

Robed in Prometheus fate.

To die every day,

And to live to see the next.

The eternal suffering of a ruined soul.

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As Viper untied Pablo and cleared up the place for the fight. Jack wondered what Ralph was thinking. He wasn't in the condition to fight. Not when he hadn't eaten for three days, Not in this condition.

"Will the Don be okay? Fox who now stood close to Jack asked."

"Why do you ask?" Jack asked.

"I heard he caught Pablo. But seeing the Don now. I am not sure he is in a condition to fight a man like Pablo."

"The Don will be fine," Jack replied. Don Ralph had told him a while ago to trust him and stand by any decisions he made and that was what he was going to do from here on.

"Are you ready?" Ralph asked Pablo who was now untied as he folded black his sleeve.

"Whenever you are," Pablo replied with his fists up. He had taken off his shirt the moment Viper untied him. Perhaps he felt he'll fight and flex his muscles better if he fought without clothes. He was a little taller than Ralph and more muscular. Veins trailed every part of his thick body as though he was wired with them. It was obvious he was strong.

"Good! Come at me." Ralph said.

Pablo wasted no time dashing toward Ralph furiously. The man was out for blood. He swung his fist at Ralph left and right. Ralph didn't dodge and got hit repeatedly. Pablo wasn't slowing down. He kept plundering punches at Ralph, Who simply lifted his fist to cover his face while he received Pablo's punches like an immovable wall. It was clear to Jack who the winner of this fight was already.

"Pablo will kill the Don' at this rate," Roxie said. Jack simply ignored what Roxie said and kept watching the fight.

"Ain't we going to stop them. The Don might die at this rate". Viper said.

"No. The Don has not thrown a punch yet and has been blocking Pablo's heavy punches as though they were baby punches since the fight began".Fox said. "What do you think?".Fox asked Jack.

"It's the Dons' win". Jack replied.

Pablo threw another right jab to hit Ralph. This time Ralph blocked it with his left arm. It was the arm he injured while trying to rescue Elle a few weeks back. it seemed to have completely healed. Pablo wasn't backing down, He immediately threw a right jab to follow up, but Ralph bent over dodging his punch for the first time in the fight. Pablo's defense wasn't up. Seeing Ralph on the defensive had given him so much confidence that he had let his guard down. He had been baited. Ralph moved his left leg forward to cover the space before giving Pablo a Rear hook to the face. Jack heard Pablo's jawbone shatter from where he stood to watch the fight. Pablo stumbled backward but stayed on his feet, but he seemed dazed. The punch must have messed with his head, and Ralph didn't give him any time to put his thought together. He dashed closer to Pablo and followed up with multiple Cross punches, with each punch Jack heard bones crack and shatter. He could bet that Pablo's rib bones would be in shambles now. Pablo raised his fists to guide his face. It was a wise move but it had little or no effect cause Ralph wasn't slowing down and Pablo's guard wasn't holding up. Pablo kept moving backward as Ralph kept punching him until he had his back against the corner of the room. It was the worse position to be at this point and Ralph wasn't letting him off. He kept on raining punches on him nonstop. It wasn't a fight anymore, it was simply a beating. Any other person would either be unconscious or dead if they received this kind of hit Pablo was receiving. It wasn't long before Pablo's hand gave way exposing his face. His arms were probably at their limit. His face was immediately welcomed by Ralph's fist. Ralph sent him down with an overhead punch. Pablo fell backward but Ralph wasn't done with him. He sat over him and rained more punches on him. Pablo's guide wasn't up, so Ralph had no difficulty using Pablo's head as a speed bag and making a bloody show of it. The floor and his body were already covered with Pablo's blood. Pablo was no match for him.

"The name?". He asked as he used one hand to raise Pablo's bloody head from the ground by his hair.

Jack could see the fear on Pablo's face. Ralph had altered the configuration of Pablo's face. Everything about Pablo's face was broken already. "The name?" Ralph asked again angrily. Lifting his fist to hit Pablo.

"Scott! Scott Malo. Please he is the younger brother of the Malo's Don. Don't hurt him." Pablo said crying. The man was torn apart and any more punches from Ralph will send him to the grave."

"Thank you". Ralph said before landing one last punch in Pablo's face. Jack heard bones break. There was no mistake. Ralph had shattered the man's skull. Jack watched as Ralph stood over Pablo's lifeless body. It was a scary sight to behold. The side of Ralph he hoped never found its way out has finally found its way out.

The room was quiet. Even Fox looked shocked.

Jacked moved closer to Ralph to hand him a handkerchief to clean Pablo's blood off his hand.

"Scott Malo". Jack's heard Ralph mutter. "I will use him to get the Malo empire down for good, He will be my first step to getting My Uncle's murderers and he will pay the price for trying to harm Elle". Jack simply nodded. He seem to be the only one who heard what Ralph had said. They both walked out of the basement leaving the others to their thoughts.

"Jack?" Ralph Called as he turned slightly to face Jack who was walking behind him closely. Jack immediately notice that the man now strangely had a smile on his face. He also looked more relieved now. Perhaps beating up Pablo to death had relieved him of his anger.

"Yes, Don". Jack replied.

"Tell Luca to get me my food. I feel a little hungry".He instructed

"I'll do as you have commanded".Jack replied.

"Thank you". Ralph said as turn to walk away.

As Ralph turned over. Jack got a glimpse of his face. The smile he had seen on Ralph's face a few seconds ago seemed to have vanished. All he now saw was a frown formed from pain. It was a look he was well acquitted with, after years of serving Ralph. It was the look of a man who knew nothing but pain.

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