
The Mage with an Existential Crisis (Hololive Fanfic)[Under Rewrite]

A story of old, wherein demons, magic, and all sorts of supernatural exists. A story that told about the truth of the world, uncovering its myths and mysteries. A story of an all powerful mage searching for his purpose in the vast world, searching, for a place to call home. A story where Hololive Idols are more than just idols. +----------------+ A/N: Yahallo! I have decided to post this here as well, since its what I'm currently writing upon. As for those who have read my previous books, whichever it is. I still haven't found a single ounce of motivation or ideas in my bones to continue them for now. I'll occassionally write on the drafts, but for now. I present you my latest work, I haven't seen much Hololive fanfics around, so I decided to make one. I don't own Hololive, the idols, or anything that may came along them. I only own my OC, and probably the plot(?). For those who are wondering if this is a harem or not. Big no. I can't write harems, as simple as that. Some Idols, or hololive girls might be a bit OOC/out of character since I'm not that good to perfectly imitate how they act. Hope you guys enjoy.

Fumuyoshi · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Sing for me! Pietra Sonata!

"Hey idiot, yeah you, fuck you!!" = Conversations

'Idiot?! Me?! I hate this guy...!' = Thoughts

"Begone Thot!" = Spells, Attacks, Rage moments, demonic forms, yada yada yada. You get the point.


Enma's POV

I sighed and looked back at Gura, as she stared blankly at the passing scenery on our way back. Her eyes are empty and void of the usual cheerfulness and life before. It hurts my heart to see her like this, but there is nothing I can do about it. I have to tell her the news bluntly rather than sugar coat it. Sure she may hate me for life, but this way, she'll be able to cope up with the lose of her parents and sibling faster.

Gazing at the azure skies up above, I watched as the clouds glide freely. I often wonder how it would feel to be just like those clouds, carefree and relaxed. While doing so, I was hit by a sudden premonition, a bad premonition. My eyes dilated and my heart was gripped by a sudden sense of panic.

Making Zinogre stop and jumping down abruptly, Gura and Amelia were surprised.

Paying no attention to them,I summoned my Grimoire, took deep breaths to calm my palpitating heart down, closed my eyes and chanted.

"Temporal Magicka, Eyes of the Future." I opened my eyes that glistened in purple hue and magicka circles, I looked at the direction where I felt the disturbance and premonition was coming from. Atlantis.

'Shit!' I cursed, before bracing for the impact of the vision bubbles that is about to come.

And come they did, bubble screens appeared in my vision, each having its own vivid picture.

I gripped my hand tightly as I saw a huge shadow of a creature looming over Atlantis. I saw myself gritting my teeth in anger as the water around my figure bubbled and vaporized in intensity.

I stood there for a few more moments, relishing every single vision bubble that came up and remembering each one of them. Closing my eyes abruptly, I gritted my teeth in pain as a excruciating headache assaulted me.

"Enma-nii? What's wrong?!" Gura held my hand in worry and concern. I felt her body shivering, I knew that this was the aftermath of the news from earlier. Even hee voice has a hidden quiver beneath it.

'Gura...' I thought as I patted her head.

"I-I'm fine Gura. But Atlantis won't be if we keep on stalling here." Gura gasped and pulled me towards Zinogre after I said those words. I can feel the fear and worry radiate from her smol body as she pull me along.

"T-that was Time Magicka? No, that's even more powerful than Time Magicka..." I heard Amelia mutter, but I was too occupied about what I saw in the visions than her mutters. I wished I could've explained it to her, but right now. There are more urgent matters to attend to.

"We're not using Zinogre. We need to get to Atlantis in a week or everything will be too late." I remarked as I patted Zinogre's head. Calming him down as he sensed my sudden shift of emotion earlier, and he didn't like it one bit. He growled and nudged my hand, before I transformed him into his smaller form. He looks like a wolf pup this way.

"Void Magicka, Void Gateway." Activating my grimoire again, Gura and Amelia watched in fascination as the space in front of me, twisted and tear to form a circular portal or gateway. Amelia was a bit scared as she stared at the ink black portal. Gura on the other hand, can't wait any longer. She was the first to step inside before being followed by Amelia, who gulped before entering. I picked up Zinogre before entering as well.

It didn't take long before I was greeted by a very chaotic scene. The lounge that we were just resting earlier was now a mess. The tables were over turned, the vases are broken, probably from being thrown to the walls as I noted the water stain on the wall beside me, there is even a leg of a chair stuck on the ceiling. Scanning my surroundings, I quickly saw Pekora fighting a few black robed men, with golden patterns and lining down its side. Beside her is Hoshimachi, holding what seems to be a two handed war axe. Plated in gold and in lined with various magicka inscriptions and leaking huge amounts of magicka essence.

I then noticed that Gura was gaping at the chair leg stuck in the ceiling instead of the fight. I mentally face palmed myself at that.

'Only you Gura, only you.' I thought, before sighing and teleporting towards Pekora and Hoshimachi.

Standing behind the black robed men, I signalled Pekora and Hoshimachi to keep quiet and summoned my Grimoire.

I'm more than surprised when they didn't noticed how magicka essence fluctuated behind them when I teleported over, opened the portal, or even just summoning my grimoire.

"Wind Magicka: Whirlwind Prison." Snapping my fingers, turbulent wind suddenly converged around the black robed men and made a swirling cage of razor winds. They were immediately taken aback judging from their sudden shouts. I smirked at the display of my magicka before frowning and gritted my teeth.

"Bastard!" I shouted angrily before whirling around to face Gura. Behind them is a pouncing figure, a dagger glinting in ominous light as they charged towards Gura. Amelia noticed the figure immediately and tried to put up a time barrier between them. Keyword being tried, as the figure only passed through the barrier and slapped Amelia away, careening over to the other side and smacking to the wall.

I mentally grimaced at that it made, before focusing towards the figure. Teleporting over to Gura, I held her shoulders before throwing her away towards Pekora.

"Heh, stupid magician. She was never our target at the first place anyway. Now die!" A distorted voice sounded out beneath the cloak of the figure, making me frown. I stared at him in brief anger before smirking.

Leaning myself sideway, I dodged the dagger by a hair's width. I looked at the cloaked figure with a sneer before stomping my feet harshly.

"And who told you that I'm useless in close combat?" I felt the emotion of the cloaked figure fluctuate before calming down, but by then, my foot is already centimeters apart from hitting their side.

Not giving him time to react, my foot met with his side. The sound of bones breaking echoed out before a pained grunt followed as he bowed over in pain. Not letting up, I immediately followed retracted my foot before doing a clean roundhouse.

He tried to dodge but sadly, the earlier kick from me surprised him greatly, and stunned his reactions for a second. That second was all I needed to land a devastating blow to his head, sending him careening to the other side, like what he did to Amelia.

"That's for hitting Amelia. Now this? This is for trying to attack me and Gura." Rolling my wrists, I formed a tiger claw with my hands before slamming my feet down the ground. I felt it cracked underneath me, but I didn't care one bit about it before speeding over to the cloaked figure.

A vicious snarl appeared on my face as I slammed both hands on his chest, caving it and sending him through the wall and outside of the mansion.

I went stepped out of the hole and looked down on the cloaked figure with a cold gaze.

"Cough! Cough! Heh, aren't Magicians supposed to be wimpy and fucking weak in physique?" I immediately frowned when the earlier distorted voice is now as clear as day.

"You're... A girl?" Spitting blood to thw side, the girl in question threw her cloak to the side. Allowing her pink and yellowish to hair flow out, and her pretty face to surface. A smug smirk plastered upon her face. Her face however is ruined by the blood running down her forehead where I hit her, as well as the blood smeared on her lips.

"A succubus, what are you doing all the way out here?" I asked in confusion. Normally, succubuses will be out and about in the Demon Plains. Along with other kinds of demons.

"Your bounty is something worth taking, regardless of how strong you are. I have mouths to feed and people to protect." She said before taking out a pair of chained daggers and prepared herself.

"You're being forced to do this. Tell me who is it, and I might be able lend a helping hand." She only shook her head and stared at me.

"I'm sorry, but I can't risk it. Those four in their hands are the only people I have left, at least even if I fail my mission, they will let them go." I gnashed my teeth in disgust at those people who held her family captive. I also felt great amount of sympathy inside me as we are basically on the same situation.

If I would be in her place, I would probably do the same. But I'm not her, regardless of how cruel it might be. The only reason she was forced like this is because she wasn't strong enough. This is the reality of things in this world.

I sighed and stared at the starry night sky up above, before closing my eyes and summoning a Guandao.

'I can at least grant her a quick death. As for those bastards who took her family, their lives is already forfeited.' Shifting into a stance that I am so familiar with, having practiced it over a million times before.

"I'll give you my respect, succubus. There were only so few people to have die by the end of my Pietra Songstress." She smirked at the mention of the weapon in my hand.

"Ah the famous Pietra Songstress, the guandao that plays a graceful yet mournful melody whenever it is slashed, drawn, or used." I laughed lightly at her praise, before staring at her beautiful gem like eyes.

"Sing for me, and mourn for thy foe! Pietra Sonata, A Sorrowful Goodbye!"

Time stood still as her gem like eyes stared at my blade coming for her life. She smiled gently as a tear run down past her cheek. I gritted my teeth in anger as I saw that tear slid down her cheek. I was angry, angry that this cruel world pushed someone like her into something she clearly didn't want to do. Pushed her to sacrifice her life in order to make sure her only family left stays safe. I closed my eyes as a silent tear also escaped my eye.

The sound of flesh being slashed and ripped apart echoed out under the starry night sky by the mansion's courtyard. The echo of a mournful melody covered the yard, as the smell of iron spread across the land. A soft thud sounded behind me as I put back Pietra Songstress to my spatial pocket. Walking back to the succubus, I found her staring at the starry night sky with her beautiful gem like eyes.

A soft smile etched across her lips while silent teardrops gushed from the corner of her eyes.

"I'm... Sorry... Botan... Lamy... Polka... And Nene..." I held her soft hand as she whispered about those four names.

"T-the people... Who wanted you d-dead... T-they were talking a-about Atlantis... T-they don't want... Someone like you... T-to interfere with their plans, so t-they hired me... Heh, more like blackmailed me..." She whispered weakly as her life force starts to dissipate.

"Those four names, they are your family right?" I asked softly, she nodded weakly as I remembered those four names in my mind.

"Don't worry, once I'm done with Atlantis, I'll make sure your family will be safe and sound." I felt her hand grasped mine tightly when I uttered those words. Hope sparkled inside her gem like eyes, and she smiled brightly regardless of her impending death.

"Thank... You..." Her hand loosened her her eyes closed, hiding those beautiful gem like eyes for the world to see and peacefully passed on with a smirk on her lips.

"Mano Aloe huh..." I muttered as I spotted a name on the heart jewel on her hips.

Standing back up, I took a deep breathe which I regretted instantly, as the strong scent of blood and iron raped my nostrils.

"Ah fuck, I did not want to smell that." I angrily cursed for a few or more seconds before calming down. Glancing behind me, I saw Pekora and the others approaching. A mad expression plastered on Gura and Pekora's face, a helpless smile on Amelia as she limps by, a concern look from Hoshimachi, and Yagoo's rather helpless look as he glances at the surrounding damage, specially the hole on the side of the mansion. I occasionally spotted his lips twitch even.

"Oi explain yourself peko-."

"She was just like me Pekora... She found her family amongst strangers, did everything she could to protect them. Even with the price of her life, she didn't hesitate. I would do the same for you too Pekora, Gura." I said while controlling the earth magicka around the courtyard and quietly made a simple yet beautiful gravestone for Aloe.

"I wish I could've met her much more earlier. She would've been a great big sister." I remarked lightly.

"Even though she didn't say anything about her life nor do I know her well. Heck she even tried to kill me and Gura. But the moment I looked into her eyes, I knew full well that she is a great person." Ending with those words, a soft smile etched itself on my lips before turning back and walking pass by everyone.

"I'm... Tired, we'll discuss about my visions tomorrow. We still need to get to Atlantis ASAP." I didn't bother much anymore, as I felt my head getting lighter. Using Pietra Songstress always resulted into this situation. After all, a weapon made for a God, should only be used and wielded by a God.