

Tojiro looked at the three items he has gained and his system has told him that they instantly transferred into his [pocket], surprisingly Tojiro wasn't angry at the type of items he has gained from his beginner's package no he is ecstatic cause of what his system said about how manuals work for the system due to the nature of the system of turning him into an perfect being, even when he learns all the techniques and mastered all the skills from it.

He is capable of pushing his mastery of martial arts into complete perfection.

Making it impossible for others to match him in the same art of fighting nor would anybody be capable of finding flaws or anything similar when he used this kind of fighting style. That's such a broken function that It made Tojiro excited.

Tojiro went and checked his [Pocket] as he sees an endless grid screen and mentally commanded on gaining the manual out of the [Pocket] as he done that the manual appeared on top of Tojiro's body and he immediately started reading it, soon some time passed and Tojiro did the basic moves of the manual as he gained a notification from his status page so he checked it.

[Name:Wyrce{Yumaro Tojiro}

Age:6 Days Old

HP: 30/30

EP: 10/10

Physical Perfection-12/100{Basic Human}

Mental Perfection-40/100{Genius}

Spiritual Perfection-5/100(Basic Human)



Logic Drive-Rank(B):The Wielder goes into their mind and will be capable of solving problems through hundreds of calculations till finding the right one.

Mixed Martial Arts-Rank(D)-A Combat style that mixes striking,grappling and ground fighting{0.3% Till Perfection}


Wives:0 Lovers:0 Followers:0

Current World:Dragon Ball]

Tojiro frown at his current progress towards perfecting mix martial arts but merely grimaced as he knows that perfecting this skill will require hard work but in the long run it'll be worth it as when he is capable of going to west city he'll easily be capable of making shen of teaching him on how to fly.

3 weeks has passed since the events of being reborned in the world of Dragonball and during that time Tojiro made a lot of progress since than as his mixed martial arts skill was now 2% in reaching perfection and through those times he has also taken some of his blood purification pills which has awaken hidden abilities in the human body and even raised his physical perfection by 150 percent.

His relationship with his new mother was a bit shaky as he still does his perverted actions on her breast from time to time but due to this his mother merely accepted her arousal from getting her breast sucked by her own child and as long it is just that then everything is okay.

In certain occasions Tojiro was capable of seeing his own reflection and realized how handsome he truly is, even as a baby with his raven black long hair, with strands of red on the edge of it and piercing golden eyes with a body fitter than most infants of his age. Tojiro found that very pleasing of this fact though he was pretty fit and had a handsome face back in his old life but when he stopped caring and became a neet his looks though still above average weren't as grand as he was before.

Which is the only regret that Tojiro had when he changed his lifestyle but it doesn't matter now because in this new life he'll grow up to be even more handsome than his past life.