
Chapter Two

"H-Help m-me... H-Help me." The girl squeaked out, her large blue eyes watering in pain as she let out another agony filled scream.

I stood up with a rush before unzipping my duffel bag, "Relax everything will be alright," I tried to console her when even I was unconsolable, I doubted if everything was going to be alright and to be frank I didn't want her to lose her baby.

"Do you trust me?" I looked straight into her eyes and a tear slid out of her eye, I fought the urge to clean it away. I looked behind me as more men dashed through the bus, it looked like something was happening outside of the bus... If not they probably would have gotten a hold of us right now.

I removed my dark pen before wrapping the only face towel I had in my entire life around it, I placed it in her mouth before placing a tiny kiss on her forehead. "A-am going to try my best to save you and your baby... I-" I paused my breath shaking.

"-i promise."

Then I stood up swiftly before grabbing my tissue paper with me. I jumped out of the bus to the sights of children and old women on their knees, one particular woman was on the floor with a crucifix placed directly on her chest.

"On the ground!" A dark looking man pointed a gun towards me before wiggling it all over my face.

"T-thats not what matters right now," I tried to reason with them. "There's a girl in there and she needs all our he-"

"Shit!" The dark man threw his gun directly on the floor before turning mad eyes towards me... I looked down at my knees.

"Blonde hair?" - he looked after me for confirmation and I nodded- "blue eyes?"

I nodded again before closing my eyes tight. "She's about to be delivered of her baby right now and I need all of your help to do this... Because i-i c-can't do t-" I looked beside me only to shift away in horror, Jared was on the floor with gunshots all over his body. I screamed- a full blown gut tearing sream-then I looked up to stare at the man before me in horror.

"Shit! S-shit!" My breath shook in fear and I looked back towards the bus again.

"You just killed her baby daddy!"

"Just following orders." He murmured dryly before motioning for one of the masked guys to clear up the body.

Now I really doubted if I could save the baby. I stood up gently before passing my jittery hands on my dark jeans and then I moved towards the one of the old woman there before kneeling. "Ma'am I know everything's going weird right now but please... please do you have a needle?"

"No." She shot me a pitiful look before hugging the crucifix closer to her chest.

Blood rushed through my head as the girl let out a terrified scream again. I was running out of time, who knew how many minutes remaining before she let go. I pressed my hands to my temple, calculating my every move.

"Okay... We are going to do this... Okay," I turned towards the man.

"Give me five of your best men and keep the guns away... Please." I added when it looked like he would rather eat shit than keep the gun away.

"That's against our orders." He grunted out.

"Then what the fuck is your order!" I demanded glaring at him with such fury and anger that if looks could kill then he would probably be ten feet down already.

He didn't answer only directed four masked guys towards me and motioned for the rest to watch the children and the old women before following me. I entered into the bus, my hurried feet and their monster booths making it shook underneath our feets.

The girl's face was already sweaty and pale, salty tears poured out of her eyes and she struggled to wipe it away but the pen wrapped in towel I put in her mouth made it a little difficult for her.

"Am here... Am here relax."

I dropped down to her height before dragging her short legs with my hand. She let out a gasp as her stomach shook with effort and pain. "Help me lift her..."

Two of the masked men nodded before dragging her hands, we carried her out if the bus in no time. I clamped my hand below her stomach feeling for the baby's position. "She's in the perfect spot and I have a feeling she'll be out in no seconds." I whispered into the girls ear and she let out a painfilled gasp before grasping onto my hands.

"I n-need m-my b-brother h-here before she comes out... I-i m-made a promise to him." She gasped out.

"Am sorry but I don't think there's enough time for that right now and besides I don't know your brother..." I shook my head at her idea before placing my hand on one of the masked guy's face. I ripped off the mask with a swift movement of my hands and he scrambled out of sight to hide his face but I didn't really care if I knew him or not.

I used the cloth to mop her thighs before dragging down her soaked panties. "If you have anything against nudity then am sorry there's nothing you can do about it now." She laughed at my comments

"Call my brother." She whispered to the dark man beside me and my brows furrowed together. What the hell was going on!

"Am I missing something here?" I locked gaze with the dark man and he cocked a brow before turning to the girl.

"Am sorry but the boss is needed in someplace else right now and he gave the order to bring you back without the baby if the situation proves difficult."

What the heck?

I stood up in anger.

"So you knew her in the first place?!... And then what? you act like she was just one of the hostages."

"The boss gave us strict orders to act like we didn't know his sister." He said emotionlessly

I turned towards the little girl with narrowed eyes. "Your parents?"


She turned towards the man before aksing. "Jared?"

"Dead." he answered with a clipped nod and I removed my eyes away as she started sobbing.

I moved between her thighs before getting a glimpse of light coloured hair.

"Okay, enough with the dramatics... let's bring a baby into this world."


In two hours and three minutes a baby girl was born into the world-with magnificent blonde hair and dark blue eyes- I wiped the tears from my face before dropping her to a tired looking girl... I still didn't know her name.

"Here's your princess darling."

The baby was still bloody and slimy but it still didn't hide the fact that all of us including the criminals surrounding me had contributed into bringing this baby into the world.

Even at some point the older women had come to whisper some old Gaelic songs to the little girl during her struggle to bring the baby to the world.

Apparently it was meant to bring goodluck to the mother.

"Can you introduce her to me?" I asked with a smile but she gave me a confused look.

"I never did get your name," she whispered with a tiny smile as she rubbed the baby's curly hair.

"Arabella Fitzgerald." I murmured with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Bella... Am Marissa... Marissa Adams." She smiled a long pretty smile and then I was assured that she really was about to clock seventeen.

"Your baby is very beautiful." The crucifix woman said in a deep Spanish accent and looked at Marissa with a very happy smile.

"Thank you." Marissa replied, giving her a small smile.

"Have you decided on a name?" The stupidly stupid dark man asked while avoiding my glare.

"Yes... Just now-" Marissa looked at my face a little bit longer than I was comfortable with before she looked back down at her baby.

For a little girl she sure was scary.

"Arabella Adams." She whispered and I found my self holding my breath.

"What?" I gasped out loud... "Really?" A very familiar prickling sensation in my eye reminded me that I was about to become a full blown crying mess in front of a whole crowd.

"Shit!" I hissed as a tear fell and another one accompanied it. I had never for once thought that in my life someone would ever name a child after me.

I was quirky and impulsive even sometimes naive for a twenty two year old... But I'd never for once think that anyone would ever name their daughter after me.

"Thank you... Thank you." I whispered before grabbing her hand.

"No... Thank you." She squeezed my hand before wrapping me up in a hug, her other hand protecting Bella from my sobbing self.

"Hi Bella... Guess who you were named after?" I collected Bella from her hand before bringing her close to my chest and flicking her tiny nose.

"Ma'am the boss just arrived." The idiotic idiot dark man interrupted my session with the cutie pie in my hands and I found myself scowling at the mention of the fool who doesn't give a ounce of care for his sister's life.

Infact I had a little something to say to him. "Hold her head and make sure her leg's packed inone position... I'll be back."

I approached the dark tinted windows bus before the dumbly dumb dark man could say condom... I don't know his name and don't ever care to know.

The big family van packed directly at the front of the old discarded bus we were previously in. I stood a little to the dark side because it had gotten a lot darker, maybe 6:00 pm or something so a little side of the road was darker than the rest. I stayed by that side of the road.

A blonde haired man came out first, his gold hoops was glistening in the dark. He laughed at something someone in the bus must have said because in an instance his body shook with delightful sound travelling around the place. Was this the famous infamously brother have heard of who doesn't care if his sister dies? The blonde clicked his finger and a masked man bent down to unzip his trousers and then he started giving him a... Uhh? What the hell is this?

The blonde was getting a blowjob from a guy? What the heck was wrong with this people... My face was getting paler and paler by the scene every second now.

I look backwards to where Marissa and her baby were staying with the foolishly foolish dark man... I still didn't want to know his name- I was surprised by the amused look on Marissa's face and the joking looks on the nuisancely nuisance dark man.

They looked like this was the status quo and the way it goes all the time. The blonde let out a startled gasp before white stuff flew all around the place... Eewwww, I looked away.

Until the sound of a blast made me scramble around looking for a place to hide... The blonde had just shot the masked man sucking his thingy.

I closed my eyes as other masked men came to clear one of their very own men from the floor. Another man came out of the van-another blonde- I remained where I was. This one was filled with more muscle and his white jacket hugged his arm tight almost ripping-he hit killer blonde on the arm before bursting into laughter. They looked like they were having the time of their life there and I was feel uncomfortable and weary.

I didn't know this people but one thing was for sure, they were dangerous. Even little Marissa was scary and I haven't even met her brother yet. I turned away from my position about to creep out before they saw me when my shoe slipped and I fell face flat on the floor.


All eyes was on me... I swear I could feel it drilling into my skull as a gun clicked.

I looked up slowly before trying desperately to remove the mud stucked to my face, tiny tears of frustration dropped from my eyes and I found myself rocking shakingly to stand.

"Who's the chick?" A deep voice asked and I was sure it was one of the blondes.

"B-bella are you o-okay?" Marissa's voice was shaky as she tried to get up from her position on a dark cloth on the floor.

"N-no don't stand up... I haven't stitched up yet." I stood up looking down at my dirty self pathetically. My dark was already smudged with dirt and my usual shiny brown hair looked so dull and it's curl was all over the place... I looked like a depressed Barbie doll except with almost light brown hair and light grey eyes filled with tears.

I turned to face the two blondes only to get the shock of my life as a very familiar looking blue eyes stared right into mine. His dark brown hair was a little overgrown in his army cut but he pulled it off nicely with his dark pink lips and his obviously long lashes.

Boys always get the best lashes.

He looked like something right off a suit commercial or something but his clean cut jaw saved him from looking too pretty and girly. Then he snarled and am remembered of how dangerous this people really are.

"Why isn't she dead?" He looked straight into my eyes at that question and I found myself crossing my thighs together... His eyes followed the movement slowly and I found myself swallowing steadily.

"I asked a question." He cocked a brow towards scarily scared dark man and then everything went dark.

Who the hell turned off the lights, until I felt the pain at the back of my head.

Today wasn't my day at all.