
The mafia sexual slave

Alexis was involuntarily sold to a club, a situation that she never anticipated. Despite the circumstances, she believes that fate played a role in her predicament. As a stripper named Alexis, she acknowledges that her profession may not be glamorous, but it provides her with a means to support herself and she genuinely enjoys it. Being able to bring pleasure and entertainment to others is an addictive feeling. The power to control someone's pleasure is in her hands, allowing her to switch it on or off depending on her erotic play. However, she regrets allowing a man at the club to touch her intimately, breaking a rule she had always respected. This decision ultimately led to her world crumbling around her as she became a toy passed from one person to another. She transformed from a source of pleasure to a sexual slave, devoid of her own will. Despite the circumstances, she found herself enjoying every minute of it, trapped in a twisted fantasy from which she fears she may never recover. She never wanted to be someone's plaything, yet she also struggles with the desire to continue being desired by others. A series of events unfolded, mistakes were made, and she found herself pregnant, prompting her to run away. Now, she questions whether she wants that kind of life for her baby. On top of everything, she carries the burden of being a target due to her association with a mafia lord. Alessandro, the mafia lord, will undoubtedly feel betrayed, but she wonders if she even has a choice in the matter. Was she ever given a choice in the first place? Add to library

Adex_katty · Urban
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34 Chs

A shocking encounter!!

# Cole



I tried to move my hand to knock, but Mikky was holding it, shaking his head at me not to knock. I frowned at him, but he still held my hand, insisting that I shouldn't knock. So, I turned around, and he let go of my hand, and we both went back to Alessandro's room.

Alessandro told me that it was not necessary to knock today; we should wait until we see them to warn them. Going to knock on their door looks rude, and they may not even realize we are here already.

Since it was morning and we hadn't really eaten anything, we checked the menu left in the room and called the hotel's customer line. We all ordered lasagna for breakfast and Barolo red wine to balance everything.

The service here is pretty fast; in less than ten minutes, our order arrived. We opened the door and collected our food from the waiter, each of us taking a plate. The waiter smiled warmly at us but we were far to hungry to be exchanging pleasantries. 


# Alexis

Due to the fact that we only had toast in the morning, Bella decided to order our breakfast from the hotel. She took the menu on the table, checked what they had, and we call them with a line line and ordered chicken Milanese with tomato sauce. Debbie and I ordered shrimp tagliatelle pasta and Barolo red wine. We waited for our food to be brought up. I asked Bella to switch off the speaker as other guests might have arrived, and we didn't want hotel management warnings. 

 " I don't know how things work here but I definitely don't want to be thrown out of the hotel and have our money refunded to us".

There was a knock on the door, and I went to answer it, assuming it was the waiter. Indeed, it was him. I smiled, took our food, and shut the door, knowing the food cost would be added to our bill.


# Alessandro

(Between mouthfuls) Thank God they even have the common sense to turn off the music and allow us to eat in peace and just assumed you have knocked things may have ended up bloodly.

It was Mikky who messed up and didn't let me knock and confront them. Seriously, forget it; hot or not, they were causing noise pollution in the hotel since.

"You don't have to behave rashly toward them; don't you know they are ladies? That is just the way their gender behaves; that is their ideal way of having fun".

"You are already weak-minded, Mikky. That's why you could not keep your relationship," Alessandro interrupted, warning Cole to stay within limits.

Mikky was just looking at Cole with daggers in his eyes, but he said nothing.

They all finished their food and the waiter was called in to clear away the plates.

# ****

After the girls finish eating their food and rested a bit, the girls decided to go and swim at the pool they saw on their way coming in. 

They all put on sexy bikinis; when I say sexy, I mean the bikinis made them look hot, showing enough cleavage and their finely shaped bottoms.

The girls made their way to the swimming pool. Bella, always being the social one, took a picture or two of them in their bikini with Debbie almost shying away.

Debbie was always the reluctant one to swim, and as she got there, she started shouting that the water was ice cold, even without entering it yet.

Alexis and Bella winked at each other and, within a moment, pushed her into the water. She started screaming as if she was drowning, but they didn't mind her. They all jumped into the water, splashing each other and giggling. As the sun reached its peak in the sky, they had no choice but to join in the fun.

Debbie went out to the nearest hotel official and asked him to put on the light. Judging by the little dent in his trousers and the way the cloth rose more than usual, he had obviously been excited watching them in their sexy bikinis. However, the girls were not interested, being big sharks that he couldn't sink his claws into.

The worker went to the speaker room at the pool, put on the speaker, and played sensual music. The girls didn't mind as Debbie began to dance sitting at the pool ladder, raising one leg on the rail and gliding her hands over her leg with a sensual look. She motioned to Alexis in a come-hither motion, and Alexis shouted, "Stop strip dancing, you naughty girl! Do you want to make me come, or why did you motion to me like that?" Bella started laughing beside them, and they both looked at her as if she had lost her mind.

# ****

The girls were enjoying themselves, and Debbie already sat on the pool lounger, sipping a drink. She was a girl with no care in the world but a care for her work.


# Alessandro

We did not come here to rot away inside our room, so let's go for a swim at the pool. It cools the brain. At night, we'll go to a club and have fun, but it depends on your definition of fun.

The guys put on their shorts and hung their shirts around their necks as if they were made for the neck and not the body, without a shirt to cover their abs.They looked hot as they made their way toward the swimming pool to get the shock of their life.

As they neared the swimming pool and got to the transparent glass, Debbie could not see them because her eyes were down, and she was wearing shades to protect her eyes from the sun. Bella and Alexis were playing underwater, splashing and thrashing at each other playfully. Suddenly, they emerged from the water to catch their breath, only to turn and meet their worst fear.


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