
Chapter 7. First step to be an Adventurer

The door to the other hall opened once again with another person coming out injured. Its time for the Knight's turn. As soon as he went inside the hall, the door immediately closed itself. The hall darkens, the knight have to switch into night vision mode to see what's inside but not long after that, an arrow was shot toward him aiming at the chest. He immediately catch the arrow before it touch him. 

*Claps* ... *Claps*... *Claps*..... *Claps* ....."Impressive. Many people either choose to shield it or dodge or in rare cases, deflecting the arrow with their weapons." A voice sounded from the middle off the hall.

Torches were lit immediately after he spoke revealing a blue Lizardman wearing Half Leather-Half steel plate armor holding an axe. The knight already seen his appearance with its night vision before the hall was lit with torches on the wall.

"But catching it with bare hands? You sparks an interest. Surrounding awareness is a necessary skill for those who wants to be an adventurer. Those without the necessary skills are already considered as disqualified. However... I've never met someone who caught the arrow by hand''.

The Lizardman readied himself in Battle stance and then rushed toward the knight. "show me what you got!"

The Lizardman slashed down his axe to the knight but the knight quickly reacted by dodging sideways making the Lizardman's attack hit the ground instead.

*Boom* *Rumbles* The ground exploded and the cracks extands in a lrage area. ''Not Bad kiddo!" The Lizardman didn't stop when his attack hit the ground.He twirled around with his body and tried to make another attack with his axe toward the knight.The knight also kept doging however soon he was caught up to the corner.

"You're done for!''The Lizardman launched his attack toward the cornored Knight again but this time his axe was shrouded in red.

Having no other choises,the knight choose to catch the axe with both of his hands.Although the explosive axe attack was caught by the knight's hand,it still made a powerful shockwave.Electric Sparks Appears around the knight's hand and the axe.

[Left Hand damaged by 36.7%]

[Right Hand damaged by 29.3%]

After the knight struggled for 20 more seconds,the lizardman finally backed away. ''You've passed.'' and then he threw a silver token toward the knight. The knight caught the token and scanned it and looked at the lizardman.

"Show that to the receptionist.They'll give you a class certification.'' The lizatdman then turned away and went back to the centre of the hall. "You may leave now.The test is over.''

The door of the hall opened once again and the knight didn't dwell around much and left immediately.The lizardman just silently watched the knight leaving the hall.After a while one of the guild staff approached him.

''Found someone who's worthy?''

''Yes,I even wished to fight him longer''

''Then keep an eye on that knight.He'll become a great asset to the guild.''


The mysterious guild staff didn't talk longer and left the hall.



The knight went to the guild receptionist and gave her a silver token.

''Very impressive.It's rare for someone to get a silver token at the start of the adventurer registeration.''.

After a few second examining the token ''This token's emblem represent that you've passed the necessary requirements for all the physical classes.''

''Which classes would you like to fill in?'' asked selena while keeping her amazed expression hidden.

The knight thought for a while before filling out the paper again.

''Swordman and a Brawler eh? Very well'' Selena then went to the other room with the paper.After a while she came back with a black iron card.

"This is your adventurer card.It can be used to indentify yourself in any other guilds in other cities and continents.Do not lose it.It is very expensive to recover it.'' Selena then handed the card to the knight.

''There are multiple card varients.Black iron represents F or E rank,Bronze represents D rank,Silver represents C rank,Gold Represents B rank and Blue Diamond represents A rank. Although there are also Purple Crystal Card representing S Rank but there are only 11 people with S rank and its already been 10years since the last S Rank adventurer appeared.''

After cleaning up the reception table,Slenea then pointed at the direction where the multiple boards filled with Request Papers.''These are Commissions Requested by people who need help of the adventurers.''

''You can take their request and if succeed,you can get 90% of the reward which are above 10 silver coins given by the commissioner.

The 10% will be taken guild for posting up the request.''

''For now your rank is just F rank since you just registered.So i recommend you to take item gathering requests such as herbs and medicinal fruits.''

''Have a nice Journey Sir Renoir.'' Slenea then bowed and continue to work with paperworks on her desk.

The knight took several herb collections requests and went out to gather those herbs.As he has archive files system,he can easily differentiate different between herbs and weeds.It took only 1hour to gather 35 herbs for 3 herb collection(10,15,10) requests gaining him 32 silver coins and upgrading his rank to E rank.

''Congratulation for reaching E Rank.You may now be able to take subjugation quests.But I suggest you go to Odin's Blacksmith to prepare yourself with better equipments and Magic store for Spacial Bags.'' Slenena then took out 30 silver coins.

''These are rewards for upgrading your rank.The higher the rank,the better the rank.''

The knight took the coins and went to the Odin's Blacksmith suggested by the receptionist Selena.

A after walking for roughly 1.3km he reached to the building.There's a lot of different kinds of armors and weapons hanging on the wall inside the building.

"You want to buy or something?Don't just stand there!'' A loud voice came from the building.''Come in Idiot!''

The knight walked into the building.There's a short person with white beard and hairs wearing a regular blacksmith uniform.

"What do you want? repair your armor? there's a lot of cracks.Although I can fix it with less cost since its a good quality armor.'' The dwarf said while staring at the armor the knight wearing.

"I can fix the armor for 3 gold coins.''

However the knight only have 63 silver coins.After showing his coin pounch,the dearf pondered for a while and said ''Well then here's a deal,I can fix your armor and only after you pay back in full,I'll hand over the armor to you and no.There's no extra fees I,Odin,am not like other scumbags.''

after a while the dwarf said ''Of course I will give you a cheap but good quality armor as a temporary replacement.It only cost 50 silver.What do you say?''

The knight pondered for a while before nodding.

''That's a yes?Then alright I'll bring you the other armor.'' The dwarf went inside the other room and then came out with the armor he talker about.

''You can use the small room with red curtain to change yourself.'' The dwarf said pointing at the direction of the changung room.

The Knight went inside and took off his armor.he can see the white snake is still warpping around his chest body.He then wore the new armor the dwarf gave.

After a while the knight came out of the changing room.Unlike the previous white elegant armor,this armor is made of black iron.A white cloth is warpped around the neck and half of the upper chest and shoulders.A bit stylish you can say.

''Mmm... not bad it looks good on you'' The dwarf lazily complimented.

The knight then handed over the 50 silver coins and his broken white armor to the dwarf.

''It will take around 3-4 days to repair this armor,you'll be able to earn the money before i finished repairing.''

After staring at the armor for a while,the dwarf murmured himself.'' What a fine piece of armor..It's my lucky day to touch a fine piece of art like this.''

He glanced at the knight again.Seeing that he's still here,he yelled at him ''What are you doing here? Don't just stand here!Go do quests to earn money and come back when you have enough!!''

The knight then went outside of the Building.The dwarf's still staring at his armor for a while before taking it to the forge room.

After paying 50 silvers he is now left with 13 silvers.However on his way to the magic shop he is stopped by the familiar face.


[Lizardman Archive file updated]

[Dwarf Archive file updated]

[Blue Lizardman(name:????):Blue Lizardman wearing half leather-half steel armor and holding a medium sized silver axe.His attack are very violent and explosive.He can also Enchant his axe making a red outline on his axe increasing the power even further.

He seem the be the B rank adventurer working as an examiner that Selena talked about.

Not much are still known.Waiting to be recorded more.

Threat level:★★★★


[Dwarf Odin:A short dwarf who is in profession of blacksmith opens a store 1.3Km away from the adventurer guild.People says he's more experienced in blacksmith more than others. He has a strange interest to the outer armor RT101 wore. His motive are unknown but doesn't seem to have any malicious intention.

It can be said that Odin has a strange obsession toward armor and weapons forgery as a dwarf.

Threat level:★★


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