
[Smut] Make Children with Me, Then (Part 1)

Once Leon and Wolfe got hit in the head, collapsing, it somehow brought back the memories that they lost from drunken amnesia.

The memories of what exactly happened that night.

For Wolfe, it was still a little blurry, the details of the whole affair.

But for Leon... He can remember it completely. Crystal clear.

Wolfe Fang had drunk a total of 12 beer bottles now. Even the bar's management refused to give him more. He was completely wasted, lazily leaning on the table with half-closed eyes.

Leon Mo himself had drunk 7, and he has a pretty high tolerance, but it was still too much for his limit. He was still sober enough to talk and walk properly, but his mind was swimming in hotpot soup right now.

"We have to go now. It's 3 AM already. You're close to being dead." He told the half-asleep Wolfe. "Hey."

Wolfe mumbled incoherently as a response, and burped.

Leo grumbled, standing up and shaking him. "Wake up, don't sleep here. You're gonna bring trouble to the management....."

But Wolfe was out cold, and just stared at Leon dumbly before laughing like an idiot.

Leon kicked his foot. "What are you laughing about? Get up."

"Upsies." Wolfe said, stretching his arms over.

"What?" The drunk Leon only frowned.

"Upsies!" He ordered like a child. "Up, up!"

Leon groaned and did wrap his hands below his arms, and raised him up like a baby.

Wolfe chuckled at this and smacked his face. "Thanks, daddy."

Leon: ..... ..... ... .....

"I'm not your father. Did you suddenly revert into a child when drunk?" He asked, their face incredibly close.

"No... No... I'm a big wolf now, not a kid...." He giggled.

Leon rolled his eyes. "Yep, you really did. Come on now, 'big wolf'."

He half-supported and half-dragged him outside the store, leaving a 1,000 yuan tip at the table. "Thanks, Boss! I'll be taking this troublesome guy now."

He hailed a taxi but his mind was muddled with both the alcohol and the scent of it on Wolfe's entire being. It's like he became beer and wine and gin himself after drinking so much.

Wolfe noticed him staring while they were in the backseat, and grinned. "Pretty, right?"

"What? Stop mumbling nonsense." Leon rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes a bit.

Wolfe leaned his head on his shoulder as the bumpiness and swaying of the taxi lulled him to sleep. "Wolfe is a pretty boy, I know you think so too."

Leon pushed his head away. Wolfe only chuckled, pushing his head as well.

When they arrived at Hotel Tuanyuan, Leon originally planned to rent different rooms for the two of them. But then, Wolfe complained, shaking his head and clinging to his arms.

"I don't want to sleep alone! Daddy, I'm scared of sleeping alone!" He said, and the receptionist eventually went quiet.

She then suppressed a smile, and said. "We have a huge discount for our Couple's deluxe room, and it's currently available. I'll have it book for you."

"No, no, wait!" But Leon's card was already swiped at the machine.

He looked at the childish Wolfe with a glare, and the dumb wasted man just grinned toothily at him. He sighed.

Well, he really can't leave alone someone who's drunk and turned into a child like this. Plus, he really wants some rest as quickly as he could from his pulsating temples. It felt like someone was drumming his brain, making him even more unstable the longer he stayed awake.

And so, that's how they ended up in a single bed in the Couple's deluxe room.

"You smell bad, and I'm not sleeping with someone that smells like alcohol." Leon complained. "Take a bath first.

"No, you first, Daddy!" Wolfe exclaimed.

Leon sighed, and pushed him away roughly. "Fine, I will and then you're next, little wolf. Jeez, if this was how children would be, I'd rather die not having any of them."

He took a shower to rinse off the dirt and clear his mind. But instead of clearing, he felt drunker somehow, the drumming increasing and making him unable to think straight.

Wolfe will take a bath, and they will sleep in the same room, in the same bed. What will he smell like once that alcoholic scent was rinsed off?

He shook his wet hair. "What am I even thinking?"

He went out with only a towel around his waist, and Wolfe whistled. "Wow! Delicious six-pack."

Leon raised an eyebrow. "What did you just say?"

"I drank whole six-pack cans of Harbin Beer. They were delicious." He giggeld as he stood up, jokingly smacking Leon's stomach. "What were you thinking, 'Daddy'?"

"You're soberer now, huh?" Leon noticed.

Wolfe nodded lazily. "Not quite. I can't remember why you took me to the same room with you, and now you just took a bath. How very suspicious, Officer Mo."

"It was you who insisted." Leon retorted.

Wolfe rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right."

He went to the bathroom with a dramatic stride. Leon rolled his eyes since he walk like a peacock and his tush shakes as he walks.

He felt too sluggish and lazy to wear his clothes now, so he instead spend the time waiting for Wolfe to be done while staring at the floor and trying to clear his muddy head.

When Wolfe was finished, he saw that his face was flushed.

"You.... This is a Couple's room." He said.

Leon lazily raised his head. "So?"

"What do you mean by this?" Wolfe asked. "I agreed to be in a contractual marriage with you, but that doesn't mean that you can just take advantage of it to get what you want Leon Mo."

"Get what I want?" Leon was terribly confused.

"Don't deny it. Why else would you take me here?" He doesn't seem to be fully sober yet with how flushed red he was. "I can also smell your scent clinging on to me, you must have enjoyed touching me around, eh?"

"You asked for upsies." Now it's Leon's turn to mumble nonsense.

"Upsies?" Wolfe said, moving closer to him. "Is that a euphemism for something that I didn't know..."

"Don't get it twisted, Wolfe Fang. I don't want anything to do with you." He said, his round eyes narrowed. "I only need the money. Once we had IVF to get a child, you can even take that child yourself once I find a way to file for a divorce without getting fined because of the will."

"That's what I want too. I'm not getting anything twisted. You're just acting suspiciously." Wolfe Fang frowned.

Leon also frowned. "I could say the same thing with you.

They were quiet for a while, just staring at each other with Wolfe leaning towards him and him sitting on the bed. Both naked beside a measly towel, their breaths still carrying that intoxicating alcoholic scent.

They were still both very, very drunk, and the more they look at each other, the drunker they become.

It was unexplainable how much someone's stare can turn into an aphrodisiac just because of the strange machinations and chemical reactions of our brains.

Wolfe sat on his lap. "Marry me and make children with me then. For money."

Leon nodded, as he wrapped his hands around his waist. "For money."

Nobody could really tell who made the first move to lean in, but it happened anyway, and there's that. They pressed their lips together.

Leon felt like his lips were burning. Wolfe's heated-up body due to the alcohol made it feel like he was kissing fire itself. And he came to seek that hotness, unable to stop himself from wanting it, yearning for it.

He wants to be burned to the ground by this fire.

Wolfe wrapped his hands around him and ground his hips. Not long after, the actor was pinned to the bed, and marked with many red spots all over his neck and upper arms.

"Hahaha..." He chuckled once Leon let go, thinking that it was over. "That's not so bad, 'Daddy'."

Leon growled. "You call me that again and you'll really regret it."

"What? Is that your kink or something?" He reached down at the towel covering Leon's lower half. "You seem pretty pent-up with a man calling you that.... Oh, but I don't judge."

He grabbed his wrist and pinned Wolfe back down. "Get your hands off me, Wolfe Fang. Why do you insist on touching me, huh? You really are the one acting suspiciously here."

"But you never truly push me away." Wolfe smirked. "And why is that, Da..."

Leon glared at him, and so, he changed it. "Da Vinci. Heh."

"Does it make you feel good when a man touches you like that?" He taunted. " And kiss you like that? Hmm?"

"You look more like the one enjoying it." Leon did not stop him this time when he continued groping at his crotch, wearing a fierce expression showing this doesn't affect him at all.

This seemed to have got into the arrogant Wolfe, which frowned and said. "We'll see about that. I'll prove that it's you who wants something more to do with me, Leon Mo."

He moved his hand up and down, and Leon was completely calm. He reached out and..... Did the same.

And so, it turned out that the night began as a drunken competition between the two of them.

As they touched each other, their breathing became harsher and shakier. They were equals in this regard, and equals in keeping a straight face and not letting out a single 'suspicious' sound.

"Ready to admit defeat, little wolf?" Leon said, even though he could feel like his throbbing cock could burst any second.

"In your dreams." Wolfe breathlessly answered.

This annoying dandy's delicate and soft hands felt so good when stroking him, and he hated it. He couldn't make up with having a hand as good at this, and so he counterattacked using technique and speed.

Wolfe was obviously affected with the intensity of how Leon was gripping him and stroking him, as no girl ever gave him a handjob that was this painful and rough.

Both felt like they were losing, and so, they both said at the same time. "This won't do."

They needed another competition, as they were aching to spill out. Wolfe Fang rummaged the drawers and Leon peered in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"This is a Couple's room so...." He pulled out a mysterious bottle and a pack containing many square sachets. "They must have this."

He held out his hand. "Rock, paper scissors. The winner does the loser first for 5 minutes. Then switch positions."

"For what?"

"So we'll truly know who has other intentions on who cums first. The one who doesn't cum is the real winner. "

"And the prize?" Leon asked.

"Winner becomes the loser's 'daddy'. Anything he says, the loser does."

"Deal." Leon said, prepared to give his best in this rock, paper, scissors in order to be the first one to enter.

They were doing this for something so childish, but they were drunk anyway, and deep down...

This idea of playing the game itself excites them more than the prize.

Next chapter