
The Magic Hotel

Lily's life took a dark turn when she discovered her family's plan to marry her off to a much older man. Determined to escape, she found herself transported to a magical world where she was granted a unique skill—a hotel as a cheat. Amidst adventures in managing her magical haven, Lily encountered Aster, an S-rank magician. Together, they faced trials and built a name for themselves, their shared journey forging a love that transcended realms and defied fate.

nunumoriki · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 12- First Upgrade

Liliana Nova

Level = 1 XP (20/100)

System Level = 0 (Need 50 Gold coins to upgrade)

Number of staff =12

Number of short term guests =5

Number of Long term guests =0

Gold coins = 250 and 25 silver coins 

As Liliana led Mack and his party to their designated room, she seized the opportunity to provide them with essential information about the hotel's dining arrangements. With a warm smile, she informed them that breakfast was served from 8 am to 11 am, lunch from 12 pm to 3 pm, and dinner from 4 pm to 8 pm. The cafeteria, boasting an all-you-can-eat buffet, offered a diverse array of options during meal times, ensuring a delightful and worry-free dining experience for the guests.

After guiding them to their room and bidding them farewell, Liliana immersed herself back into the workings of the magical hotel. It was then that the system presented her with a proposition to upgrade. Eager to enhance the capabilities of her magical inn, Liliana promptly responded with a resounding yes.

In the blink of an eye, 50 gold coins were deducted from her account as the system initiated the upgrade. The magical energies swirling around the inn seemed to intensify, signaling a newfound level of enchantment. Liliana, fueled by the desire to create an even more extraordinary haven for her guests, awaited the unfolding of the enhancements brought about by the upgraded system. The dance between magic and hospitality continued, and Liliana Nova stood at the forefront, orchestrating the symphony of her ever-evolving magical inn.