
The Mafia Lord's good bad girl

What could possibly go wrong with a little night party in the club? Everything! Especially when you have a one night stand with a stranger. Verena had a one night stand with a stranger and ran away from him the next morning only to meet him in the bakery she works in. She found out that the was stalking her and also the man she has failed to kill three years ago. Now she was being held captive against her will and she doesn't know exactly what he wants revenge or her. Cassio had been looking for the little redhead that had tried to kill him years ago, now she was right in front of him, in his bed. That was before she ran thinking she could escape him again but she could never be more wrong. He is going to make her pay for trying to assassinate him but it wasn't revenge plans that were in his head when he finally kidnapped her. He was going to break her and make her his even if he kills people to do that. Actually that was the easiest way to get her

Zielle_strawberry · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter fourteen: Pretty little monster

Three years, five months, two weeks ago

"Y...you are the very spawn of the devil," the priest spluttered as he lay in his pool of blood.

"That's the problem with men in this world, you underestimate females ; so let me rephrase that for you, I am not the devil's spawn but his master if you please",Verena replied, before shooting him dead.

"Wow, you are really scary," Ava said, clapping her hands.

"Well, thank you for the compliment," Verena said, as she wiped her bloody hand gloves on the crisp, clean white table cover.

"Now let's get out of here, we have work to do."

"Okay," Ava replied, uncrossing her legs as she stood up from the chair where she had sat and watched the whole thing.

Ava didn't like killing, but she could make a monk break his vow of celibacy. Literally. She seduced the priest so Verena could kill him.

He had been Gravano's priest, and their use for him had finished after he had let slip where his boss was while boasting to Ava.

They got to the club and slipped in through a back entrance, for obvious reasons, though. They had to make a stop at Ava's first because it was like a masquerade party. What better place to kill him than his own party?

She had no idea what she was dressed as, but Ava had insisted that the dress was perfect for her. It was a shimmering emerald silk dress with vines all around it. It had two serpents up the sleeves coming down to cup her breasts and a high slit that she liked because it made it easier for her to fight.

With her red hair falling in curls around her neck, she put on her green vined mask. She entered the party with Ava, who was wearing a delectable dress that was supposed to be a mermaid. She was looking like a vixen ready to be taken to bed.

Which was perfect for their plan tonight. Ava's seductive allure was undeniable, and she was the best at kicking asses. That's why father had always made them go on missions together.

"Are you sure I should do this?" She asked, "You are better at fighting than me. What will I do if they catch on?"

"They won't, trust me, and if they do, I can come get you before anything happens," Verena assured her as she opened the door, and they both walked out. They nodded at each other and separated. Verena went straight to the bar to grab a glass of champagne. The room was filled with a lot of important guests and tried to find their target.

She soon found the man. He was of a tall build with tattoos on his arms showing from his rolled-up sleeves.

Ava was nearby; she 'accidentally' dropped her purse and bent down to pick it up, and she could see the man staring at her ass. Verena smirked; he had been caught. A man walked up to Ava to talk to her, and Verena shook her head. Leave it to Ava to attract most of the men here. Their target finally got up to meet her. She turned her attention to him, making the other man angry, but he visibly paled after he looked at his fingers. Verena didn't need to see the finger to know that he was wearing his signet of power. That's how it is in the underworld; the don owns everything. Ava smiled sultrily at him, and he grinned. He wrapped his hands around her waist, his hands straying to her backside. Ava quickly dropped the drugs meant to temporarily paralyze him in his wine. She gave a subtle secret nod to Verena, who acknowledged it. Now, Verena just had to position herself in the room where they would finally kill him.

She had to pass through the dance floor to the elevator that led to the VIP room. The smell of wine and sweating bodies was everywhere, but just as she was about to reach the door, she felt a hand on her waist. "You can't just run away after tempting the devil, Eve," he said into her ears, and she felt a delicious shiver down her spine.

Eve? Oh right! She was dressed as Eve.

She turned into his touch, smiling at him in a way she had seen Ava do a million times.

"And you are the devil?" She said in a low seductive tone, "you aren't exactly dressed like one."

And he wasn't; he was dressed in nothing but a suit and a black mask that made his hazel eyes prominent.

"What do you think?" He replied, pulling her close to him as they danced to the slow rhythm of the music.

"I think you look like sin," she whispered, leaning closer to him.

"Maybe that's why you want to kill me, like you killed my priest?"

Wait! What? He was the boss? Then who was Ava with?

He gripped her waist, "your pretty friend is somewhere, getting what she deserves, Eve."

She pulled out her gun from where she had it strapped on her thigh and pointed it at his cock.

His men closed in around them, hands on their weapons . She moved slowly backward towards the elevator, "You are going to show me where Ava is, or else..."

"Else I'll never make children?" He finished for her, a sly grin on his face.

"I have ways of making people disappear, permanently" She threatened.

As they stepped into the elevator, he gestured to his men to stand back as the doors closed. They reached the third floor, and he led her to a dimly lit room, where she found Ava tied to a chair, her mouth and legs bound, unable to move or speak.

"'Ava!' she screamed, but before she could rush to her friend's side, a cold metal pressed against her temple, freezing her in place."


"The first rule of the Mafia is never let your guard down," Gravano said.

She tried to trip him with her legs, but she only succeeded in distracting him. As she fought him she realized that Ava was no longer in the room. So she ran out of the room only to see more men outside, so she opened fire on them. The man who Ava had been trying to seduce was carrying her on his shoulders as he walked away. Verena nodded in approval as Ava used her heels to kick the man in where the sun doesn't shine, and they fell. She stood up quickly, picking up his gun and shooting his arm.

She ran to help Verena, and they escaped into the elevator together.

"I need to call for backup."

"No, I don't think that's a good idea."

"We are about to be killed!"

"We are going to be fine."

They got to the party and tried to run to the back door, but given the number of men there, they were probably going to die. So they took the front door, but not before shooting into the air, and the place erupted in screams. Sounds of glass shattering and gunshots filled the air as people scrambled for the front door. A man was trying to start his car, but Verena pushed him away and got into the car. Ava threw some cash at him as they drove away. Always the good girl.

The chaos continued, and boy, was she glad that the car was bulletproof. She knew she was surpassing the speed limit, but no police dared to stop them. They finally stopped by a bridge.

"That was close," she said, her heart beating wildly in excitement as she stopped the car. "Ava?" She turned to see her friend bleeding from her chest.

"Ava! Fuck!" She opened the door and ran to her friend's side.

"Get out of here, V. Take Emma and get away from this whole messed up shit."


"Listen to me, for my sake. Please take my sister away from this mess. This was supposed to be my last mission before I ran away. I was going to tell..." She coughed, blood spluttering out of her mouth. She removed the diamond chain from her neck.

"I took out the camera. This is enough to start a new life. And don't you dare tell me that I would live because I know I am not. You have to be fast. He will find you if you aren't. Get out of the country and stay away from trouble as much as you can and don't get any pretty ideas about avenging me," smiling weakly, she held Verena's face. "You will always be my blood," and became still.

Verena didn't shed a tear. Her mind only worked on how she could get Ava's little sister out of this city that is under her boss's rule.

Then it struck her, her mother was right, she was always right. Monsters don't have feelings and she was the monster her mother called her.