
Flame of desires




Mirena stared back at Drake as she tried to break the deafening silence through a simple gesture.

But Drake seemed too irresistible when he didn't blink his eyes for a second. He was standing in front of her, holding back his breath.

No one wanted to surrender. The night was cold, perfect enough for cuddling and some steamy activities. It would warm their frigid souls and follow what their bodies need.

By then, Mirena bit the bottom of her lips and leaned back to the wall. She was only waiting for the mafia king to officially start the round at this hour.

Her red, soft lips undeniably caught his attention, turning him on. Drake couldn't deny the fact that she was still beautiful in his eyes.

Despite her wrong deeds before, it was hard for him to ignore her exceptional beauty. Those pair of round, lively eyes enticed him effortlessly. Her pointed nose barely brushed his face every time he sealed her with a passionate kiss.

Drake gasped for air but didn't look away from her eyes. His heart skipped a beat when Mirena giggled and hit his chest gently.

She said, "I can't believe this is all happening to me right now! I could say that you are different among men out there."

"How did you say that?" Drake narrowed his eyes and waited for an answer.

But then, Mirena's wild personality took the chance for granted and teased him through flirtatious stares and mischievous movements.

"Well, I don't think you'll agree to be my boyfriend for this week." She murmured.

Drake looked intently into her eyes, holding back the anger within his chest. It wasn't the perfect time to show his true motives as it might ruin his plans.

He then handled the situation with ease, pretending to be grateful for being with the popular Mirena Miller.

"I would love to, but I don't want that kind of relationship. We're not going back to our youth, and I think the long-term relationship is better than playing around with someone." He replied which undeniably surprised her.

At that moment, Mirena felt that she had found the right one after how many years. Her beliefs slowly changed since she met him.

Her pale face turned scarlet and giggled. It filled her heart with a tingling feeling, flaunting her natural beauty.

All of a sudden, they made a strong connection that kept them attached. They both longed for a burning sensation and guilty pleasure.

Right then, Mirena stooped closer and their lips touched each other. It felt surreal as she waited for him to respond. She tiptoed as she deepened the passionate kiss she had started.

The sensation grew bigger and heftier when Drake placed his hands on her waist. He couldn't either resist Mirena's enthralling charisma.

Then Drake carried her onto the countertop without breaking the kiss. His naughty hands softly rubbed her waist down to her thighs.

The frigid night was merely devoured by the flame of desires as it gave both of them warmth and fondness.

Through the mafia king's touch, Mirena was urged to wrap her arms around his neck. She couldn't find the exact words to describe how she felt right now.

Her knees trembled every time she felt his hands between her legs. It wasn't new for Mirena because something happened between them that night.

"Oh, Drake! You're so goddamn hot and I love it!" Mirena exclaimed.

She looked at the ceiling when Drake kissed her neck. The sentiment brought her to paradise, urging her to stay for a little while.

However, Drake suddenly stopped and tried to catch his breath. His forehead was covered with sweat, but it didn't stop him from being attractive.

He looked intently into her eyes, gasping for air.

"Do you want to do it right here or in my room for you to be comfortable–"

Mirena quickly put her index finger between his lips. Everything was great and perfect.

She said, "Shh, just let it be."

Drake smiled sweetly and kissed her finger. He then glanced at Mirena's epic reaction until his wild personality was awakened.

"Damn, you look too gorgeous tonight Mirena!" He said, gritting his teeth out of excitement.

After everything he had experienced before, Drake was given another chance to seek revenge on her in the most painful way.

Tonight, he would show Mirena what she wasted five years ago. She never imagined that one of the men she played with came back to bring her down and return the agony he felt for the longest time.

"You will regret everything, Mirena. I will make sure that you can't stand on your feet again and you'll feel the same pain that you gave me!" He thought as he breathed heavily.

At that moment, Drake kissed her chest while his hands did its part. He did everything that would bring any woman to ecstasy. Passionate kiss, warm touch, and naughty words. He wasn't afraid to satisfy Mirena even though it was against his will.

Suddenly, he felt Mirena's hands caressing his back. Drake couldn't stop himself anymore until he ripped off her clothes.

Mirena's red, lace brassiere flaunted which made him speechless. It was the first moment he clearly caught a glimpse of her chest.

"Damn it!" He whispered as it dazed the hell out of him.

Red was one of his weaknesses. It would be a lie if he would say that he didn't find it too hot and ensnaring at all. Drake realized that Mirena was blessed with medium-sized brexsts.

Embarrassingly, Drake lowered his head and took a breath.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rip off your clothes! I... I was just excited and–"

"Don't be sorry. After all, I have enough money to buy tons of clothes." Mirena replied and took everything that covered her entire body.

She smiled mischievously and winked at him. "Hmm, what do you think?"

The wild heiress was confident enough that Drake would fall in love with her curves. Every man would love to touch every part of her body, most especially now that she wore a red, lace thong.

As soon as Drake saw Mirena's perfect figure, only one thing flashed into his head– to make love with her and give her reasons to be deeply attached to him.

Without any hesitation, Drake kissed her passionately until they made love at the countertop for three rounds.

For the mafia king, everything that happened was merely a flame of desires, nothing more, nothing less.


Starting November 1st onwards, I will be updating this story daily with fresh, interesting chapters.

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Thank you so much! (insert heart emoji)

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