
The mafia sexual slave

Alexis was involuntarily sold to a club, a situation that she never anticipated. Despite the circumstances, she believes that fate played a role in her predicament. As a stripper named Alexis, she acknowledges that her profession may not be glamorous, but it provides her with a means to support herself and she genuinely enjoys it. Being able to bring pleasure and entertainment to others is an addictive feeling. The power to control someone's pleasure is in her hands, allowing her to switch it on or off depending on her erotic play. However, she regrets allowing a man at the club to touch her intimately, breaking a rule she had always respected. This decision ultimately led to her world crumbling around her as she became a toy passed from one person to another. She transformed from a source of pleasure to a sexual slave, devoid of her own will. Despite the circumstances, she found herself enjoying every minute of it, trapped in a twisted fantasy from which she fears she may never recover. She never wanted to be someone's plaything, yet she also struggles with the desire to continue being desired by others. A series of events unfolded, mistakes were made, and she found herself pregnant, prompting her to run away. Now, she questions whether she wants that kind of life for her baby. On top of everything, she carries the burden of being a target due to her association with a mafia lord. Alessandro, the mafia lord, will undoubtedly feel betrayed, but she wonders if she even has a choice in the matter. Was she ever given a choice in the first place? Add to library

Adex_katty · Urban
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34 Chs

He messaged me


With the way I am looking at this situation, I believe there's more than meets the eye. Things are happening, and sides are being taken. Why else would my own men choose to betray me? Honestly, it does not bode well.

I took a few more drags and waited for Cole to come inside.

# ....

Cole came inside, and I asked him to take a seat.

"So, Cole, tell me, what do you think we should do about these issues on the ground? We should handle it quickly before it becomes a bigger matter. Once an idea is planted in their heads, it takes a lot of effort to remove it. I can't live with fire on my roof and go to bed just because it hasn't reached me yet. What's going to happen now, Cole, is that you will ask the guy where you can find Mason's picture. Save it or print it out, and then go to our most loyal bounty hunter. Put a price on his head or anonymously put a bounty on him. Within a week, I trust he'll be found because there will be a bounty hunter hunting him down. I don't think he can ever escape that..."

Cole interrupts, "Boss, your father asked you to come this weekend for a family lunch or something."

"What does this man want? If he learns about the Mason issue, he may accuse me of being lenient with them. Another weekend of torture. Seriously, Cole, you could have delivered the news later."

"So if I deliver it later or now, is it not still the same thing? You are not serious."

"Talking to me like that may warrant death."

"Just shut up. This is not more of a boss-employee relationship. Right now, I am just talking to my friend. You sure have nerve, Cole, but we are together anyhow, sha. I will be leaving now..."

I left to go to my house. Not like I really love to go home. I'm just thinking about the meeting with my father; what could he possibly want? It's not like I don't go home to greet him, but whatever it may be, he's still my father, my biological father. Specifically asking to see me means something is wrong, or he wants me to do something for him. And I hate meeting his numerous girlfriends. Some even go out of their way to try to seduce me. But that is a forbidden fruit, and I don't do that. Why would I have sex with my father's girlfriend? Those kinds of things do not excite me at all. I'm very sure if my father hears of it, he can have me castrated. The only reason why he would not do that is that there would be nobody to continue the Denaro name. He is always careful with the girls, so as not to knock them off. I think he does not want to be given a Denaro bastard...

My father is always the careful one. I even think at times he deliberately gave birth to only me to lessen competition and rivalry. As much as I would have loved to have a little sister, I never got the chance.

 I got home and made something to eat . 

I went into my room, took my phone, and called Debbie. She picked up on the second ring and told her that I forgot to collect Alexis' number from her the other day. She doesn't even have my address. I was very sure that she won't have told her friend that she met me at the club today, so she should not give me the number. Debbie told me that she was going to send the number by message, and I should remember to text her the address of my house. I was very happy because it was a real mission accomplished. She should have just given me the number in peace, but now she let me have it the hard way, as if it is even hard.


**Alexis: **"Hello, can I know who you are?"

**Alessandro:**"Yeah , sure. I am Mr. Denaro."

**Alexis:** (pauses) How exactly did he even get my contact? I don't understand, and the only person who can give him is Debbie, but I don't think she can give him without asking me.

**Alexis:** "Hi Debbie, did you give Alessandro my contact? He messaged me just now..."

**Debbie:** "Well, I gave it to him since he is your employer, and he said he wanted to send his home address. I can't say I won't give it; he is entitled to it, you know."

**Alexis:** "Well, you could have asked me at least. You know, before you gave it to him. Maybe I won't have replied, and he would have just sent it and left my DM."

**Debbie:** "I don't know why you are trying to prove difficult, Alexis. You don't want to relax and enjoy yourself at all. It's not like this guy kidnapped you or put a gun to your head and forced you to work with him. Or do you think I don't know what the name Denaro stands for? Jesus Christ, Alexis. I am not a novice. So do me a favor, reply to Mr. Denaro and forget about it. You're not serious, Debbie. So... don't you read romance novels? Don't you know how this story ends? Don't lie to yourself. You like this guy. I remember how many minutes you used just to describe the outline of his face to me, how your face lit up when talking about him. Just go along with the flow and have a good time. How do you do the stripper work when you yourself aren't flexible? You don't trust; you are feeling too insecure. I don't know your problem. Maybe I would ask Issy to talk to you because if you continue like this, you will grow old not having fun and may end up not getting married. Good night, sweetheart. Love you."

Alexis stood in her room, perplexed at how Debbie reacted to this matter. So she went to her messages and texted Alessandro that he should send his home address because she forgot to ask for it yesterday. Alessandro sent the address and went offline, not saying anything more. He wanted to put her in suspense, and it actually worked because Alexis was expecting him to message her and say something else, but Alessandro refused to message her.

After waiting for the message and seeing none, she decided to let it be and went to her room to start packing for the beach. It was already Tuesday night, and she might not go to work tomorrow. Instead, she would take the whole week off since she already called in sick. She messaged Bella to ask if her visa was ready. Bella told her it was ready; she sure has her way, or she already started planning it since and only just came out clean now. Alexis ate a sandwich, bathed, washed off the perfume and all the light makeup she put on for the show, put on her bathrobe, applied her face mask, and went to sleep.