
The Magical Universe


XavierRubik · Fantasy
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I was born in a country called Herculean. When a meteorite hit the earth, people noticed changes in themselves. They started to get special powers. Schools were made for children with these special powers. The best school out there is Backston High, the school I want to get into.

My name is Phoenix. I was born powerless, so most people call me useless. Since I was so "useless" I only had a friend and a girlfriend. My friend's name was Klein and my girlfriends name was Charmaine, but I call her Mae. I will tell a story, about how I changed history.

I was laying on the roof of the school, when Klein came on the roof to hang out with me. "Your not going to the freshman ceremony?" "Nah I don't feel like it". "I just hope we don't get in trouble because we didn't go or anything man". He came sit next to me. Mae must have heard us talking and came onto the roof. "Oh hey Mae". She came next to me and Klein and said " I found you two idiots!". Mae was a very special person, she was born with two powers. She could shoot energy beams out of her hand, and she could slow down time. Klein power was the Megaton punch, which gave him a really powerful punch. Mae dragged me and Klein to the entrance ceremony. "Why did he have to come here Mae?" I asked her. "Because we have to pay attention. They might tell us freshman something important, you never know."

The principal came up and started talking about when the school was found and blah blah blah. I layed on Mae's lap and went to sleep. When it was over she woke me up and told me, "You three are in the same class." We walked to our class with the map of the school that was given to Mae during the entrance ceremony. "Uhh I think it's this class right here." I read '1A' on the door. I walked in and took a seat at the back, with Klein on my right and Mae in front of me. The teacher came in and made us introduce ourselves. I wasn't really paying attention to other peoples introductions because I wasn't all that interested in others. When it was my turn I stood up and said "Hello, my name is Phoenix. My power is..er..well, I don't really have any powers.. I think haha. I hope we can all get along". I don't think the people at this school really appreciate someone without powers because they looked at me dirty. "I can't believe we have such trash in our class. We are so unlucky. Mae and Klein stood up for me by saying "Hey, you can't just judge him like that, you don't know him!". I didn't really care what they say, because they aren't important to me. When the teacher started to teach lessons, It got boring so I went to sleep.

I awoke to someone throwing me across the class, telling me to wake up. I yelled at them and asked them why would you throw me? They said that they were just trying to be a good friend and wake me up. I don't really believe them though, because what friend would throw another so forcefully? I clenched my fist, ready to flash out on the idiot who hit me. I looked around and found out the teacher wasn't in the classroom. I called out for someone to help me or tell this guy to calm down, but they all just looked at me like I was trash. I tried to call for Klein but he was sleeping, I tried waking him up but he's a heavy sleeper. Mae came in the class and said, "Dang I can't even get some water without their being something going on. Who the hell are you?" "Umm I'm Kaden, can I assist you in any way?" I guess he gave her such respect because she had a very powerful ability. "Well you could help me. Do you even know the guys name that you just threw?". The jerk named Kaden said, "Er no I actually don't know his name. I don't really think it's important because he's just trash! He doesn't even have an ability!". "Oh so just because he doesn't have an ability you think he's trash? He's way stronger than you could ever dream to be. Don't touch my boyfriend and learn his name." It made me feel good that she said all those things about me. "It's ok Mae this guy isn't worth it. Let's go to our other classes." Before and Mae could go to our other classes the guy yelled at me, "Wait, what's your name?". "Don't worry about it". I walked out of the class and took a look at my schedule. "Mae I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." "Ok hurry back!". I went to the bathroom and heaved a sigh of relief. I'm happy that Mae's in my class to look after me. I can't even defend myself without this girl". I left the bathroom and went to me and Mae's next class. We sat down before the teacher could walk in. I sat at the front so that I wouldn't fall asleep this time.

"Hello Class! My name is Mrs.Rosario, and I will be teaching you Algebra 1 & 2. Normally, you'd only be learning algebra 1 in your freshman year of highschool, But at Backston High, we strive to be the best at everything. We will be giving you lots of info so make sure your paying attention. Since it's the first day I'll let you guys have some free time and mingle among yourselves." I got up and went sit by Mae and Klein. "Had a good sleep Klein?" "Yah it was ok, could've been better though. I woke up to some idiot crying about how life wasn't fair and he'd got beaten up for nothing. I don't know it was something like that. I had to hit smack him across his head so for him to shut up". "Oh are you talking about Kaden? Serves him right! He hit Nix for no reason while he was sleeping! He's so disgraceful. I didn't think that people with power would act so low. It's saddening, if that's how they'll act, their power might as well go to people without them". "It's ok Mae it wasn't that serious". While we were talking, this silver haired guy walked up to us. " Hello. My name is Xavier, and i'm just going around and talking to everybody in the class. I want to get to know everybody and be friends! If your having any troubles, then I would like to help you, so just give me a call or email me". He walked gave me a slip of paper with his number and email and walked off. He looked like a reliable person, but I didn't know if he was gonna be the same as the others.

After class was over, we was on our lunch break. We went go get our lunches and chill on the roof. I was tired and didn't feel like staying up so I went to sleep. "Baby wake up." I heard Mae's voice and opened my eyes. I think we skipped over a class. The bell rang but i didn't want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful." "Oh well let's go to those dumb classes then. I don't think I can do this for a year". The next class I went to I sat down in the front again, so that I wouldn't fall asleep. Hello class, my name is Mr. Donten, and this is a special class for freshman. It's to inform you of an event and just some info about this school. You will only be taking this class today, so I'd like to get started now." This will be interesting, I thought to myself. "Ok so our school, Backston High" is the best school for people with powers. At this school we have one person who is crowned the best person with abilities for every year. Once the best freshman is decided, you will be able to rule over all other freshman, and you will also have many other opportunities that others don't have. We call this event the Battle of power. The freshman is to be treated with utmost respect, and can pick people who he can trust. He is allowed to control all of you and make the best decisions for you.