarters.

Drawing Princess Chuhua closer to him, Qin Fuhua scanned their surroundings with a furrowed brow, his senses on high alert as he sought to discern the source of the unfamiliar scent.

Was it merely a trick of the senses, or did it carry with it someone who knew?

Hello my readers!

It's been a while! I've been trying to see if I can make this novel into a webtoon BUT this might be like a 10 percent chance due to the amount of work I've been doing these past few months. I will work on this novel until the end and probably see it by then. I hope you all are doing well and I miss you all! Could you stay safe and healthy my dear readers?


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