

The chains didn't hold him,

His heart did.

It was the burden in his heart that kept his feet down.

No one is free.

We are all captive.

Held by chains or unbroken hearts.

Diane wasted no time in bringing Ralph his clothes. Everyone in the mansion seemed to be in a cheerful mood since the time Ralph opened his door. Diane in particular couldn't hide the joy in her. Whether it was because she was happy to see Ralph or because she has gotten another opportunity to see his scarred muscular body. The Lady kept grinning weirdly. When the Chef, Luca, served Ralph his breakfast, he claimed he wasn't hungry and asked Luca not to serve him until later in the day when he returned from the basement. Jack wondered how Ralph wouldn't be hungry. He had not fucking eaten for three days and was all skinny. It was pretty obvious Ralph was more concerned with getting to the basement than eating at the moment. Ralph wasted no time having his bath and cleaning up.

"How is the task I assigned to you going?" Ralph asked Jack as he buttoned up his black sleeve.

"Nothing yet Don. It was a clean Job. It will take some time to find the man who killed Johnny. The Police seem to be going all out to find the killer since Johnny was a cabinet member. The inspector in charge of the case seems to have a good lead but he's making it hard for me to investigate without interference".

"What's his name?".Ralph asked.

"Frank Field".

"I've never heard of him. Is he one of ours?".

"No. He just came to London and he's a clean cop". Jack replied.

"Frank Field! Get him on our side. I don't want the police to catch Johnny's killer before we do. The bastard must die by my hand".

"Yes, Don".

Ralph said nothing during their stroll to the basement. Compared to every other day the basement was as quiet as a graveyard today. Fox was called to get some information from Pablo, one of the men who had attacked Elle which Ralph had caught. Ralph wanted to know the name of the other man who had hit Elle and ran off when he came to Elle's rescue.

'With how quiet the basement was, Fox must have already tortured and interrogated Pablo to death '. Jack thought.

The Wesleys' basement was more of an underground chamber than a basement. It had a hallway and lots of underground rooms where they lock up their captives, carried out brutal interrogations, tortured people, and hold top-secret meetings.

"Welcome Don". Fox greeted Ralph as he and Jack stepped in. The man didn't look happy, and unlike what Jack had thought, Pablo wasn't dead, nor did it even look like he was tortured. Fox simply tied him to the chair untouched. Roxie and Viper were with Fox. "He's Pablo Malo".

"And who the fuck is Pablo Malo?" Ralph asked

"Pablo Malo. He's one of the Malo gang hitmen. He has over seventeen top kills to his name. If the Malo gang wanted to make someone disappear, He's one of the people that can get it done. I'm surprised we got our hands on him". Viper replied.

"Those Malo. irritating bastards, Men like Pablo have no conscience or moral compass. Pablo made six kids disappear three years ago to cover The Malo's tracks because they witnessed the Malo gang murder, someone. The bastard fucking chopped the kids like diced chickens". Roxie said angrily. "If I could, I won't hesitate to blow up his fucking brains."

"Did you interrogate him?" Ralph asked Fox.

"No. I recognized him the moment I saw him. All Mafias know him. He's a key member of the Malos and if he was with someone I am certain it will be another key member of the gang. I wanted your express permission before I lay my hands on him. Because the moment I do, a war might break out if the Malos find out. And aside from that, I doubt he will talk easily."

"That's okay". Ralph said and walked towards him. Pablo, he called out.

"Ralph Zander Wesley. I should have known it was you. Just like your uncle, The Wesleys always have a way of poke-nosing into everyone's business."

"I hear you're a key member of the Malos'. I don't intend to waste my time with the likes of you. What's the name of the other Malo who was with you the night you attacked that lady from the Art Gallary and was caught by me?"Ralph asked.

Pablo laughed before speaking, "I rather die than tell you a thing. The Malos won't take this likely if they know you have me."

"I know. And you should also know that for that reason alone, there is no way you'll walk out of here alive". Jack watched as Pablo's face went pale, he knew Ralph meant every word he said and from Pablo's expressions, he was certain Pablo knew that as well. "There is one way for you to come out of this alive though". Ralph said. He was taunting Pablo. Jack already knew where Ralph's conversation with Pablo was going.

"What is it?" Pablo asked hopefully.

"I want the name of the man you were with and you want to be free. Why don't we settle it like true Mafias?"


"Fight me. You're one of the strongest Malo, so you shouldn't have a problem fighting me and I believe you still want your revenge for the way I whooped your ass on the day I caught you. All you have to do is fight me. If I win you'll tell me the name of the man you were with, I assure you. No one will find out you told me. But if you win, I give you my word that you will walk out of here free."

"And how do I trust you?"

"You don't have to trust me. But I'll keep my word and you have nothing to lose."

"Okay I agree"

"Good. Untie him and move the chair". Ralph instructed. As Viper untied Pablo and cleared up the place for the fight, Jack wondered what Ralph was thinking. He wasn't in the condition to fight with Pablo. Not when he hadn't eaten for three days, Not in this condition.

"Will the Don be okay? Fox who now stood close to Jack asked."

"Why do you ask?" Jack asked.

"I heard he caught Pablo. But seeing the Don now. I am not sure he is in a condition to fight a man like Pablo."

"The Don will be fine," Jack replied.

'The Don had told him a while ago to trust him and stand by any decisions he made and that was what he was going to do from here on.'

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