
The mafia doctor

Amber Williams was just a regular doctor working at one of the best hospitals in the city until she taken in by one of the most dangerous mafia gangs. Well, she kinda was in a right place at the wrong time. So in order for my to live she makes an agreement with their boss. In exchange for her life, she will become their personal doctor. As time goes on, she discovers that the gang is more than just weapons and bloodshed. They have this undeniable bond that she just couldn't help but admire. And eventually, she falls in love with their boss. But the road will not easy for them as they are faced with a lot of challenges that threaten to break both the gang and the love they share. Will they overcome? let's read to find out.

Daoist2000 · Urban
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Chapter Two

As I moved closer to the door, it opened and just before I she could make a move, she felt a hand drag her inside.

She was dragged to the middle of the room on and made to sit on a chair. When she looked up she saw the grey-blue staring right at her. For a moment, she let herself melt into storm surrounding those eyes.

She was so engrossed that she hadn't noticed the other men in the room until one spoke up.

"I'm sorry, what? "

"I said who...are... you... working... for? "

"wait what... hold on a second, working for... I'm not working for anybody, okay? I'm just a doctor at JK hospital "

"Hahaha, and you expect us to believe that? " the man said with such venom in his voice that Amber was forced to shiver a bit, but she wasn't going to let the gorilla bully her just like that.

The gorilla like man was about to say something again when the grey-blue beat him to it.

"are you saying that my seeing you at the convenience store and subway are both coincidences ", so he did notice her, this little thought made butterflies jingle inside her.

"um...yes, yes it was all a coincidence "

"then why did you follow us here"

"um, I just got curious "

"curious? " he burst out laughing, the others also joined him except the grey-blue who kept his gaze on her all this while.

"you were curious? " her tongue tied after the embarrassment she just witnessed, all she could do was nod her head slowly.

"well haven't you heard of the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' "he asked her with his eyes boring into her.

She felt like he was undressing her with his eyes which got her disgusted but she couldn't let him see that for fear of her sanity.

Seeing that she wasn't talking, the gorilla like man asked her one more time with intensity.

"I'm going to ask you one last time, WHO... SENT... YOU "

"and I'm going to say it for the last time, NO ONE... SENT...ME", gosh, this mouth of hers will surely get her in trouble.

This seemed to have picked something in the quiet man with the grey-blue eyes who had the standing in the corner watching everything with keen interest.

Walking closer, he said "leave her alone "

"what?!" exclaimed the gorilla man.

" I think she doesn't know anything "

Amber felt grateful that someone actually believed her.

"what do you mean she doesn't know anything, I mean look at her"

"yeah, I've seen her but you look at her. does she look like a spy to you? " still moving closer.

The man was silent for a moment before speaking up again.

"do spies have a specific look? " he asked the grey-blue.

"oh... I know spies don't have a specific look.. "

he walks until he is beside the gorilla man and in front of her.

He crouches before her and looks directly into her eyes. Amber could have sworn that there were butterflies in her stomach.

"...but she's not", oh dear God, she loves the way he's standing up for her.

"and what makes you so sure"

"what kind of a spy walks into a place without any sense of alertness, carries a bag full of medical supplies and files and can't protect herself when in danger. ", wait...what? when did he search her bag to know what was inside.

"she might just be faking it "

"and the identity card of her breast pocket? "

"I bet that's fake too " , ugh, this guy!

"you know what I think... I think you're scared "

"humph, scared of what"

"I don't know... you tell me " he smirks at the gorilla man.

The other men in the room tensed at this, apparently it was some kind of open confrontation with an hidden message. While the men wore an expression of fear, the smirk on the grey-blue's face just got wider. I guess that means an outright ridicule to the opponent.

This made the gorilla man explode with rage. He went for the grey-blue with a switch blade Amber hadn't even known was on him, but the grey-blue was faster, as he dodged it with great finesse.

The gorilla kept swinging the blade like a mad man while the grey-blue kept dodging. The men in the room just watched the two men go at it for about five minutes, then the unthinkable happened.

The grey-blue took the chance of the gorilla man's position and grabbed his hand knocking the switch blade off. He then twisted the gorilla's hand to the back, maneuvering to place himself in a position that makes it easy to grab the gorilla by the neck from behind.

He does this effortlessly and injected the gorilla man with some kind of drug from the neck. Amber cringes at this as she had never injected someone from the neck but watching it being done right in front of her, she knows it's a heck of a lot painful.

The gorilla man became paralyzed and fell like a sack of potato. It all happened in the blink of an eye, Amber hadn't expected it. Her eyes were wild with bemusement and practically threathening to bulge out of their sockets.

But before she had anytime to comprehend what had just happened, the grey-blue had already cut her hands and legs loose and swung her over his shoulders.

By the time Amber had come to her senses, she was already at the back seat of a Rolls-Royce v12 engine with the grey-blue beside her.

"where are you taking me? " she asked with a sudden fear that maybe he was ready to kill her now. but,

"you'll see" was his only reply as the car pulled into the busy city night road.