
Going Deeper

The following morning, although I woke up much earlier than usual, my mom was already downstairs cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom," I greeted her and sat down.

"Good morning, honey, why are you up so early?"

"I am going to the forest; I want to spend more time there before my training."

"Again? You go to the forest every day, maybe you should spend more time with other children."

"But I like forest and also I meet others during the training, so there is no need," I played a little, using some advantages of being a child.

"Ok, ok, just be careful and don't go too deep into the forest, there are some dangerous magic beasts."

"I know mom, dad told me, don't worry."

Obviously, there is a secret about our GreenHigh Forest. It would be bizarre that one of the Vice-Protectors is stationed here. There was a rumor that an extremely strong magic beast died there and it caused other beasts to evolve. However, in the future, there will be an information sent by an investigation team of the Invasion side. Demon horde sent by the Invasion forces was looking for the Blood Evolution Formation. Blood Evolution Formation is one of the three Heavenly Formations which are forbidden to be used by the Heavens, however, there is a small trick about it. It can be used only once a century and no more.

Last time we were unable to protect the Formation and it was used by the Black-Wing Prince. He became a great problem for Protection Forces; one of the Protectors himself went to execute him.

This time, however, the one to operate it will be me, I didn't tell about my plan to Master William because he would oppose me but I have no other choice. I must improve my strength in any way possible and by all means become a powerhouse which will able to protect my parents.

After breakfast, I went to the Baby Tree of Life and met my Feefee.

"Good morning, Master, Feefee didn't forget about what you told her."

"I know, Feefee is a good girl," I caressed her head and smiled. How can I resist her charm?

"Let's go then? We don't have much time before my training."

"Again? You are spending less time with Feefee, even Elder is complaining about it to me!"

She showed her displeasure by flying away from my shoulder. Feefee landed on a branch of the nearby tree and watched at the side, not looking at me.

"I am so sorry, Feefee. I promise tomorrow I will bring you with me, and you will meet my parents."

My words worked quite well and she got so thrilled that nearly fell from the tree.

"Really?! Master, Feefee is so happy, don't worry about Elder! Feefee is a good girl; she will talk to him."

"Ok, don't worry I believe in Feefee," said I when she landed back on my shoulder.

I am so happy that I obtained my (Life Creation) skill, otherwise, I would never meet such an adorable little bird.

Obviously, this time I am not going to use the Blood Evolution Formation, it is still too early and I need to develop the plan of how to get past a beast, defending it. Although it is not an amazingly mighty magic beast but still very dangerous and for current me, it is impossible to beat it without senior William's help. Today my goal is to take a look around the deeper part of the forest and maybe try to get some skills through my title.

Feefee and I left the region of the Baby Tree of Life and went to the center of the GreenHigh Forest.

When I leveled up to level 1, I killed a chicken and it didn't give me any skills or abilities, this time I want to try and see for my self how my title works.

Trees were all around us; it was a world full of green. Every so often it was possible to hear some rustle on the side. Feefee was very excited, she was flying from one tree to another and singing some song about herself, "Feefee is with Master, she goes into the woods to get some magic buster." Her song didn't really make any sense, but I didn't want to stop her so we proceeded.

After an hour the forest became denser, and it was hard to see the sunlight, it got blocked by the branches.

"Is it night time, Master?" Feefee asked curiously.

"No, Feefee, it is just sun can't get through the trees."

"Oh! Feefee understands now."

Suddenly I detected something in the bushes. Now we got into a dangerous zone which is full of magic beasts, and I can't neglect such rustling as before.

"Feefee get ready, heal me if necessary."

Feefee didn't say anything and just landed on my shoulder fully prepared for the battle.

I took out my wooden knife, which I made out of the Baby Tree of Life's branch, it wasn't any worse than some iron ones.

The next moment a grey flash jumped out and rushed towards me, I swung my right arm with the knife trying to cut the beast's neck and luckily it got hit. My movements were decent and I had some experience in physical combat so it wasn't that hard for me to hunt. However, my body is still that of a 5 years old child and my eyes are not used to such agile and rapid movements.


You have killed a Magic Rabbit.

(Friend of the Death) title effect:

Skill (Increased Movement Speed LVL: 1) | Low-level | Rank: Common | acquired.

(Increased Movement Speed LVL: 1) | Low-level | Rank: Common |


Constantly increases your movement speed by 0.1%.


Impressive, if I keep slaying these beasts can I level up this skill to Divine - level? I know it is foolish but still intriguing.

After I gained this new skill, I can faintly feel some difference but still, 0.1% is not that high. After this fight, I didn't want to take the Magic Rabbit with me, and we left it be, some other predators will get him.

We resumed our journey into the woods, after the first battle we met two more Magic Rabbits, nevertheless my (Increased Movement Speed) skill didn't level up but I think it is a matter of experience my attribute panel is still too low in level and it can't show me the experience bar.

"Feefee, how are you?"

"Feefee is good, Master, Feefee is having fun!"

She was very cheerful and constantly flew over my head, in my previous life I didn't have a companion while traveling but this time it is different and so much better.

"I think it is time for us to go back, my training is starting soon."

"Ok, Master, Feefee understands."

We headed back and on a border between the regions, I noticed a Migc rabbit hunting for an ordinary one. It is a natural order I guess, weak are eaten by the strong.

"Master, can you save it?"

I looked at Feefee; she is still small and naive but I don't want her to see me as a heartless person.

"Ok, Feefee."

I moved slowly, so it wouldn't notice me, however, it has a very keen sense and my plan failed. It looked at me and decided that I am a better prey, so it jumped at me but one slash of my knife and it dropped dead.

"Fuuh, it is still perilous, I should be careful." I wiped the sweat off my forehead and suddenly:


Secret Condition fulfilled (You have saved the life of a small rabbit, therefore gave him an opportunity to survive, Death is extremely happy for you to bring it more lifespan, 1 year is given to the small rabbit, 1 year is given to you, 3 years is taken by the Death. Since this moment every time you kill, it will be an interference into the natural order, you will get additional lifespan of a killed creature and the other portion will be taken by the Death. The Death sends you a kiss).

(Imprint of the Death Lover) acquired.

New title (Lover of the Death) acquired.

(Friend of the Death) new attribute available.

Lifespan stat is now available at your attribute panel.

Lifespan Shop is now available.

Please check your (Friend of the Death) title.

You have killed a Magic Rabbit - 1 year of the lifespan acquired.