
The Magic Hotel

Lily's life took a dark turn when she discovered her family's plan to marry her off to a much older man. Determined to escape, she found herself transported to a magical world where she was granted a unique skill—a hotel as a cheat. Amidst adventures in managing her magical haven, Lily encountered Aster, an S-rank magician. Together, they faced trials and built a name for themselves, their shared journey forging a love that transcended realms and defied fate.

nunumoriki · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: The Beginning

On a sunny Saturday morning, Lily awoke with the anticipation of a life-changing moment. Her boyfriend of four years, Carter Blane, had expressed his intention to visit and speak to her parents. Lily, believing he was about to propose, felt a surge of excitement as she prepared for the day.

As Lily descended the stairs, the living room held not just her parents and siblings but also an elderly man alongside her boyfriend. Assuming him to be Carter's grandfather, Lily warmly greeted them. However, her joy turned to bewilderment as Carter, in the presence of everyone, revealed the purpose of his visit—to ask for her younger sister's hand in marriage.

Confused and angered, Lily couldn't comprehend why her boyfriend of four years was seeking her sister's hand when she was the one with whom he had shared a significant part of his life. The unexpected turn of events left Lily grappling with a mix of emotions, shocked and hurt by the revelation. The sunny morning that held the promise of a proposal now cast a shadow of confusion and disappointment over Lily's expectations.