
The Magic Following.

4 teenage boys wandering a forest. I try to update at least 1 time a week.

Fleeing_Shadows · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Battle. PT 3.

"Dear Lord." Chris muttered. A spear flew and smash into the wall to the right of his head. It bounced a bit and made a wabbling noise. "You're Chris, aren't you?" A man on top of a horse like creature called out. Chris didn't respond. Instead, he darted towards the doorway. He could feel Mante take over and dodge arrows and spear alike that were whistling towards his body. He got to the door pretty quick, but it wasn't until something blew up, sending him straight through said door, and into the small area. Chris was propped up against a wall, a he was getting up, the door opened and Chris's head went through. He crawled backwards just in time to miss an arrow that would have hit his foot. Chris noticed that as he crawled in, there was some barrier that turned blue when he did. Soon enough, an arrow hit the barrier and turned red. It was a force field. The army that chased him was now right up against the wall. Kyle helped Chris up, and went right up to the barrier. "This is powerful magic." The man told Kyle. "Yeah, you know why?" Kyle responded. The man looked disgusted. "The scum, Evan, I would assume." Kyle smirked, "You're really smart, aren't you?" The man looked even more mad now. "I will have my army torture everyone of you, until I find Evan. And when I do, I will make you watch as I tear him limb from limb, in the worst way imaginable." The man threatened. Chris laughed. "Yeah, alright bud. Good luck with that." Chris told the man as he walked away. He had never actually seen anyone this confident, and this dead set on killing Evan. Sure, there were a few that really wanted him dead, but nothing like this man. Chris was walking, until he heard the announcement that he didn't want to hear. He heard the click of the speakers turn on, then the voice. "As you may know, there is a force on our parameters. They have open fire and are now using magic, arrows and all sorts of weapons to penetrate our shields. While I have no doubt that the shields will stay up, let's go out there and make them wish they never came here in the first place." With a click, it was over. Chris was now sprinting to Evans office. "Evan! Where are you, our men are going to war!" Chris shouted as he ran into Evans office. "Shush! I'm thinking..." Evan responded in a low tone. "What does that even mean?!" Chris cried. "This has happened before, not to me, but another man, who was almost as strong as I was when I was younger. Now he is no match, not to brag." Evan told him with a sly chuckle. "Wah- No! We need you!" Chris yelled. "No, you guys are fine. Didn't you see the sign, do not enter, big red letters infront of my door. So don't come in here crying because we're under attack, we will be fine... I think. Just don't let them touch that small box in the front, that'll be bad. Plus, it's not like they can break though the force field or anything, I'm the one who made it." Evan told him in a know it all kind of way. Chris was puzzled. "A box? This has happened before?" Chris thought as he looked at Evan, "What do you mean by that-" Chris didn't finish his sentence as an alarm and red lights flash above them. Evan groaned. "What now!?" He shouted, and ran out his office past Chris, who followed suit. The two of them get into the cafeteria, and see that the army outside is flooding inside, and the troops are trying to hold them back. Evan was in awe. "Why do you look so happy? They broke in!" Chris yelled. And tried to run in, Evan grabbed him right before he could get a step in, his face was literally glowing. "Do you know what this means, Chris?" Evan asked. Chris didn't know what this means. But nodded his head yes to try and get out there and help the troops. "This means," Started anyway, "That they broke though my force feild. My forcefield!" Evans tone was still happy and excited, but there was something that Chris had never heard from Evan before, he sounded, almost, serious. He really never took anything serious unless it was the three of them in danger, but this was different, it sounded like he was happy to have competition, but serious in the way that he was going to mop the floor with them. Evan turned and faced the battlefield that was going on in their cafeteria. Swords clanging, explosions, arrows flying, magic being thrown into the air, it was a whole ordeal. But Evan just stared, as if he was looking for something. Until everything seemed to freeze, as a man, in the darkest clothes that Chris had ever seen walked in. Prior to his entrance, the only people who were dying were those of the opposing army. Everyone on the Legion had a defense, attack and all sorts of overpowered spells. But when this man walked in, Chris could feel that he was different. This man was powerful enough to break through Evans spells. Evans grin only widened. "Where is your leader?" The man yelled in the uncomfortable quiet. Evan was about to speak when they heard the voice of Kyle, "I'm right here!" Kyle yelled. "Oh no..." Chris mumbled as Kyle walked up to the man. Neither Chris nor Evan could see very well when he got infront of the troops because Chris and Evan were a ways away and behind them. Chris started to sprint towards the middle, Evan didn't move. The man pulled out a sword and swiftly put it through Kyle's chest. "I know you are not the leader," The man said. "So, I will give you an honorable death." He told Kyle, before pulling the sword out. Blood splattered on the ground, Chris tried to push through, but it was no use. Kyle was dead. What was Chris going to do against Kyle's killer. There wasn't anything anyone of them could do. Chris knew how it was going to end. Evan destroying this guy. Chris couldn't help but laugh at the thought of it. The man noticed this, "Ahh, I know you. Christopher. Yes. He drew his sword back, and so Chris drew his. The man lunged forward, and Mante took control, but it was short lived as the man hit Chris with such force, his hand broke from the clash of the swords. There was a faint cracking sound, Chris knew it was on his end. Mante was breaking under the weight his this man's blow. But in an instant, Chris could feel Evans presence. The man drew back for another blow, and Evan was there, infront of Chris as the man threw his sword down into the palm of Evan's hand. "Ah, Evan. I have come to kill you." Evan laughed in his face. "Yeah right. All I gotta say: Good luck!" Evan laughed as the man drew back his sword. He plunged it into Evan. There was a large blast, sending everyone back, kicking up dust, smoke and ash. The smug cleared quick, and to the man's surprise, which Chris could see changed very quickly from being cocky to getting more than he could chew, Evan was still there, standing. He was glowing blue at this point. "I have trained for years! Thousands of years, Evan!" The man yelled. Evan just stood there kind of awkwardly. "My dad gave me his power that he trained for, almost as long as me. Then, you and your goons broke in, and left him there for dead. It was then that he gave me all his power, and died in my arms. And now I'm here! I'm here to kill all of you!" The man yelled at Evan. "That sucks man. Maybe you just need therapy." Evan told him. "Killing you will be my-" "Don't... don't finish that sentence. I think that alone would kill me." Evan told him. There was a hint of cringe in his voice. The man though, was furious. His sword was glowing red, along with the rest of him. The man yelled, and ran at Evan. Evan moved his foot across the ground. He did something with his hands, that made them glow gold. They clashed again. But this time, when they met, Evan caught the sword with his right hand, there was a blast of some sort of dark magic from the man, and light magic from Evan. Evan drew his left hand back, and thrust it up, with such speed and force, that the man flew straight through the ceiling. Evan had a smirk on as he jumped up, through the same hole. A few seconds later, the man smashed against the floor. Evan was right on top of him. He hopped off him and took a few steps, then turned back around to face the man. Once again, there was smog. Once that cleared, the man looked only mad. He pointed at Evan, and ran at him. But he accelerated so quick, that he turned into a bolt of energy. Before Chris could see it, there was an impact. That threw everyone back again. Most people were against a wall at this point. But in the center, there was a red ball that looked like energy, and a blue ball that looked like energy. They were clashing back and forth, infront of their eyes. At this point, the opposing army was now cowering. Everyone knew the outcome of this. It went like this for a solid minute. Until the man fell violently to the floor. Evan just slid in the opposite way. He sort of spun around and was now facing the man again. "Look, this has been great. But for training for a thousand years, you kinda suck." Evan told the man. Who barely stood up, "How?" The man asked. Evan smiled at him, a friendly smile. "Wouldn't you like to know." He held his hand up in a finger gun. All the light seemed to move to the tip of his finger. The man stood there, he kneeled down. Evan lowered his finger, and a beam of light, that seemed to suck out all other light, even the sun, came out of his finger. It seemed to tear apart their universe as it struck the man. For a split second it seemed like all the light in the world vanished. Every light, except for the beam. It was beautiful and scary. Scary in the fact that any being can have that kind of power. But it was oh so beautiful. All the light came back. The enemy were already on their knees. And the entire place was quiet. No one spoke. Evan looked around. "Get the enemy to the infirmary. They have nothing anymore, they're our guest." Evan told them. After a moment everyone began to get to work. People helping get the enemy to the infirmary, some people crying over body's, other dragging the body's outside to be buried somewhere in the forest. Chris followed Evan as he walked back into his office. Now that Chris wants in a hurry, he could see that there were papers spread everywhere, writing on the walls and very odd candles lit. "What-" Chris started to say but was cut off. "Don't even talk. I'm concentrating." So, Chris didn't. He sat down in a chair, after moving a bottle of seaweed... After a few very awkward moments, Evan springed up. "Ha! I found it!" Evan yelled. "Found what?" Chris yelled too, matching his energy. "Have you heard of that one guy who could pull a sword from a stone?" Evan asked Chris. Chris thought for a second. "Oh yeah, King Arthur?" Evan smiled. "I found the Excalibur."