
The mafia sexual slave

Alexis was involuntarily sold to a club, a situation that she never anticipated. Despite the circumstances, she believes that fate played a role in her predicament. As a stripper named Alexis, she acknowledges that her profession may not be glamorous, but it provides her with a means to support herself and she genuinely enjoys it. Being able to bring pleasure and entertainment to others is an addictive feeling. The power to control someone's pleasure is in her hands, allowing her to switch it on or off depending on her erotic play. However, she regrets allowing a man at the club to touch her intimately, breaking a rule she had always respected. This decision ultimately led to her world crumbling around her as she became a toy passed from one person to another. She transformed from a source of pleasure to a sexual slave, devoid of her own will. Despite the circumstances, she found herself enjoying every minute of it, trapped in a twisted fantasy from which she fears she may never recover. She never wanted to be someone's plaything, yet she also struggles with the desire to continue being desired by others. A series of events unfolded, mistakes were made, and she found herself pregnant, prompting her to run away. Now, she questions whether she wants that kind of life for her baby. On top of everything, she carries the burden of being a target due to her association with a mafia lord. Alessandro, the mafia lord, will undoubtedly feel betrayed, but she wonders if she even has a choice in the matter. Was she ever given a choice in the first place? Add to library

Adex_katty · Urban
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34 Chs

Boarding the same plane

# Alexis

We waited until it was time, and we were asked to move toward the check-in, where our luggage was weighed to see how heavy it is or if we were going to pay extra fees on it. Afterward, we went for inspection and later moved toward the boarding gate counter, and we were directed to where our plane was waiting. We made sure to check the departure details well, and we entered the plane and got seated according to our seat number. We asked to travel first class, and that was exactly what Bella gave us, but each seat has its own compartment and a drape where you can't see the person beside you except you want to be seen. I told Bella that they could chat with each other, she and Debbie, but should not disturb me as I want to have a nice long sleep.

# Mikky

(Sounds of laughter)

The person laughs like someone I know, even the voice was familiar, and I was not ready to turn to face whoever it is. I could not bear the break up all over again if she was the one. I don't think I could ever let go of her unless I am just lying to myself. I have called her and done all I could, but it was still the same thing. She was unmovable and wouldn't even tell me what I did wrong. I thought she loved me the way I did. I actually saw a future with her, and we aren't even kids, but her betrayal cut me deep. But I had a feeling that I was the one that did something wrong, but she wouldn't even tell me what, so how am I supposed to make amendments. I was following Alessandro to Italy so as to take my mind off her and to have fun if you put it that way. She was one of the colors of my life; you can't just be down or angry around her. I remember the way she would just look at me and decide that I need pork meat and beer to clear my head, and she would take me to the best restaurants to cheer me up, how she would call me every morning to assess her look anytime she is staying with me. Everything about her is likable, and I am so into her that I wake up in the morning and imagine that she is right beside me and remember that she isn't more with me.

# Bella

I was enjoying the flight already; I always know time with the girls will cheer me up, even if that nut case decided to go and sleep. Debbie was still making me laugh; she brought up old memories of us where we were still stupid and innocent, not now that our eyes are already open to the world. I was still going to sleep, but Alexis slept too early because the airplane will land tomorrow morning and I still got time to sleep in the night; this is just six o'clock, and anyone that saw her will not even know she was the one working in a club among the three of us. I don't understand Alexis at all; this girl looks too innocent for her own good. I am still thinking about how I was going to reveal my big secret to the girls as they would be on my neck when we land wanting to know the problem. It is not as if I can't tell them; I was just a little afraid of what they are going to say about it. After some time...

I was already getting tired myself, so I look at Debbie, and we decided that we should take a short nap so we will wake up just in time for Alexis.

# Alessandro

I was hoping to just have fun during this vacation; I know Father will be glad I brought Cole along because they get along well. I have never been able to get the connection between the two, but it was all good as long as I don't have a problem with it. While Cole was ranting into thin air in the airplane, I took the opportunity to look at Mikky, and I saw that he was lost in thought, and that was when I know that something is wrong with the guy. On a normal ground, he was the friendly and the most cheerful among us. We will deal with that when we land because I can't just leave my friend to be looking this miserable. I can't bear it to this extent if not because I respect his privacy, I would have bombarded him with numerous questions. Mikky's drape was not drawn up, and I could see the girl on the other side trying to get his attention as she was blushing. I just laughed that maybe she hasn't seen a hot boy before because Mikky did not even notice she was there at all. I feel sorry for her even with all the licking of lips she has been doing; her effort was wasted. It was Cole that noticed her and started making faces at her. Cole was a really big flirt, and he can flirt with any age and even gender; if I didn't know him so well, I had assumed he was gay.

# Late into the night

The hostess went round getting people orders and ensuring everyone was alright, and some of them even went around sharing bottle water to the passenger to keep them hydrated and asking them what sort of snack they want. When they got to me, due to the fact that I didn't eat at the restaurant, I checked their menu and ordered a hamburger and a non-alcoholic wine because I can't deal with a hangover on an airplane, and I asked for the bottle water also. They brought what I asked for a few minutes later, even Cole, who ate before boarding the plane, also ordered for something; I don't just understand where in his stomach those food are going to. I wonder how he would have looked if he didn't work out at all. I slept off later.



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