
Chapter 42: Flaws and Fights

Ash had come trudging through the door after another failed mission on his part, he was starting to feel as though these missions that Liam was sending him on were meant to be impossible. They had run through every possible scenario that could have happened while he was out on the mission and somehow he had still failed them.

A frustrated growl had left him as he kicked off his shoes, causing them to land haphazardly somewhere near the door. Though he froze when he heard whimpers coming from elsewhere and Liam’s harsh voice. His wolf urged them to find whoever it was that Liam had decided on torturing now.

“Seriously, what made you think coming back here and looking for answers, even with back up, was even remotely safe for you?” Liam snarled as another whimper had come from the person, and the hairs on the back of Ash’s neck rose. He knew that sound.