
The Mad Man Awakens The Forbidden Eyes

"If word doesn't work on you, then my fist will. If not, then my kick will sure" Xinli's motto ______________________________________________________________________________________________ As the sun set over a bustling, lively town, an eerie transformation began in an abandoned, cobweb-filled room. On a dusty wooden bed lay a decayed corpse, forgotten by time. Suddenly, the long-dead body stirred, defying logic and nature. The heart, which had long since stopped, started to beat. After the resurrection, the decayed figure transformed into a pale, white-haired teenage boy named Xinli, who had transmigrated from another world. As Xinli awakened, he was consumed by excruciating pain, his agonized screams echoing through the silent room. Through a heaven-defying miracle, he awakened his innate talent—the "forbidden pupil of the eye," related to time and comprehensiveness. Unbeknownst to Xinli, his resurrection sent shockwaves through the upper realms, rumbling the River of Time and catching the attention of a powerful Dao being, the guardian who watches over the River of Time. This mysterious entity sensed a disturbance but could not pinpoint the anomaly, choosing to let it be for now. In a world filled with boundless anomalies, endless opportunities, and unimaginable powers, Xinli's revival marked the start of a perilous climb toward ultimate power. Only those with unwavering determination and a will of iron could hope to reach the zenith of this world, where even the most divine beings have yet to venture.

Loneee · Fantasy
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38 Chs


"Cough, cough." Xinli gasped for breath, each cough rattling his chest like a drum.

He gritted his nails onto the floor. Saliva dripped to the ground as he battled against the searing pain as if his insides were trying to break free. His entire body was drenched in sweat, and his eyes burned so intensely that he wanted to claw them out.

"MOTHERFU*KER, WHO THE FUCK IS MESSING WITH ME? GOD DAMN.... JUST YOU WAIT!" he roared, his voice mixed with raw fury. He slammed his fist on the floor, a punch born of agony and rage that made his blood boil.

He would have notched their neck if only his vision had been clear.

Seconds ticked by, each one an eternity of suffering for him. A wave of relief washed over him as the pain faded slowly.

He stayed alert, every muscle tense, desperate to make sense of his surroundings. But the only sound that reached his ears was his own suffering, and the tired breaths coming out of his mouth.

Slowly, his vision started to come back. 'Finally,' he thought.

"Whoever you are, trying to mess with me, I will peel your skin bit by bit," he said, his voice carrying the bone-chilling tone of someone who was ready to kill.

As his vision started to clear, he was completely taken aback by what he saw around him. He found himself in a filthy room, with dusty furniture scattered around and cobwebs clinging everywhere. Confusion washed over him, and he struggled to make sense of his whereabouts.

"Where the fuck am I?"


Xinli might not remember everything clearly, but he could vividly recall being in a hospital not too long ago. He had fought tirelessly against an incurable illness that had haunted him since his early twenties. Tragically, at 25, he had succumbed to his fate.

During that arduous journey, he found solace in novels, video games, and other small pleasures. They became his refuge, a fleeting escape from the relentless pain.

As time passed, regrets from his past began to weigh heavily on him, leaving him grappling with an overwhelming sense of unspoken sorrow.


Little did he expect the whims of fate to weave such a curious tapestry of destiny....

Amidst the tingle of sorrow crushing his heart, a flicker of anticipation danced in his eyes like a lone flame in the darkness.

Suddenly, a sharp, throbbing headache sliced through his thoughts, yet this time, the pain seemed quite manageable.

"Fuck! Here we go again, Tsk, Damn it! this Painnn..."

After a brief pause, fragments of memories from this new body, though blurry, began to intertwine with his own, demanding a period of adjustment like pieces of a puzzle fitting into place.

These fragmented memories revealed that he now resided in a cozy two-story home in Black-Wind Town, nestled within the Starlight City of the Narnia Continent.

The house itself, a sad reminder of his deceased parents, stirred a bittersweet sorrow within him as he pondered their untimely departure. Yet, strangely, the memories did not explain their tragic demise, leaving their fate shrouded in mystery. 

More intriguing still was the discovery that this new body shared the same name as his previous life, sparing him the awkwardness of adapting to a new identity.

As for the previous Xinli, his fate was a tragic tale of a promising cultivator who died in his prime due to a Qi deviation—a sobering reminder of the dangers that lurked within the pursuit of power. Always be cautious.

However, the cause of his downfall remained a mystery, buried within the fragmented memories he had, waiting to be revealed.

Also, he realized that he was now inhabiting the cultivation world. In this new cultivation realm, he couldn't help but notice the stark differences from his previous existence. Yet, amidst the unfamiliarity, certain parallels between the two worlds stood out.

Just like in his past life, the powerful in high-ranking positions preyed on the vulnerable, exploiting them for their own gain. It was a cruel reality where the rich grew more prosperous at the expense of the poor.

Furthermore, this new world appeared to be an even more dangerous place where the law of the jungle reigned supreme. Strength was above all here, and the weak were mere fodder for the strong. 

However, he soon discovered that possessing talent opened doors to many opportunities for personal development.

Whether through affiliating with prestigious sects or aligning with influential organizations, the path to power was paved for those with the skill and determination to seize it.

But with opportunity came risk. The spotlight attracted not only admiration but also envy and hostility. It was a delicate balance, navigating the treacherous waters of ambition and survival in a world where one misstep could lead to ruin...like death.

With the specter of death looming ever closer, he knew he had to act swiftly to avoid a grim fate. What if some unknown, powerful drunkard mistakenly...blocked his way and then started to beat him to a pulp? Then only one thought would be mentioned in his head: 'LAMO.'

He couldn't afford to become a mere pawn in this sh*thole, destined for oblivion at the hands of fate. Yet, as he searched through his memories, he faced a harsh reality—he was penniless, with nothing but a handful of silvers to his name.


"I wish the man upstairs would hear me out and slap me with some money so that I can feel the pain of money."


The hierarchy of currency conversion was like this: 100 copper coins were equal to 1 silver coin, 100 silver coins were equal to 1 gold coin, and 100 gold coins were equal to 1 spiritual stone.

Even if commoner folks worked their asses off their entire lives, they wouldn't even come close to gathering ten gold coins in their whole life.

As for spiritual stones? That was just an unattainable dream for them. If the Mother of Luck decided to give them some blessing, then they might have a chance.

"Given this, joining a sect seemed like a good idea, but I am unsure about the recruitment process." He pondered.

As he was sitting on the bed pondering, he saw an old mirror in front of him. After strategizing his next steps, he curiously approached the old mirror within the room to assess his appearance.

With a gentle sweep, he cleared the dust veiling its surface, revealing the image of a slender young man. Long white hair framed his face.

Despite his dirty state, his striking good looks were impossible to overlook, especially his unique white-pupil eyes. If someone tried to glance within them, they would only find emptiness. 

"Oh shit... new look with new life."