
The Magic Following.

4 teenage boys wandering a forest. I try to update at least 1 time a week.

Fleeing_Shadows · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Eye.

After a few days of helping the tiger, the boys left on their quest to find the eye of Bogmos. "I don't even know what we're looking for." Chris remarked as he jumped over a fallen log. "I'm sure Evan does." Dean responded. "What's he doing anyways?" Dakota asked, looking over at Evan who was floating in a small, light blue ball that looked like a bubble. "Honestly? I have no clue." Dean responded. "We've been walking for ages. This sucks. There's so many bugs." Dean said as he stepped ankle deep into a puddle. He groaned, when suddenly, a crack in the earth emerged, sending a bright red light straight into their eyes. "What now?!" Dean yelled. The three took a step back, but Evan just floated over it. The three looked at each other and decided to jump it. The gap wasn't all that big, so it wasn't to bad, but the ground was rumbling terribly. "What's going on?" Dakota shouted. They felt the ground start to open again, but it was to late to make any moves, they were already falling. Chris's mask came up, right as his head smacked against a rock while he fell. He hit the ground hard, but didn't have the wind knocked out of him, or worse. He stood up and looked around. They were in some kind of cavern. Chris walked over to Dean who was still on the ground, feeling his chest. "How are we not dead?" He asked Chris. "Your guess is as good as mine." Chris responded. "Well, I know." They heard from being them. It was Evan. "What were you doing? You missed all this fun stuff." Dakota asked in a somewhat hostile tone. "I didn't actually miss anything." Evan told him, "I found what were looking for." "And that is?" Dakota asked him, this time hostile. Evan turned around, "What's up with the attitude?" "You've been floating, doing who knows what, and we almost died!" Dakota shouted. "But you didn't." Evan replied calmly, "Because I was here." Dakota glared at him. Evan walked up to him and touched his shoulder, "That should be better." Evan said as a blue light swirled around Dakota. Some sort of glowing red powder floated out when the light swirled around him. He sighed as the light faded away. "Yeah, we're close." Evan said, and blew into his hand. A blue light appeared, and went straight into the other three. It was a big weight off of each of their chest. A little bit of red dust dropped from each one of them. "Wow..." Chris mumbled. "I think it's this wall." Evan mumbled. The other three looked at him. "What?" Dean asked. "That were supposed to go through, I think it's this wall." Evan said with his hand on the stone. His hand started to glow blue, and smoke started to come up from the rock. "Yeah, it's definitely this one. Watch your face." Evan said as the wall exploded. Chunks flew everywhere, one even smashed against Chris' helmet. When the smoke cleared, they saw that there was a very large heart, beating. There was no noise coming from it, which Chris found strange. "Shoot." Evan thought outloud. "What is it?" Dean asked. "I wanted to destroy the heart with that blast, but here we are." Evan told him in a disappointed tone. The other three looked at him. "Is everything alright, Evan?" Chris asked. "Kind of, when I defeated those beings, I was incredibly more powerful. Those people were the strongest I have ever come across. But this, this is different, what I'm feeling here, is so much worse." The three looked at him, "There's some kind of weakening magic in this awful place. It's being cast to all of us, but I'm taking what would be give to you. So in short, I'm under four weakening spells at the same time." He kept his posture when he said that, but the three of them could tell he was suffering. "Then let's leave!" Dakota yelled. "I wish it was that easy, there's some cheap teleportation curse on this blasted place." Evan responded. "Then what do we do?" "Honestly?" Evan said, "I don't know." They all looked around, then at the heart. "Well I think it's pretty obvious," Dakota declared, "We destroy the heart." "While I hate that idea, it's starting to like the only thing we've got." "Are you sure?" Dean asked. "No." Evan replied. "Then why don't we sit down, and brainstorm what to do." Chris suggested. "Because, my energy is very quickly fading." Evan raised his hand towards the heart. Everyone looked over, and realized what he was about to do. The four got behind him, and he shot. it was a blast of light, that seemed to drip from his hand. The laser barley touched the heart when everything went black. Chris could feel a wind start to pick up. Faster and faster, until he felt like he was being blown around an endless room. He was slammed against a wall and it stopped. His eyes adjusted, along with his mask and he saw that they were in a very dimly lit room. The ceiling was hug though, it went up for 15 feat, according to Mante. "What is this place...?" Chris thought, when he heard a voice in the darkness, "Welcome!" He said, "To the Terror Games!" Chris stood looking around, was he the only one there? That can't be, any of the other guys should be here too. He thought. Panic flood over him. "Sir, you need to calm down." Mante told him. Chris looked around and then sat down on the floor. His back was up against a very cold, very hard metal wall. "The games are starting...." The voice paused for a few seconds, "Now!" The voice echoed though the room. Chris listened as it faded out. When it did, it was every quiet. There was a loud creek, and Chris felt the wall start to move. It sunk down into the floor. Chris got up as it went down. He saw that there was another room on the other side. The wall was just about at head height when his mask flipped up and turned all red. Chris barley had enough time to think as Mante took control, but it was still to late. Chris felt himself crash into the falling wall, sending him flipping in circles. He looked up and saw a man, with a glowing smile step over the wall. Mante got up as the man swung for his face to which Mante narrowly dodged. The man threw his fist towards Chris's stomach but Mante swiped it away. They went back and forth with very quick, strong attacks. The man never gave Mante any time to draw his weapon. After a few more blows, Mante dropped down and threw his legs out. With a spin, Mante swept the man off his feet and sent him crashing onto the ground. The man tired to jump up, but Mante punched him back to the ground. Again and again, until the man stopped trying to jump up. He crawled backwards, Mante walking infront of him. The guy tried to spin around and run, but Mante caught him by the leg. He used it and picked him up by legs then swung him over his head like a hammer. He hit the ground with such force that the glowing smile left his face. Mante scanned the man, and sure enough, he was dead. When the control was given back to Chris, he immediately ran in the opposite direction. He felt awful. He ran until he found himself in a room with two boxes made of wood and plastic windows. The light was brighter, but still dim. There were a few people inside of them. When they saw Chris they started to laugh. He looked at them as a small group of people walked in. They came through a door, where as Chris came in through a open space in the wall. They started to lock the doors, and saw Chris standing there. "Shut the garage." One man said calmly. Chris looked around for something that would put the door down. After a couple seconds of searching, Chris found something that looked like it would work. He pressed the down button, and a door came down, but stopped about 4 inches from the floor. Chris hit the button again, but it didn't go down any further. As he struggled, a man came over and gave a frustrated grunt at Chris. He grabbed the bottom of the door, and ripped it back up, and walked around the corner to the left. And that's when a light flickered on, then off. In the second that it was on, Chris saw some kind of beast walk under it. Chris didn't wait, he took off to the right of the door as people in the little rooms started to cheer and laugh. That laughter didn't stick around long. Chris heard the scraping of the beast claws as he rounded a corner. There was a few screams, a thud, and then alot of screams. Chris started to run again, along the wall of the little space, and kept straight when it ended. He got a distance away, when he felt something looming in the distance. His mask was glowing very slightly red, as he turned around. In the far distance, he could see a massive figure. It was hard to make out, but it was definitely there. Chris' heart was pounding when he saw that. He turned around and started to run again. He stopped for a moment, in what felt like the middle of the massive area. He looked around when way in the distance, he saw a small light. It gave him hope, as he started to run again. In no time he was there, the light was another area. It looked like a poorly setup bouncy house area. It was a door way, about the size as that from the other room. He walked in and spotted a very familiar head of hair through a small circle in the wall of one of the bouncy houses. Chris ran over to where he saw the head. He jumps over the wall, because it wasn't all that tall, and plops down onto the rather rough surface. He bounced a little, but quickly stopped. "Chris?" Dakota said in confusion. "Hey man." Chris responded. "What's going on?" Dakota asked. "Honestly, I have no clue." Chris told him. He looked around and saw that it was a one entrance, one exit. "We should get to the opposite side of the room." Chris told Dakota. Dakota nodded, and the two of them got up and started to walk across the room. When they get about half way, they hear some rustling from behind a bouncy house. Chris and Dakota look at each other and jump behind a bouncy house of their own. "We just have to get through to tonight, and we'll have the eye." One of the men said. "But usually we're hunting them, but thats not the case!" The other objected. "Shut up. We're not alone." Another voice spoke. His was far deeper than the rest of them. "What're you talking about? No one knows this exist!" One of them yelled. "Shut. Up." The deep voiced man said again. The footsteps got closer to them. Chris'mask was quickly getting brighter red. There was a rustle, and the noise stopped. Chris looked around the corner and suddenly Mante had control. He jumped backwards and drew his sword. Dakota follow suit. "Listen fellas, we don't have to do this." Chris told them. "Oh, dont you know, for every person you kill, you get gold." Chris looked at Dakota, and nodded for him to get behind him. "Gold for a soul huh? Sounds like one hell of a trade." Dakota said from behind Chris. The man chuckled a deep laugh, his body suited him. He was huge, large body, thick beard and tattoos all over. There were two other goons to either side of him. Both were smaller and far skinnier, probably five ten or eleven, where as the big guy was probably six nine or ten. The man dropped his arm down hard and a metal fist came out of his leather jacket. Chris gripped his sword even harder now. The other two pulled out some sort of firearm and aimed it at the two boys. Dakota drew his bow back and Chris held his sword to his face. Just as the man swung back, a shadow creeped across the room. It was massive. It was the massive shadowy figure. The three guys took off running past them. Chris and Dakota put their weapons away and ram for the back corner. They made it to the corner. To their luck there was an odd chair in the otherwise rather open space. There was about 5 feat or so in-between the chair, and the other bouncy house. Chris and Dakota crouch behind it, and saw some of the creature from before stand in the door way. They definitely weren't humans. Chris couldn't get all that good of a look as the doorway was quite a ways away. But one thing that he could make out, was the massive looming figure behind the beast. It was all black. Almost as black as the darkness behind it. "Chris, check it out!" Dakota whispered. Chris looked down and saw that Dakota had pulled up part of the cloth from under the chair revealing a decent sized crawl space. Dakota crawled under as Chris stood watch. There was a low growl coming from the monster, as he shifted his head towards something. The other creatures we're back now and sprinting to the door way. There was a bright light, one of the creatures flew past the door way and then a thud, followed by another thud a few seconds later. Another bright light that struck the big creature, and a loud noise followed a second later. There was a smoke that started to fill the room. It covered the entrance, and all Chris could see was the shadows of the creature. There was a flash that Chris saw was from its mouth, then another that was from the other being fighting it. It shot a laser and took another blast before it went crashing down. When it hit the ground, it kicked the smoke up even more. The room was now all smokey. But in the distance, Chris saw a golden light. "Hey, Dakota." Chris whispered. "Why are you whispering?" Dakota asked back, in a whisper. "Because, there's still people lurking." Chris responded ominously. "Yeah whatever, listen, you go out and find Evan, and I'll catch up, it's cozy down here." Chris peaked down and punched Dakota in the back. "Ow! What was that for?" Dakota yelled as he crawled out. "Come on. We're going to find Evan and Dean." Chris told Dakota, and started to walk. "Hey!" Dakota yelled, "Wait up!" The two made their way to the entrance where Chris saw the golden light. "Its gotta be Evan. Who else has that kind of attack?" They got to the area, and found that it was not Evan, but some random guy with an overly large sword. The man looked over and laughed. "You are safe dear children." There were two other guys with him. It was sort of like the other three that Chris and Dakota almost got in a fight with. But the big guy was just incredibly buff, and not fat. The other two had swords aswell, and they were skinny and tall. Everyone was looking at the massive beast that was lying before them. "I haven't had a good challenge in years, it's good to remember what it's like." The man gloated. "Of course, there was never any chance I would lose. I have never lost a single battle in my life." He started to go on about him being a kid and getting challenged by a bully, or something. Chris and Dakota stopped paying attention. Chris looked around and noticed another light. "Do you see that?" Chris asked Dakota. "See what?" The man said far to loud. "That light, off in the distance." Chris replied. "Ah yes, another golden light. He must be powerful!" The man laughed, "Not as powerful as me, of course!" The goons behind him chuckled. "Why don't you two come with us, to the light that we found." Chris glared at him, "Sure." He said and the group took off. The entire time he was talking about his childhood and never losing. This time, the light never seemed to get closer. They walked, and the light grew farther. "I have an idea!" The man yelled, "Watch!" He yelled again, and drew his sword, "This!" He yelled as he launched his hand up, and a bright light shot out. Chris' helmet adjusted to the light. Chris looked down and saw that now the light was coming even closer, at a very fast pace. Chris knew exactly who it was. "Hey fellas." Evan said as he skidded across the floor. His boots squeaked on the floor. Under his arm was Dean. "What have we got here?" Even said, his eyes are the only thing glowing gold now. The big man chuckled, "What an entrance! Almost as good as mine." Evan looked around, "Really? That's cool. But I really don't care." "I was actually joking about your entrance! It was the worst thing I have ever seen!" The man yelled. Chris and Dakota started to walk over, but the man grabbed both of them by the shoulders. "Now where are you two going? You part of my crew now!" "This guy..." Evan muttered under his breath. "What was that?" The man asked enthusiastically. "I said, let them go before I have to get involved." The man just laughed. "I'll give you to the count of three." Evan said. "One." The man looked at him, and gave a short laugh. "Two." Evan's fist started to give a slight golden glow. Evan waited for another second and the guy threw Chris and Dakota to the ground. Dean and Evan helped them up. "What's your name, anyways?" The man asked. "Wouldn't you like to know." Evan told him in an aggressive tone. The man chuckled again, "You couldn't do anything if you tried." He yelled at the four walking away. Evan popped his head up. "Really? The. hit me with the best you've got! I dare you, in fact, I challenge you to." The man drew his sword and started to glow. "I've got my power from hundreds of years of practice." He started to glow brighter gold now, and was seemingly pulling energy in from the air. He drew his sword over his head, "You are nothing compared to me!" He yelled as he swung his sword down with a trail of golden light, but stopped. Chris looked down and Evans hand was on the sword. He ripped it out of the mans hands and snapped it like a twig. "How?" The man asked, as he fell to his knees. He started to stare at his hands. "That's not possible. That sword is... indestructible..." The man cried. Evan sighed and the four of them walked off. "Kerblogie!" The announcers voice from the beginning came on over the speakers. "This is probably the least amount of survivors that I've had in over a century! You a are the best of the best, yet, there's only one person here who really deserves the eye. But it's no big deal, as everyone gets an eye! Well, one per group." The lights switched on, and Chris finally got to see what kind of place they were in. The walls were grey, the ceiling was in fact very, very high up. The room that the people were in really was just in the middle of the space. It was a grey box, in the middle of the room. The bouncy house area was named, "Kids kingdom." In all rainbow letters above the door way where the monster lay. It was a dinosaur looking creature. The other two were definitely dinosaurs, but Chris didn't know what kind. There was a table in the middle of the room. There was a few people walking toward it. One of the people was extremely bloody, covered from head to toe. The four walked up to the table, and saw that there was two what looked to be eyes. Evan grabbed one. "Huh, I can teleport now." He told the group. "Oh nice. How about, we leave!" Dakota responded with sass. Evan glared at him. Chris took another glance around and before his eyes, he was standing on the soft grass. They were back in the forest. "Alright gents, let's go give this to Frank." Evan told them. "Who's Frank?" Chris asked. No one responded, and they were back in the graveyard.