
The Mad Man Awakens The Forbidden Eyes

"If word doesn't work on you, then my fist will. If not, then my kick will sure" Xinli's motto ______________________________________________________________________________________________ As the sun set over a bustling, lively town, an eerie transformation began in an abandoned, cobweb-filled room. On a dusty wooden bed lay a decayed corpse, forgotten by time. Suddenly, the long-dead body stirred, defying logic and nature. The heart, which had long since stopped, started to beat. After the resurrection, the decayed figure transformed into a pale, white-haired teenage boy named Xinli, who had transmigrated from another world. As Xinli awakened, he was consumed by excruciating pain, his agonized screams echoing through the silent room. Through a heaven-defying miracle, he awakened his innate talent—the "forbidden pupil of the eye," related to time and comprehensiveness. Unbeknownst to Xinli, his resurrection sent shockwaves through the upper realms, rumbling the River of Time and catching the attention of a powerful Dao being, the guardian who watches over the River of Time. This mysterious entity sensed a disturbance but could not pinpoint the anomaly, choosing to let it be for now. In a world filled with boundless anomalies, endless opportunities, and unimaginable powers, Xinli's revival marked the start of a perilous climb toward ultimate power. Only those with unwavering determination and a will of iron could hope to reach the zenith of this world, where even the most divine beings have yet to venture.

Loneee · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Killing bandits

Xinli stepped out of the house and started to head toward the outer area of the quest hall, intent on filling his pockets with the necessary funds for another cultivating season. The quest hall was bustling with activity, filled with disciples eager to take on tasks and missions. As always, quest papers were hung up on the wall, and he scanned the available missions. Some were simple errands, while others required more skill and strength. His eyes landed on a mission that seemed suitable for his current level of strength:


[Quest: Eliminate the Forest Bandits 

Details: A group of bandits has been terrorizing the outskirts of Lily-Town. Eliminate the threat and bring peace to the area. 

Recruitment: Must be at least Qi Gathering 10th or higher realm 

Reward: 30 gold coins and 150 contribution points 

Difficulty: ☆☆☆ (or ☆☆☆☆)]


"Ohhh… 30 gold coins and 150 contribution points?" Xinli muttered, eyeing the quest greedily.


Perfect. This quest would not only provide the money he needed but also allow him to test his skills and gain experience.


"Senior, I would like to take this quest," he said, placing the paper quest on the table.


"Hmmm…" the elder looked him up and down, thinking, 'This mad boy, even though he is reckless sometimes, has the courage of stone.'


"Are you sure?" the elder asked, seeking confirmation.


"Yes," Xinli said calmly.


"Okay, take it. Here is the location map and gate pass. You have one week. If you're late, you will be punished."


"Ohhh… 1 week? … hehehe... okay,"


Xinli took the quest and headed toward the designated location, the outskirts of Lily-Town, about 4 to 5 km northeast of Profound-Enmity Sect.


"Show me your gate pass," the guard at the entrance gate of the Profound-Enmity Sect asked.


Xinli handed over the gate pass to the guard, who scrutinized it for a moment before nodding and allowing him to pass.


"Good luck," the guard said, returning the pass to Xinli.


He nodded and stepped through the gate, making his way toward Lily Town. The journey was relatively short, but he remained vigilant, aware that danger could lurk anywhere. Ahead of him, he could see the dense forest, which was quite large. The forest surrounding Lily-Town teemed with wildlife. Birds and insects filled the air, creating a deceptively peaceful atmosphere. But that didn't mean it was safe. Even the outer area had numerous tier 1 beasts—who knew what lay deeper inside?


As Xinli approached the area where the bandits were last seen, he moved cautiously, keenly aware of his surroundings. Following the map provided by the elder, he navigated through the forest and finally found their location. There, he spotted a group of bandits, just as the quest had described. They were gathered around a makeshift camp, laughing and talking loudly, completely unaware of his presence.


Xinli took a deep breath, steeling himself for the upcoming confrontation. With his innate talent, he saw that everyone was at the Qi Gathering Realm, ranging from the 6th to the 10th level, except for two people who were at the Bone Forging 1st realm.


Without alerting them, Xinli unsheathed his Kalu. He lifted the Kalu into the air, coating the blade with his aura blade skill to increase its lethality. He also used his Qi on his foot, jumping and kicking the tip of the blade as hard as he could, targeting one of the Bone Forging individuals. Headshot. One of the Bone Forging people died on the spot, startling the bandits and drawing their attention.


"Wtf? Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"


"Hey, who are you?" one of them demanded angrily, rising to his feet and reaching for his weapon.


"Just someone here to take out the trash," Xinli replied calmly, landing on the ground.


They became serious as one of their men died on the spot. They spread out, surrounding Xinli and preparing to attack.


"Get him!" their leader barked, and they charged at Xinli. It looked like the bandit who died earlier was the vice leader of this group.


Xinli moved swiftly, his training and enhanced reflexes allowing him to dodge their attacks and counter with precision. He used every ability at his disposal to avoid making mistakes. He even used his berserk skill, wanting to feel the craziness. His movements increased, and his craziness peaked. Despite their numbers, the bandits were no match for his frenzy.


One by one, they fell to the ground, limbs severed by his aura blade. Strangely, he didn't feel any nervousness or disgust. Standing amidst the corpses, he looked like a devil, enjoying every bit of the fight. He fought until only the leader remained. The leader looked at Xinli with a mix of fear and anger, his confidence shaken.


"You'll pay for this, motherfucker," he growled, lunging at Xinli with a wild swing of his heavy sword.


Xinli sidestepped his attack and delivered a swift kick to his knee, like a cat playing with its mouse, causing him to stumble to the ground in fear.


"It's over," Xinli said coldly, pressing his foot on the bandit leader's leg. Smiling, he broke it.


"ARRRGGGGHHHHH!" the leader cried out in pain, making birds fly away in sudden alarm.


The leader's eyes widened with fear, thinking about what kind of evil person they had offended. "Alright, alright, I surrender! Please sp—"


Before he could make another sound, Xinli kicked his head like a football, killing him on the spot. Goal!


Crik crik... Xinli heard a sound nearby. One of the bandit's weapons lay on the ground. He kicked it toward the source of the commotion. Clang. The sound of two weapons colliding rang out.


"Fuck!" an unknown person cursed. Xinli felt like he had heard that voice before. He dashed out with his blink skill, but the other person fled using what seemed like a teleportation scroll.


"Oh, whatever," he muttered. He deactivated his berserk skill and sat cross-legged, needing to recuperate for a few minutes due to the damage caused by the berserk state. After finishing his quest, Xinli returned. It was too late to head back immediately, so he stayed outside for one night and enjoyed the beautiful night.


Upon his return, he presented the evidence to the elder in charge of the quest hall. The elder examined it carefully before nodding in surprise.


"Well done, Xinli. You've completed the quest successfully, faster than I thought," he said with amazement, handing Xinli the reward of 30 gold coins and 150 contribution points.


"Thank you, senior," Xinli replied with a giggle, feeling accomplished and rich. With the rewards in his hand, he thought of purchasing pills to increase his cultivation. If he cultivated without external support, he might be able to increase his cultivation by 1 to 2 realms, but this was not enough. He needed more... more...