
Chapter four

One day Lily entered the school building with the mindset that Aiden and Asher were going to pull a prank on her but surprisingly they saw her but did nothing. They didn't even make eye contact. Lily knew something was wrong. After classes she went to look for them and she found them on the football field practicing. After practice she confronted them but they snubbed her. She stood there as if her feet were glued to the ground. she stood there for about 2mins then she walked home sadly. on her way home. Aiden stopped her and he apologized for snubbing her earlier. He said "Lily i am sorry for the way i acted earlier. Lily was surprised because Aiden wasn't the type of person that apologises to anyone. After that Aiden offered to drive her home and she agreed. When they got to the house they said goodbye to each other. 

The next day,after school hours Lily stayed back because she wanted to make use of the library. While she was looking for a book she felt someone was behind her. When she turned, the person jammed his hands on the bookshelf pinning her against it. When she looked up what she saw was unforgettable. She saw Asher but something was off. Asher had blue eyes but now his eyes were red. She had so many questions in her mind like"why the hell does Asher have red eyes, was he wearing contact lens but it looked so real. She snapped out of thoughts because Asher opened his mouth slightly. What she saw was unbelievable. She saw fangs. Before she could process that Asher bent towards her neck as if was about to bite her. Lily's heart beat was so fast that she could hear the sound with ear. Before she knew she felt something sharp piercing through her flesh and blood flowed  down to her shoulder. Then all of sudden Asher stopped what he was doing and stared at her neck and then he licked it. After that he ran away. Lily's feet rooted to the ground and she was shaking. After a minute Lily recovered from her shock, she took her things and went home. When she got home she went straight to bed. At night she couldn't sleep. she was thinking about what had happened. she had so many questions in her head.