
Chapter 12 What's Your Name? Amusement Park!

Osa's POV

Valesco's right. I should've bought more clothes. Thankfully, the guys didn't notice my scars at breakfast so I sat looking in my closet and found nothing to wear.

I run downstairs and barge into Caramel's room to find Qulo and her in a very heated make-out session.

"Um," I mumble stepping in and she blushes, moving as far away from him as possible. He glares at me but it isn't harsh as he wants to laugh.

"Thanks, Osa." He says sarcastically and I bite my lip.

"You're welcome!" I chirp and he rolls his eyes before leaving.

Everyone's warming up to me and I love it.

"Hey, girl." Caramel chuckles nervously and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Use protection." Is the first thing I say and she slaps my arm. "I'm going on a date with Benjamin-"

"Say no more!" She pulls open her closet and all I see is clothes. They were color-coded and I gape.