
The Mafia Lord's good bad girl

What could possibly go wrong with a little night party in the club? Everything! Especially when you have a one night stand with a stranger. Verena had a one night stand with a stranger and ran away from him the next morning only to meet him in the bakery she works in. She found out that the was stalking her and also the man she has failed to kill three years ago. Now she was being held captive against her will and she doesn't know exactly what he wants revenge or her. Cassio had been looking for the little redhead that had tried to kill him years ago, now she was right in front of him, in his bed. That was before she ran thinking she could escape him again but she could never be more wrong. He is going to make her pay for trying to assassinate him but it wasn't revenge plans that were in his head when he finally kidnapped her. He was going to break her and make her his even if he kills people to do that. Actually that was the easiest way to get her

Zielle_strawberry · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter two: how to murder your friend

She took a taxi home, grateful it was weekend so she won't have to prepare Emma for school because she was still trying to gather her thoughts. She called Mrs Goody to ask if Emma was fine and she said she was still asleep. After thanking the older woman for her help. She took a quick shower and dressed up for work and murder.

Verena stormed into the bakery, still fuming from the previous night's events. She marched straight to the counter where Chloe was trying to attend to a customer, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Chloe, what were you thinking? Why did you let me go off with that stranger?" Verena demanded, her voice low but intense.

Chloe gave an apologetic smile to the customer and attended to her first before turning to her angry friend. "Hey, calm down! I thought you were a big girl, capable of making your own decisions. And besides you said it was okay that you wanted to go"

Verena's anger reduced a little. "I did?"

"Yeah, you said and I quote 'don't be such a spoilsport, Chloe' " Chloe said trying to mimic her voice.

"Okay, firstly I do not sound like that, secondly I was drunk! I was out of my senses, now I slept with a man and can absolutely remember nothing"

"Wait a minute! Did you just say you got laid? It's about time"

Verena gave her a deadly glare and Chloe gave a law apologetic smile, "Okay fine, I'm sorry, Verena. I didn't mean to give an opportunity for you have fun. Let me make it up to you - lunch is on me!"

"That's an a good way to apologize" Verena said.

"Oh, come on. Forgive me pleeeeease" Chloe said, blinking her blue eyes rapidly.

"Fine! But I am taking that lunch offer"

"Of course".

And during their lunch break, Chloe said she was craving for Chinese so they walked to the nearby Chinese restaurant, after taking their seats at a corner booth and waiting for the food they had ordered,

"Now tell me everything that happened" Chloe said.

Verena recounted last night's details to her.

"So you don't remember if you slept with him and you ran off in the morning? You even dropped some money?"

"For his shirt"

"That was rude!"

"What was I meant to do?"

Chloe whispered, " Whatever, but between you and me, it's a good thing you got laid, Verena. You needed it! And you don't know the man from Adam, what are the chances of you meeting him again?"

A man walked into the cafe and Verena paled as she saw the face of the guy she had slept with the night before.

"A hundred percent" she said

Chloe raised her head from her phone, "what hundred percent?"

Verena turned her face away from the man and bent her head so he couldn't see her."The man from yesterday is here, right here in this cafe"

"No way" Chloe said, turning her head to get a view of the man.

" Would you please stop looking at him?"

"Can't believe you are actually seeing him again. Must be your rotten luck to run into him after you ran away from him" Chloe said, smiling at her joke.

"This isn't funny, Chloe."

"I never said it was".

Verena peeked at the man from the curtain of her hair and when she saw that he was busy ordering food, she dragged Chloe up.

"Let's get out of here" Verena said, pulling her

out of the restaurant.

"But.. but our food"

They rushed back to their restaurant and Verena heaved a sigh of relief,

"That was a close one"

"No it wasn't, he followed us". Chloe said pointing to the man about to enter the bakery, "I think he saw you."

"No kidding" Verena said sarcastically.

"Pretend you don't know him and just take his order". Chloe suggested pushing her towards the man.

He was staring at her with such an intensity that made Verena really nervous.

What was the deal with him? It felt as if she knew him from somewhere

"What can I get for you, sir?" she asked, pen poised to take notes.

He ordered a cappuccino, and she went back to Chloe to get his order, he didn't remember her.

He was also drunk and she had left so early in the morning so of course he didn't know her. She calmed down a bit.

As she was about to drop the cup on the table, she saw a tattoo on his hand that made her startle and slip the coffee on him.

He cursed as the hot drink poured on his thigh.

"I'm so sorry," she apologized, taking up a tissue to wipe it. He snatched the tissue off her hands after she had tried to clean it. She glanced at the label of the shirt and realized she might have just landed herself in a debt she could never pay off.

"Holy cow," she muttered under her breath. She had to make sure he never comes back here, so she 'accidentally' spilled the rest of the coffee on him.

"Oh my goodness," she said, taking another tissue to wipe him, but he held up her hands, making her look into his eyes. They had changed to stormy grey that made him look as sexy as hell.

"Did you do that intentionally?" he asked, anger on his face.

Oh crap.