
The Mad Man Awakens The Forbidden Eyes

"If word doesn't work on you, then my fist will. If not, then my kick will sure" Xinli's motto ______________________________________________________________________________________________ As the sun set over a bustling, lively town, an eerie transformation began in an abandoned, cobweb-filled room. On a dusty wooden bed lay a decayed corpse, forgotten by time. Suddenly, the long-dead body stirred, defying logic and nature. The heart, which had long since stopped, started to beat. After the resurrection, the decayed figure transformed into a pale, white-haired teenage boy named Xinli, who had transmigrated from another world. As Xinli awakened, he was consumed by excruciating pain, his agonized screams echoing through the silent room. Through a heaven-defying miracle, he awakened his innate talent—the "forbidden pupil of the eye," related to time and comprehensiveness. Unbeknownst to Xinli, his resurrection sent shockwaves through the upper realms, rumbling the River of Time and catching the attention of a powerful Dao being, the guardian who watches over the River of Time. This mysterious entity sensed a disturbance but could not pinpoint the anomaly, choosing to let it be for now. In a world filled with boundless anomalies, endless opportunities, and unimaginable powers, Xinli's revival marked the start of a perilous climb toward ultimate power. Only those with unwavering determination and a will of iron could hope to reach the zenith of this world, where even the most divine beings have yet to venture.

Loneee · Fantasy
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38 Chs

After 28 days of cultivating

Firstly, Xinli made his way to the Exchange Center to convert 15 of his gold coins into 225 contribution points. The transaction went smoothly, resulting in a total of 375 contribution points when combined with the 150 points he already possessed.


"Hehehe," he smiled creepily, feeling satisfied with his increased resources. Passerby disciples who didn't know his identity started whispering among themselves, as if they were witnessing a fool. On the other hand, a few individuals who recognized him began approaching.


Ignoring them, Xinli made his way to the Sect shops. As always, the pavilion was bustling with people.

His purpose was to buy a pill suitable for advancing in the Bone-Forging Realm. Entering the first floor, which was filled with various items as usual, he headed straight to the pill section.


The pill section was well-organized, with rows of shelves displaying a variety of pills, each with detailed descriptions.

Disciples and staff moved around, and there were some instructors too, examining the items and engaging in quiet conversations. Xinli approached the counter, where a knowledgeable attendant stood, ready to assist.


"Welcome. How can I help you today?" the attendant greeted him with a polite smile.


"I'm looking for a pill that can aid in my progress in cultivation," Xinli replied.


The attendant nodded thoughtfully. "We have several options for that. What is your current level in the Bone-Forging Realm?"


"I'm currently at the Bone-Forging 1st realm," Xinli answered, trying to be as specific as possible.


"Ohh… Bone-Forging Realm? You look so young…" The attendant was quite shocked.


Xinli just showed his fake smile, nodding.


"In that case, I recommend the Bone-Forging Essence Pill. It is designed to strengthen the bones and enhance the flow of qi, making it ideal for those in the early to mid-stages of the Bone-Forging Realm," the attendant explained, pointing to a row of small, intricately designed bottles.


"How much does it cost?" Xinli inquired, his eyes fixed on the shimmering pills inside the bottles.


"We have different grades: low, mid, high, and perfect. However, the perfect grade is not available. Even if it were, you wouldn't be able to afford it. It's quite rare and difficult to create," the attendant informed him.


"As for each Bone-Forging Essence Pill, the low-level costs 100 contribution points, the mid-level costs 200, and the high-level costs 400," the attendant continued. "Higher grades provide better improvements. One mid-level pill is equivalent to three low-level pills, and one high-level pill is equal to three mid-level pills, so choose wisely."


"Hmm? Ohhh… okay," Xinli did a quick mental calculation and decided to buy them even though his heart bled at the price. Investment was necessary if it was worth it.


"I'll take two of the mid-level Bone-Forging Essence Pills," Xinli said.


The attendant nodded and retrieved the pills, placing them in a small, ornate box. "That will be 400 contribution points."


Xinli handed over the contribution points, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation, but also the sting of being broke. With these pills, his cultivation progress would surely accelerate.


"Thank you," Xinli said, accepting the box.


"You're welcome. Best of luck with your cultivation," the attendant replied warmly.


With the pills secured, Xinli made his way back to his room, eager to begin the next phase of his cultivation journey.


"Money is just like the wind; both blow faster… I felt like a rich kid earlier, and now I'm close to being poor again, having only bought two pills," he sighed, murmuring as he walked.


After reaching his room, he sat down on the bed and carefully opened the box, revealing the two mid-level Bone-Forging Essence Pills. Their rich, vibrant color and the faint aura of energy they emitted were promising signs of their potency.


Xinli sat down cross-legged, placing one of the pills in his mouth. As it dissolved, he felt a surge of warmth spread through his body, focusing on his bones and meridians. He closed his eyes and began to meditate, guiding his energy with his cultivation technique while heightening his focus and skill with his innate talent.


He absorbed the energy from the pill and transferred it to his bones, feeling them grow stronger and sturdier as time slowly passed. His qi flowed more smoothly. The process was intense but invigorating, pushing him closer to breaking through to the next level in the Bone-Forging Realm.


Just like that, time went by day after day. Finally, 28 days went by. Every day was like a painful experience, but he liked it. It made him feel alive.


After weeks of diligent cultivation, Xinli felt a visible improvement in his strength and stability. The investment had been worth it. He was now at the Bone Forging 4th level.


One must know that he consumed two Bone-Forging Essence Pills, which cost him 200 contribution points each. His Nether-Heaven Devouring was a top-notch cultivation art. With his double dantians and powerful innate talent, he was progressing way faster than common people.


Xinli took a deep breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment with each improvement. This was just the beginning; there were many phases to clear. The path ahead was challenging, but with the right resources and determination, he could go even further.


After finishing another cultivation session, Xinli stretched his body to relieve some tension. "Ufff… what a busy day… let's get some fresh air," he muttered.


After freshening up, he went out to see what was happening. As he exited the door of the house, he saw Cao Long and Yang Gang chatting, sitting on a chair as always. Others were also engaged in conversations with their close friends, discussing the outer disciple competition.


"Ohh… hey brother Xinli, how are you? Hmmm, did you also reach the Bone Forging Realm?" Yang Gang, the talkative one, asked upon seeing him.


Xinli just nodded at his remark. He could sense that both of them had become more powerful, and others too.

'Cao Long is now in the 3rd Bone Forging Realm… and Yang Gang is close to reaching the 1st Bone Forging Realm,' he pondered, evaluating everyone in the area. Mo Gu and others also gathered around, discussing the competition.