
The Mage Code

Keyes Doyle awoke from his hangover to find his boring life had been obliterated overnight. Now, the game he had spent a decade of his deadbeat life obsessing over had somehow combined with reality. It's the miracle he's been waiting for, with his experience and skills he should be able to reach the top in no time!! ...Or so he thought. Turns out, the game has a mind of its own. Whatever the system decides is final, and the system has decided to make Keyes a healer. Not his level 141 mage character with five complete spell books, but a support type starting over from scratch. He'll just have to beat the system at it's own game- after he figures out how to activate his mage profile, of course.

Shwale23 · Games
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2 Chs

The Key to Survival: #2

[Keyes Doyle]


~Stage... Characterization: Assigning Profiles~

What the fu-?


Suddenly a smaller screen appeared a few feet in front of my face. Unlike the giant one hovering in the sky, this one doesn't emit a disturbing red light. Instead, it's a calm shade of blue.

The edges have the same glitch feature, and the words are displayed in small white text. I gulped and pulled myself away from the wall so I could read them. Sweat ran down my arms, mixing with the blood caked around the puncture wound in my biceps.

It stings. Does that mean this is all real? Expedition of Worlds? That's the name of the game I've devoted the last decade of my life to.

I timidly crept closer to the blue screen. In the middle was the outline of a handprint, and above that it read,

~Character Code Found... Confirm Player Identity~

Is it still talking about the game? I lifted my head and observed the empty neighborhood I grew up in. Our neighbor, Mr. Aniston, should be sitting on his porch drinking coffee and waiting for the mail to arrive right now. Yet, his swing is void of oversized bell-bottoms and last week's paper.

The whole block is completely vacant. Trash cans have been knocked over, belongings thrown into the street, and there's even a garden hose still running. Everything is covered in that red glow.

I looked back down at the handprint, shut my eyes, and pressed my palm into the outline. A series of beeps followed before a now familiar 'ding' sounded in my ears. My teeth clenched together as my eyes begrudgingly shot open.

~ERROR... Code Locked~

~Stage... Characterization: Creating Profile~

I blinked in confusion. An Error? What damn error? Even the end of the freaking world can't go right for me?? Dammit I don't need this right now. I don't need any of this!


Fuck this shit.

~Profile Assigned... Classification: Healer~

~Say: "Open Status Window" to view profile~

Healer? If this is like a frickin apocalypse or some shit that involves reality fusing with a video game, then there's been some kind of mistake.

"O- ahem- open status window." My voice came out at dog whistle frequency before I choked it back and cleared my throat. Which is aching just as much as the rest of body at this point.


Something tells me I'm gonna hate this more than everything I've experienced so far this morning.

~STATS... Player: Keyes Doyle~

~[Classification: Healer

[Lvl: 1

[Active Skills: Basic Heal (lvl 1), Gate Slaughter (lvl 1)

[Passive Skills: Hangover Brew (lvl 1)

[Titles: N/A

[Stats: Strength (lvl 1), Dexterity (lvl 1), Health (lvl 5), Wisdom (lvl 90)

[Items: Unhinged Axe (Uncommon), Potions kit (Common)

[Achievements: N/A~


I give up. If you need me I'll be crawling back into the pit of despair that was my life-


FUDGEEEEEE. I don't even want to know anymore, just leave me alone!

~Game Fusion Initiated~

That can't be good-

All at once the ground began shaking. The red screen above me still hadn't disappeared. The same words from the small blue screen were present on the giant crimson one. The asphalt of my street pushed up like mole hills forming untill it cracked and crumbled. From the cracks sprouted luscious green trees, which grew taller and taller before finally stopping well above the rooftops of my neighborhoods houses.

Thick vines swung down as the branches of the trees entwined to form a dense canopy. A creaking noise echoed behind me. I slowly spun around to witness a larger than life tree forcing it's way through the roof of my parents house.

The shingles slid down the sloped ceiling, and I heard the glass of a window shatter. Instead of running for the hills, which was my first instinct, I rushed back into the hallway.

The floorboards were plied up in a splintered mess. Mom's vases littered the ground, and Dad's wine bottles had stained the new rug. At least the hole in the basement door isn't as noticeable anymore. It kind of blends in now...

The axe I had discarded by the stairs was gone. Everything else looked exactly how one might expect it to look after being uprooted by a tree. Where's the axe? Did someone take it, or maybe it fell down the stairs?

I took the steps two at a time, a difficult feat with my short legs. The axe is still no where in sight. Instead, my eyes linger on the monitor sitting on my desk. Unlike when I saw it this morning, it's turned on. A tiny red light blinked continuously at me until I finally compelled my feet to carry me forward.

The screen was open to my home screen. A picture of me hugging the dog I had when I was nine smiled up at me as my background. My swivel chair sunk a bit as I sat down at the desk. My right hand grabbed the mouse, but froze again after further observation.

All of my tabs have been closed. Not only that, but all my applications are gone too. Even the ones vital for the computer to function have vanished. The only app left is, Expedition of Worlds.

My throat tightened, the churning in my stomach the only indication that I hadn't gone completely numb. Actually, despite the nerves and obvious dread, I feel pretty good. My headache is gone, and while my arm is still throbbing from the wood penetrating it earlier, it's manageable.

The spit built in my mouth until I had no choice but to swallow it and double click the game shortcut. Rather than launching like usual, the game opened to a pitch black screen. I was about to let out a shaky breath when a notification popped up on the dark display.

{Code Locked via SYSTEM- Requires key to open}

A key? So... if I find this key, I can access my account? My original profile is a high level mage character. I've spent the past ten years building up all aspects of my character. The stats maxed out a long time ago, and I had more legendary items than 99% of players.

If shits really going down outside right now, having those abilities would basically guarantee my survival. I have to find that key. Oh, and my parents, that's important too. Where do I even start?

I'm not living the rest of my life as a stinkin novice support type. If I'm gonna do this, if I have no choice, I'm gonna do it my way. First things first, I have to pack some supplies. I should travel light, but smart. If I want to protect my parents, I have to be able to protect myself first.

I have to unlock the mage code.