
Red Angel

Hm... That's intriguing, Death and Life are interwinding they always float together. During my previous life, I have heard about the balance between Life and Death but I could never understand it as clearly as now. I started absorbing elements into my mana pool inside my brain. The way all magicians cultivate is comparatively easy we use our mental power to grab elements and place it between our brows. There are a total of nine circles of power for magic cultivation when your main class is that of a magic type and at 0th - 9th level you are considered to be a novice mage, 10th - 19th first circle mage, 20th - 19th second circle mage and it's the same up to 99th level of ninth circle mage. At the level of 100 people are called half-transcendent mages and at 101st it becomes a first circle supreme mage.

There are different ways of raising levels, and different people possess different potential, for example, a person with zero talent will level up slower than a person with talent, it means that the talented person needs 100 experience point (XP) for a level up when the first one needs 500 XP. However, slow level up speed doesn't suggest low potential, sometimes people deliberately slow down their progress and build up a solid foundation such as increasing levels of their skills and other attributes through training then get level up buff from Gaia. There are also people with strong and powerful bloodlines: Red Dragon Bloodline, Blood Devil Bloodline, Saint White Tiger Bloodline. People with these bloodlines need much more XP for leveling up but at the same time they get more attribute buffs; ordinary people get 12 points of attributes, two to each elementary attribute, people with bloodlines may get 30 or 60 attribute points.

"Darling, I am home. What is for breakfast?" sounded my dad's voice from the entrance.

"I am preparing porridge and some fried bacon."

"Bacon? You are really going to celebrate Alexander's birthday," chuckled my father.

"Of course, also, Dr. Rose will bring her dad for breakfast; we need to discuss something."

"Oh... Dr. Rose's dad? I have never seen him by the way. What does he look like," my father got curious and asked while hugging my mother from the back.

"I don't know but we will see."

My dad kissed mom on the neck and then walked to my playpen.

"Good morning, Alexander, how is my small warrior?" he asked and took me up.

I don't really like being taken as a toy but I don't have any other choice.

After a minute of tossing me around, dad placed me back and took a seat at the table. My mom brought the pan with porridge and wooden plates.


"It must be Dr. Rose with her father."

My mom went to the door and opened it. The first person to enter was Dr. Rose; she wore a different set of clothes, it was more casual and comfortable than a doctor's gown. Behind her was an elegant young man in a white robe, he had a sword on his waist and a tuft of hair on the head. The man had a tranquil aura and with every breath he made there was a small storm forming around him.

It always scary to realize that this man is a bloodthirsty murderer. He is a magic swordsman, one of the best, Celestial Blood Swordsman is his master and also the Protector of our region.

"Welcome, Dr. Rose, how are you?"

"I am fine, thank you, how is Alexander?"

"Good, good, thanks to you, Dr. Rose."

"No worries," she smiled," This is my father, William."

The young man moved his hand towards my parents for a handshake and greeted them, "Hello, nice to meet you."

"Hello..." my parents were confused, the man is too young to be Dr. Rose parents.

"Ok... We are done with greetings should we have a breakfast then?" said Dr. Rose and walked to my mom.

"Yeah, sure..."

William went to the table and when he was passing me stopped. He sensed something, as I thought, it is impossible to hide from supreme beings.

"This is..."

"I told you, dad, he is Alexander."

"Is he?" William started emitting bloodlust, I was able to feel it, my head got dizzy a little but I used all my will and mental power to obstruct it. Fortunately, the bloodlust was small and lasted less than a second; nobody was able to sense it.

Red Angel squatted down in front of my playpen and said, "What are you?"

I rolled on my left side, so I could face him and tried to grab his arm through a gap between wooden poles.

"Interesting... I will talk to you later."

He stood up and sat at the table.

My parents were a little bit surprised by William's actions and looked at Dr. Rose.

"Julia, as I told you, Alexander is not an ordinary boy... My dad sensed something."

"Why is Alexander not ordinary, did you check his attribute panel?" asked my dad.

"Darling... When he was born, he didn't cry, so I asked Dr. Rose to check his attribute panels and..."

"Julia, let us have breakfast and then we can talk about Alexander."

"Yes, sure..."

They started their breakfast in complete silence; my father wasn't a very intelligent person but he wasn't an idiot either. He knew that there was something strange going on so he waited.

William Granade didn't show any concern and just kept eating his porridge.

After the breakfast, Dr. Rose started describing the incident during my birthday. She said that the sole issue was the Death affinity, and she asked her father for help.

"But from Mr. Granade's reaction, I guess it is not that simple."

"Yeah, you guessed right but first of all I must check it."


"Don't worry," reassured William and approached me.

"Excelsis Reprehendo Attributum," whispered the young man, the next moment, a lot of orbs of light gathered around me and William open his eyes.

"Hm... One hundred for each and triple affinity... What is that skill with question marks?"

"Tell me, boy, who are you?" I heard someone's voice in my head; I knew that it was William.

"I am Alexander Light."

"I am asking what is your real identity."

"Both in my previous and current life, I was Alexander Light. I don't know how or why I was taken to the past and born again but for me, it is an opportunity."

"Previous and current life? I understand now, that is a reason for extraordinary intelligence and wisdom than what opportunity are you talking about and what about the past?"

I told him about everything I knew and in order to prove him that I am not lying I disclosed him a secret I was told in the future, it concerned William and his master, at first he got shocked but then nodded in acknowledgment that he believes me and stood up.

"He is ok... It is just a unique constitution of balance elements... Life and Death is a never seen before combination, so that was the reason for his strangeness but he is absolutely a normal boy. I am quite interested in him, so I will take him as my apprentice when he grows up," I requested William not to tell anyone about my situation and also used this as an opportunity to learn swordsmanship. In my previous life, I only touched swords once, when my dad tried to teach me.

"Oh... Thanks, Gaia," said my mom.

"Apprentice?" my dad wasn't extremely happy about giving me to an unknown person as an apprentice.

"You are a military man, so you must know about Vice-Protectors."

"No way..."

"I am also known as a Red Angel."

"Red Angel!" my dad nearly fell when he heard this name.